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Posts posted by dee-luded

  1. 2 hours ago, Baghdad Bob said:

    I'd ban you for this negative crapp and the continual abuse and bullying of Watts. And it's nothing personal against you.

    It just fascinates and disappoints me that MFC supporters can't get behind him and feel the need to continually belittle and denigrate him. It's mean spirited and totally contrary to being a supporter. 

    Reality is probably that he's neither as bad as many make out or as good as some suggest. But he's got personal characteristics that leave many here for dead and he diserves so much better than what this forum regularly dishes up. 

    Fact is he is on our list. He will get a game if the coaches think he deserves one. He may flourish in a better team or he may lose his place. I don't know what will happen but I hope he succeeds.

    but what I do know is this site should have the balls to put an end to the continual abuse and bullying of this player. Everybody's had their say, let's see what happens. 

    well bbob,  this indifference to our supporters is the very reason you should NEVER be anywhere near our off field clubs activities...  you would further distance the club & supporters,  taking the club to the brink,  instead of listening, hearing, & growing.


    I certainly hope you haven't had a hand in our past, as I think you show an arrogance with others that would only hurt a sporting club,  & if it spread thru the clubs playing group, could add to the club becoming what it is now trying to clear out.


  2. 6 hours ago, Biffen said:

    Jones has been carrying the same bucket around for years.

    I'm hoping they were focusing more on running through sand.

    I hope it toughens up, or sorts out, those who give up just a bit too easy..

    ....... we need to know the weak links.   melbourne has a weakness of getting dirty, & doing the dirty stuff when needed.   'too choirboy',,,, this needs to cut off & shipped out.

    The workload & hunger for,,,  will grow,  once the neat & tidy choir boy types have left the building,  & we can develop a real hard & hungry culture at the club...  Jones is our top of the line, as the tough hard worker.


    we don't need those who make excuses,  for not doing this or that, onfield.


    # edit the hard running is taught/done at the other camps & at the QLD camp...  this was about the mental side of things, which they just don't want to do.



  3. http://www.theguardian.com/profile/margaret-storey


    Margaret Storey

    Margaret Storey is an Associate Professor of History at DePaul University in Chicago and a parent advocate for children with medical complexity and disability. She lives in Evanston, Illinois with her husband and daughter, who has Aicardi Syndrome. She is currently a Public Voices Faculty Fellow with the OpEd Project. Follow her on Twitter: @MargaretStorey3


    Medical marijuana could save my daughter's life

    Medical marijuana dispensary in Los Angeles

    A medical marijuana dispensary in Los Angeles displays various types of marijuana available to patients. Photograph: David Mcnew/Getty Images

    My 10-year-old daughter has big blue eyes and is a serious fan of the Chicago Blackhawks.   She loves music,  fairy tales,  and driving under city streetlights at night.   She also cannot walk, talk or feed herself,  thanks to the uncontrolled seizures that have resisted all attempts at treatment since she was three months old. Every day, she is at risk of SUDEP, or Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy.

    Just in the last year,  something truly promising has appeared on the horizon for her and other children with severe and debilitating seizure disorders:  a unique strain of marijuana that has been found to dramatically reduce life-threatening symptoms that often include hundreds of violent seizures a day.   But because of irrationally rigid state and federal laws,  it is currently only available in Colorado,  where it is grown.

    This needs to change.

    read more > http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/jan/25/medical-marijuana-could-save-my-child

  4. 3 hours ago, Six6Six said:

    Three of them are in white caps, the one that looks like he is made of alabaster is CO.


    sorry S6S, your right there are many white caps,  so I see the one i'm talking about is COliver... now can you tell me the taller one, skinny kid, please?


    oliver looks as I would expect in close shot,  but smaller than expected other side of pack, when with the ball... I hope that makes him slippery around packs. ;)

  5. 8 hours ago, Emerald said:

    The venue must have been like a minefield after an entire footy team took a dump with a shovel.

    I hope there was No toilet paper..  just sayin.   sort em out.  bare hand diggin' & all that.


    I'd get them training up country with the night carters.  flat hats & all.

