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Posts posted by dee-luded


    Totally agree SWYL.

    Actually know someone with inside knowledge of  this investigation and the only reason it didn't go further was the victim not wanting it to.

    Her refusing to provide a signed statement stopped this in it's tracks.

    & we still do not know the preceedings to it all... 


    RIP former Demon Ken Osborne, MFC player 1966-69.

    Condolences to his family and friends.

    god, what's happening...  acquaintances are dropping like ten pins. 


    vale` Ken Osborne.


    Bikies say hello...

    Oh hang on...

    and all that starts somewhere in young kids heads...  dusty that I'm aware has NOT gone down that road of crime & violence, other than make one or two mistakes as he comes out of the tunnel of aggression.


    anyone who has been sent thru that tunnel of hate & aggression who gets to the other end without blemish is unnatural.  he looks a good character to me who occasionally slips back verbally.


    Probably the most ignorant thing I've EVER read on Demonland.

    Martin is now the victim and was feeling intimated. FMD.


    geez you are so simple stuie... he's not the vivtim of this initial encounter with this woman, (although he may well be the victim of public retribution from this encounter?),  but he is the victim of his inner-demons,  those taught/handed down to him from his old environment as he grew as a lad..  the fact he has not physically hit anyone, that I've heard of at least, in public, is testament him.


    No, you said there was no evidence, there was evidence, It was just not accepted, when the woman refused to sign a statement for the police. Wonder why that happened? By the way, the woman works for channel 7, do you know which sport they are involved with. Dusty has some interesting family and friends too.

    a lot of assumption in there red, unless you have heard the unofficial statements.


    no one resorts to the stand over threats without feeling intimidated themselves, in some fashion.  I have seen nothing in any of the vision I've witnessed in 'martin', even in U-18's,  to feel he is a violent person likely to explode.   I see the persona of a little intimidated kid inside him trying hard to exist in an adult world, using the tools taught him as he grew within a bubble of abuse... he seems to me a young fella struggling thru a myriad of bad lessons learnt,  which are now his auto default,  in defensive moments.


    he is the victim of his upbringing,  'x'  with some genes inherited...  he is struggling with how to be a man, whilst trying hard not to get belittled...  defaults to old ways learnt, but verbally.


    what this woman did,  is unknown at this time, to me...  there is always 2 to tango.


    I don't think either offer us much. Dawes can't hold his grabs and struggles to get to the contest and/or best position and Pedo can hold his grabs but is lazy and doesn't have a lot of game sense.

    The sooner Weideman & Hulett are playing the better.

    pedro is will in the ruck giving a chopout.  he's more honest.


    Hi Bossdog people think I am negative I think I tell it as I see it and for almost a decade we have had a crap list that was not capable of competing at AFL level. The results bare this out.

    I have constantly complaint about this and a number of the individuals involved.

    At the start of 2016 we have a much improved list the majority of the VFL level talents have gone.

    While we are in no danger of winning the flag for some time I believe our list can win 10 games this year and Essendrug will be one of those wins. 

    people are right OD but we love you for it.  viva la difference mate.


    a good dose of truth never goes missed. we all need it.

  8. 12 minutes ago, Baghdad Bob said:

    Why raise tanking again Red?  Every time you complain the wound just gets opened. 

    I think we tanked, you don't. But by raising it you just remind me we did.  

    We all know what happened. Help the club and move on. 

    lets hear you say it bbob, that many clubs had tanked/list managed,  well before we tried our hand at it.


    let hear you say it so we know you can?

  9. 2 hours ago, SaberFang said:

    Man filmed abusing woman at match. Receives life ban from AFL matches. Rightly disgraced in every corner of the media and by Gil "I Want Everyone To Love Me" McLachlan, who holds a press conference reiterating the AFL's stance of domestic violence by men against women.

    Dustin Martin threatens to stab a woman to death with chopsticks while (fill in the blanks) after a music festival in the off-season. Entire incident swept under the rug for months until nobody cares, then quietly give Dustin absolutely no penalty.

