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Posts posted by dee-luded

  1. 13 hours ago, praha said:

    I've taught myself to go in to a season calmly. I'm not excited but I'm looking forward to it, if that makes sense.   I've been let down way too much since 2010 and so it's easier to expect is to be mid-range then to set a higher bar for the club.

    huhh, I've beeen doing this since the mid 90's..... & before 1983.


    # hope had been  'all but'  extinguished by the time the 1975 season arrived

    • Like 1
  2. 21 hours ago, Earl Hood said:

    Nutbean I can handle your thoughts on Kennett despite my hatred for his policies, yes they were what he thought was right at the time, misguidedly I believe. But Costello really? The local parliamentary clown for how many years, with no ticker to take on Howard when he needed to be moved on in his last term and the treasurer who squandered most of the mining boom income with tax cuts to the rich! 

    The treasurer who then left us all with a financial time bomb, his policy of zero tax for all superannuates over 60, a growing sector of wealthier citizens who will never have to pay their way. 

    And this after lecturing us all on the inter generational Report and the dire economic problems we all faced with an ageing population. I mean the man is not just a clown but a fool who should never have been let near our national accounts. 

    But then they let him take control of the future fund, another one of his follies. What is it but a multi billion dollar slush fund from the sale of Telecom and other assets that is used to invest in various stock markets and has been losing money slowly over its lifetime. It invests in nothing of any use to anybody except the multitude of financial intermediaries who take their cut.

     Other than that he is a top bloke. 






    just an ess'n'dope  polly... & blue tie liberal

  3. On 7/1/2016 at 9:12 AM, nutbean said:

    You picked two pollies that I actually had time for.

    I was a big Costello fan.

    Whilst I disagreed with many of Kennett's policies I admired him for not giving a rat's on what was popular or not  - he did what he thought was right. His actions said to me that he was not poll driven like so many of the late crop.

    do you 'mean', that you like autocrats & dictatorial types.  I think you love wrecka, nut.

    wrecka should have been put in charge of 'pells' defence.  they both don't believe anyone but themselves.  so the case would go nowhere,  but in ever diminishing circles .... round & round he goes, where he stops,  god only knows.

  4. On 8/1/2016 at 0:55 PM, Elusive Tunbridge said:


    Cogent arguments for and against.  I like the idea of women's curtain raisers; I've been impressed by the games I've seen and would go early to matches to see them, but I go to enough matches already and I wouldn't make a special trip, although I would watch them on TV.

    It seems the obvious way to build a following, even if a stand-alone league might be established later.

    I'm in...  always been a little partial to a good curtain raise,  the womens will do fine.



  5. 4 hours ago, beelzebub said:

    Some may think I'm knifing the lad. No such thing. I'm concerned. 

    He needs to present properly and play to ability. He'll...that's what he's paid to do.

    hear you tone, blzb...

    we all should start to expect more from our players,  rather than playing out fantasy videos of them across the bedroom wall,  showing how they could play,  rather than how the ARE playing?.

    • Like 2
  6. 5 hours ago, beelzebub said:

    Though Pickering States the bleeding obvious....it is the fact of the matter. Deride the messenger all you like. Fawn over the P kid all you like. Reality is he f'd up . Something to learn from. Very unprofessional.  Very un what the club provided. 

    Some here have already presented him a golden..ne .. Platinum card.

    Kid hasn't turned a trick for us yet. He has NO credits in bank.

     Needs to pull socks up and pay respect to his trainers and coaches. 

    I'll probably be alone in this. Don't give a fig.

    hmmn, well written 'blzb', I think...  so after all this, can anywon tell me, izzy on trac, or off?

  7. 22 hours ago, monoccular said:

    Looking forward to seeing him out there in the R&B sometime maybe mid to late 2016, if he has done enough at Casey and if the coaching panel / match committee feel he is good and ready (and I can't see why he might not be).  Looks a tough bugger.