  6. On 24/12/2015 at 1:08 PM, Emerald said:

    "We want you to feel bad,we want you to feel negative and then we want you to embrace that negativity."

    Brett Stephens.


    I think we have already mastered that one over the last 10 years.


    we may have;;;   they're talking about the players,  to be able to reach the depths of deespair, & pick themselves up & get going again.

    ..... our boys, over the decades have ducked for cover when things got heavy,  ending up with a quiet nonchalant,  'who cares, wheres the party',  defensive self-protectionist attitude.... time and again this has taken grasp of our club.


    • Like 4
  7. 7 hours ago, jnrmac said:

    Let it go, Jurrah was a disaster. We could have had Rockliff......

    we've tended to go for the 'flashy' over hard & tough workers at the dees, or have done in the past.

    lets hope better footy judges will prevail for our futures sakes, & our supporters well-beings.

    • Like 2
  8. 14 hours ago, TRIGON said:

    WJ if you're heading to Trinidad & Tobago then 'do yourself a favour' and go visit:

    serious horticultural question. since I'm almost in the estuary here. salt tolerant is required.


    wow, what sort of trees are those Trigon,  do you know,  growing right down there in salt water?

  9. 5 minutes ago, Jara said:

    Great to see that distinguished climate scientist Lord Monkton getting a guernsey.


    the list is actually a bit short on Aussie climate scientists - some dude from the IPA (and we all know what their agenda is) Bill Kininmoth, who is a retired meteorologist.


    bit surprising to me is their rather unscientific certainty that they are right (for example, stating that Sandy was not caused by human factors)  Any decent scientist would say something like "on the evidence available, it is unlikely that...."  Not unlike Black Saturday  - you can't be sure that it was caused by global warming, but equally you can't be sure that it was not  


    my basic stance: we need to do something. If the deniers are right, we will at least have reduced the amount of pollution in the atmosphere. If they are wrong, and we do nothing, our children will face a catastrophe





    brings all sorts of questions now then doesn't it, Re Insurance claims... what was once an 'act of god'; now may be caused by 'an act of adulterated man'.

  10. 5 hours ago, Georgiou R.R. Martin said:

    Sounds good. I thought our preseason could do with a bit of this kind of stuff to mix it up a bit.

    the more Roosy & the other coaches find out about their weaknesses & strengths, the better... weed 'em out one by one. the way to go.


    I feel cleansed.

    • Like 4
  11. 10 hours ago, chook fowler said:

    Woewodin is doing a solid apprenticeship and may get a crack at senior coaching eventually. For some reason can't see Green or Bruce making it beyond assistants - probably because I didn't rate their on field leadership.

    I wouldn't let any player from between 98 - 2014 anywhere near a Mfc whiteboard.

    .......  just keep them on the outside of the fence for demons sake.



  12. 15 hours ago, pineapple dee said:

    Don't forget people. If your at Christmas dinner and you've got chicken, it's permissible to use your hands. If you have crabs, it's also allowable, if slightly more difficult.


    15 hours ago, H_T said:

    Irritatingly difficult I'd imagine.

    Absolutely it's off season....Jurrah to crabs...

    dreamtime stuff.

    thats when a good monkey comes in handy.


  13. 13 hours ago, AllMyTeamsAreWank said:

    That's really unfortunate. I think most airlines can be pretty awful when it comes to customer service. It's just the luck of the draw in my opinion. I flew with them in 2011 from Vietnam and it was a pretty pleasant flight. The plane was old, but surprisingly more comfy than the newer models. 

    .....  at least they should be safe flying through the South China Sea area ?   as long as they can keep the wings on the plane :cool:


    I guess you weren't planning on any snorkeling around the Spratly Island group on the way,  AMTAW



  14. 2 hours ago, bjDee said:

    Just dropped in after about 17 pages of absence. Looks to me like a shiPload of electrons have been sent flying around the Internet and made absolutely no impact on their targets. 

    Back in another 17 pages or so.

    probably about as many electrons as there are bubbles in beer,  don't know about the target,  he's the only one with the power over his electrons,  & so far they're as flat as pizza on a plate.

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