    21st Century AFL.

    let stop the bullsh,  & make it about 'abuse to all people',  instead of just violence against women...   then we will catch many female instigators as well as male instigators;   much trouble is caused by both sexes playing emotional games with one another...  many men being caught in the flywebs.

  10. 5 hours ago, Bitter but optimistic said:

    "However, as with every other member of the community, Dustin was entitled to the presumption of innocence until this very serious allegation was fully investigated." (Quoted from post 4 above)

    Some of Demonland's sanctimonious bodice rippers might do well to remember the above.

    this is true, Bbo... I feel sure he likely said it,  be what we aren't privy to is her part of the ordeal...  Martin is a victim of his own early life,  & this can cause him to overreact.   he isn't alone in being reactionary.   Unfortunately sometimes the words used when feeling intimidated & then react aggressively, even if only verbally, can lead one into deep shyte, & thru the media... 

    Many women will use all they can to hurt with a non physical brand of violence/abuse...  i have been on the end of womens abuse too often, & the retaliator comes off the worse for wear.



  11. On 12/1/2016 at 5:54 AM, Dees2014 said:

    The stance taken by Paul Marsh, head of the players association, on the Essendon verdict, dramatically illustrates why this organisation is about as dysfunctional as Essendon itself. The Association is supposed to look after the interests of ALL AFL players, yet it has consistently pursed through the the last three years the interests of the Essendon 34 instead of championing the health of the AFL's entire playing group. 

    I can think of no more important industrial relations issue than ensuring all employees have a safe work environment, yet in spite of Essendon's being condemned by WorkSafe and indeed being heavily fined for it, and CAS condemning it as being unsafe over a two year period, the AFLPA chooses to condemn these judgements and takes no stance about workplace safety in general, or the disgrace of the EFC's behaviour.

    Further, shouldn't one of the primary roles of the organisation dedicated to the welfare of the players be to ensure that the AFL fields a fair competition. Instead Marsh has said nothing about a doped up Essendon in 2012/2013 creating an UNFAiIR playing field, thereby substantially affecting the welfare of the players from the other 17 clubs. 

    Nothing could illustrate more dramatically how out of touch the AFLPA is when yesterday Marsh called for the AFL to abandon its support for the WADA code. The implications of this action would be the AFL players would have no internationally sanctioned protection and enforcement of safe work places, and would have to rely on the imperfect and dysfunctional rules of the AFL, in much the same way as the American NFL do who operate outside WADA rules. This is not altogether unrelated to the fact that there are scandal, after scandal after scandal in the NFL,  usually related to unrestricted drug use. It should not be something the AFL should aspire to. 

    It is about time the AFL players of integrity stood up to Marsh's regime. What was it about "what happens when good men do nothing........."? Scandals like Essendon occur that's what, with catastrophic results, not least for the players.

    IMO its high time the players became responsible for their actions.  no more cop-outs for poor social behaviors, if they're done for taking Cocaine or Ice, lets see them thru the courts.

    enough is enough.

  12. 4 hours ago, Whispering_Jack said:

    The two highest polling and untainted players deserve to be the fairest and best. Not awarding the Brownlow means giving in to the culture introduced into the game by the machinations of the Danks of this world - something we shouldn't allow to happen. Cotchin and Mitchell deserve to share the medal.

    the Danks of this world exist, & there is a place for them.  Normally tho,  these people in that area of supplements & medicines don't get a foot in the door of footy clubs; & they shouldn't, under a sound moral code of fairness in sports.


    Its not Danks fault all this mess... that he supplied supplements that he had been hired to do.  the real villains here are the in-house footy people trying to get silent advantage over other clubs Via cheating with supplements not yet sanctioned for use in sport ...  to blame Dank for being invited & then hired on the books of clubs, is just looking for a scapegoat.   When its the former players & officials knowingly going down a cheating pathway,  that brought all this onto that club & others.

    • Like 1
  13. 2 hours ago, monoccular said:

    Is he suggesting that he actually kept records down at Kardinia Park?