    It may be hard for the team to adapt though to a second tall forward whose remit is not to "bring the ball to ground" :-(

    yes  hope any players who fail to go at their turn get free holiday to Casey...  we have the talent now to covert most.  now lets find the 'team' & the 'hard' once again.


    oh, & if I hadn't said before...  you put your left foot in,  your left foot out,  your left foot in,  & then shake it all about...  its time to get some of these skilled deliverers to hop in.

    # I hope we don't make the sdame mistake to the Weird-man,  the has taken wattsd before him.

  8. 3 hours ago, Dr John Dee said:

    A year since Charlie and some fool has attempted an attack on a Paris police station, apparently to coincide with the anniversary. This one looks, though, more in line with Marx's dictum that history occurs twice, the first time as tragedy, the second as farce.

    As Charlie said late last year, in true Situationist style: 'They have weapons. F--- them. We have champagne!'


    dr JD... I just wonder if this guy wanted to be martyrized without killing anyone else...  if so,  then his will to not maim/kill others,  if he was under pressure from others to act ?

  9. 50 minutes ago, 3Dee said:

    "Team building is when you smother the footy. Team building's when you win the contested footy. Team building is when you put your body on the line running back for the ball, you get flattened but you kick the goal.

    That's real team building, because you can trust one another " - 3Dee (paraphrased Mike Babcock)

    yes, yes, yes...

    Commitment to the team/teammates is shown when the player self sacrifices his welfare, over & above his own fears;  for the good of team.


    .... any  'fear of failure',   must overcome fear of getting crunched.

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, P-man said:

    Having rewatched the games against Richmond and Rd18 against the Pies, I've concluded that this bloke requires a bit more love, including from me. He was a mixture of tenacity, skill and composure on both occasions.

    Sure, he might wear the "mental scars of the past" a little more visibly than others, but his effort can rarely be questioned. He is now a resolute and versatile defender who I have little doubt several other clubs would've been sniffing around before he put pen to paper.

    Seeing him slump to the ground on the verge of tears after a home and away win says everything about the journey he has been on, and what this club means to him.

    Here's to a great 2016 for a bloke who deserves success as much as anyone.

    ... as I haven't had any chance to watch games last season, I didn't get to see that, or hear of it.  Its refreshing to see the emotions of the players, whether win lose or draw.

    thanks for this info p-man


    by the way do you go fishing?  or snorkeling?

  11. 10 minutes ago, Colin B. Flaubert said:

    I have to say I'm disappointed that none of the usual suspects (Biffen, Daisy, BBO) have bothered to post this video yet. This thread is crying out for it.

    .... well,costello always had more talent,  abbot more,,,  courage/conservatism?      but both were thrown out on there ears more times than we can count.

    & do your duty, &  'ave one for your country...

  12. 5 hours ago, Petraccattack said:



    Hopefully none of them get  a late debut as it will likely mean we are in finals contention

    hopefully the days of us rushing our kids development, are past 

    if we get into finals contention,  then these kids can just prove themselves,  & then hope to hell... :cool:

  13. On 01/01/2016 at 10:05 AM, A Bit Of Biff said:

    I think F1 should be open to both 2 car and single car entrants. Single car if you don't have the finances but you can still make it if you have a good design team. Also it should be open to as many teams that can put a car on the grid and qualifying becomes just that, the top 20 or so cars get to start the race. If a top team has car troubles they may miss out on the race.

    The other thing I would like to see are some of the restrictions removed to allow innovation, this used to be used by car companies as an advantage in their manufacturing and sales. One I would like to see is engine size and configuration, instead of specifying the engine and recovery system it would be better to specify the amount of fuel you can use for the race and qualifying and allow the engineers to come up with the best and most economical power unit. This type of technology can then be feed back to the car companies, in turn they can become more involved again.

    the problem with the 2 car teams strategy,  is the strategies...


    it brings all sorts of tactics from the pits literally.    riding shotgun for team mate, holding up traffic.  whilst team-mate makes a break.  

    I want to see drivers drive to win,  & not to aid their favourite compatriot.


     I like your thoughts on the petrol restrictions & to allow design to be creative,   but within a $pend cap on development.