    Can we have an interpreter here please?  

    an 84 yr old getting married yet again,  after fathering a child recently,  to some spy who shagged he..... & now he's getting about again.

    ......  his supplement supplier is working O/T :ph34r:



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  14. 32 minutes ago, Emerald said:

    With the amount of money at stake within the AFL and its clubs,you can be sure greed and corruption are rife.Essendon is just the tip of the iceberg.If you hooked up Gil and Demetriou to a polygraph and started asking questions,you would have the plot for the next Underbelly series.

    ....  chuck in emporor,  'rupert',,,  & all will be reveled in good time.. gerry hall says 'hi yall'

  15. 31 minutes ago, dieter said:

    The staggering thing about the Essendon saga is that the AFl wants us to believe what happened at Essendon was confined to Essendon. What we know for sure is that Mr Danks had previous associations with AFl clubs, and I am led to believe that the ex Geelong Coach, Bomber Thompson, not only used Danks' services at Geelong, but also brought him over to Essendon.

    I am not implying Danks and Geelong and Thompson did anything untoward at Geelong, I am implying, however, that Mr Danks did not invent the wheel.

    All in all, the AFL has been very keen to not only bury its head in the sand, but very keen to promulgate a culture that encourages this ostrich-like behaviour in the media, hence encouraging fans of AFL to believe the unbelievable,I.E. that there are no drug cheats in the AFL.

    Well, speaking about icebergs, it's also unbelievable that what has now been confirmed as a solid drug culture in the Ben Cousins days at West Coast was isolated to West Coast.

    It's about time the AFl came clean and stopped this dangerous notion that what happened at Essendon was/is confined to Essendon.

    # its about time that every AFL listed player,  & also all payed officials have their hair samples taken, tested & stored for future tests,,, on a monthly basis.

    This will keep the footy code clean, from the top down. 

    • Like 1
  16. 11 hours ago, beelzebub said:

    Let's the lawsuits commence !!!

    well the decisions down & finally the dust will settle & this competition can lick its wounds.

    ....that club was dragged down thru the sewer,  by a handful of individuals who thought they knew what the right thing to do was to get an UP on the competition.

    those individuals are the real guilty, & to a lesser extent the players in step with that direction.    directions are set within the offices off field.

    you were right Blzb,  & I am glad its worked out this way,,,  with trust being able to be felt once again in the competition's integrity,   Via this pain dealt out.

    • Like 1
  17. 18 hours ago, Earl Hood said:

    I am in shock, talk about one from left field! He releases a new album three days ago on his 69th birthday and next this? I went to the Bowie exposition at ACMI in October and it was only then that I fully realised the depth and breadth of his work. I loved his music video Lets dance  circa 1983 shot in OZ. 

    One of the modern greats! RIP 

    Me too Earl....  I've been enjoying his works more & more in recent decades as they last the test of time.   I feel sort of empty with this news, unprepared for it.

    yes, a true great of the rock'n'roll culture.....


    vale`  David Jones, aka David ziggy Bowie

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  18. On 12/01/2016 at 2:16 PM, nutbean said:


    Answer me... has there been one liberal politician over the last 20 years you have liked ?

    yes plenty.  john howard I grew to like. Malcolm Fraser I grew to love as he matured.  Malcolm Turnbull, until he starts to apply the party line.  'eg'; the NBN Co shemozzle he's caused...  Truss,  Morrison, but he unfortunately  'asp' 'ires'  for the head job first,  rather than wanting to be of service to the people.  Frydenberg is likable,  Hunt I have progressively lost respect for,  as he's just another party puppet who wants to lead.  Corman is keeping his nose clean, meaning I don't trust him from past experience. 


    ..... it's not as much the 'players', as the 'party machine stamping out cloned business mode heads', on-top of what were once 'decent people' bodies.

    There aren't many  'I look up' to,  since maybe mid 80's,  when the libs were pushed off centre right, further right out.


    back in the day we had many to like, like Don Chipp. 


    in short its the Lib party's views I abhor.

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