  14. 5 hours ago, Elwood 3184 said:
    I was looking recently at the list of newcomers the club has taken on board for the coming season and noted that Melbourne has nine players (including two rookies) who have yet to play any games of AFL:- 
    Liam Hulett, Jayden Hunt, Max King, Mitch King, Clayton Oliver, Christian Petracca, Joel Smith (r), Josh Wagner and Sam Weideman 
    In addition Tomas Bugg, Ben Kennedy and Jake Melksham have AFL experience but not with the Demons.
    There's no race involved here but I've always considered that Petracca would be the first of the list players to break through for a debut AFL game but, based on reports I've heard and read from training, it wouldn't surprise if Clayton Oliver gave him a run for his money.
    Anyone else feel the same?

    Hellooo Elwood !

    I reckon since we play the 'GWS G I ants',   first up @ the 'g'... maybe Bugg,,, along with Petracca come into the team...?   I don't think we can afford too much inexperience at this stage as we move to climb the ladder in a strong way this season.  


    Ladder results are now more important at this stage of the clubs rise,   after 2 heavy years of rebuild.

    but of course training form is the key.


  15. 10 hours ago, Amoeba said:

    Well put. Thank you for your response!

    Again, my primary contention is that bans aren't a good idea even for vitriolic attacks that I've seen (and which you've linked to, though there may be some truly vicious ones I have missed). It's my belief that an unfortunate aspect of celebrity is the hate/harassment they will get both in public and on the internet, and footballers, being in the public eye, will know this and be able to accept this. 

    The anonymity of the internet allows people to say things they wouldn't dare say in real life and that's the nature of the internet. You could curb the negativity through bans, yes, but I think this is forcing people to think a certain way which detracts from the individuality of a forum (which is the point of having one in the first place IMO). At the moment while some are negative the overall attitude towards JW is such that I don't believe action needs to be taken.

    I agree with you completely though that the posts you have linked to are not normal discussion, and I feel sad that people feel the need to belittle/make fun of a player who has served our club for a number of years now. I just don't think it's ban-worthy.

    you are very wrong there Ameoba... very wrong, on this account.


     i don't care who a person thinks threy are,  If they get a blast,  they know it personally,  whether it be BTaylor, watts, rex hunt, michael gardiner, fraser gherig, who ever... 


    don't you worry about that now.... ;)

  16. On 01/01/2016 at 3:56 PM, Amoeba said:

    I pretty much just lurk here but I just wanted to say that I heavily disagree with this sentiment (and JW is probably my favourite player too). Fact is, this is an internet forum where people have their own opinions and everything and it's inevitable that some of this creeps into postings - every player cops it, albeit some much more than most. Banning someone for having negative opinions of a player is bad because it reduces the amount of independent thought posted on this site. Yeah people could be definitely be nicer with their comments, but you know, everyone's entitled to free speech and you're entitled to disapprove if you disagree with their comments. But banning someone for being harsh towards a player is a bit much to me.

    I also don't think his post was really abuse; I read it just as being tired of the continual expectations of Jack. But yeah, maybe I read it wrongly!

    the post was actually sarcasm, born heavily from both relief, & the  'not another watts'  conversation...   relief is from our recruiting players we can look forward to leading us out of the dark,  & 'the frustration'  of seeing watts up high on the forum board again.


     the bordom snoring angle was intentional, to show my feelings of relief of not being reliant on players of his ilk,   & of being bored by more watts talk....  you see I don't have any feeling of excitement from him to this point,   but a lot of disappointment from his career thus far,, , mainly from the lack of hard effort.  

  17. 2 hours ago, Deecisive said:

    Jack will get a bit of interest being out of contract, sides have seen how well he can play in a junk team. So if they are prepared to take Howe and others they will be falling over themselves to see what they can do with a jack watts once he is in a quality team. We need to be that quality team that gets the best out of jack.


    I've said before, jw needs to be out of Melbourne city,  & ideally should go to the Suns under Eade.   IMO,  Eade will straighten out a kid like watts,  & being away from mah will surely help.

    the watts candle is burning down before it's shone brightly,  he's in the twilight of his time with us,  needs to warm up before the night time snuffing occurs.



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