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Posts posted by dee-luded

  1. 12 hours ago, Petraccattack said:


    Centreline -   George Pell  -  Adolf Hitler - james Hird


    democracy & free speech is the friend of the people.


    the secrecy  =  political correctness  =  see neo evil, hear no evil, speak of no evil,  =  non reporting of really bad doings,  & when good people stay quiet.   the dark side has its way.  imo.



  2. 24 minutes ago, picket fence said:

    Quad insertion tendon tear?? Given the riding into the ground with knees bent I wouldn't put this out of the question. If it is this ah he will be missing for a while!

    I also would question that you would wait for Julian Feller if thats who they are waiting for. Many other emminent specialists around such as Prof Richard De Steiger, Dirk Van Bavel, Cameron Norsworthy, all very very highly regarded!

    what about PCL ?

  3. 13 minutes ago, willmoy said:

    If everyone goes around doing tackles like that all the time, there will not be anyone left to play. So I think it should be looked at by the AFL Umpires at least.

    Or do we wait for the farcical situation of Ablett having two cartilage operations courtesy of Waite's weight.


    I think if you leave the ground prior to the act of tackling or bumping,  there may already be a rule re interpretation to sort this ?


    leaving the ground to bump,  or to me to tackle,  is not doing the right thing,  unless the target is still above you:  ie:  someone too big,  or already in the air themselves.


    Surely jumping onto another player intent on bringing them down,  is infringing in some way..    the player tackling in my mind,  should start off with they're feet (both) on the ground,  even if they're being dragged & just they're toes are touching the ground.


    # no slinging into turf head first,  no driving into turf from behind,  no jumping onto them buckling their legs....


    # just latching onto them & drag them down,  or spin them if you can standing up,  but not chicken-winged into the ground.


  4. 2 minutes ago, Petraccattack said:



    George Pell is vile scum.    Just like his good mate Rissdale.    its too bad there isnt a hell for them to burn in.


    don't be too sure Petraccattack,,   it may not be exactly as in that book,  but there is every chance there is a selector in the heavens...  & just maybe many will make the squad for best 22...  & others may just get demoted to rookie lists... 


    others yet,  may get deelisted & sent to one of those blackholes ?  to be blended back into dark matter?

  5. 1 hour ago, Redlegs said:

    I would hate to be the one telling Big Max he wasn't playing.  He would pick me up and eat me.  He needs to play, as do the rest of them.  Injuries are a risk that just has to be coped with.  If the boys can manage another two wins before R1 they will start the season with a lot of confidence and they need that.

    .... well,,,,   yep.   reckon I can understand that,  for sure !



  6. 48 minutes ago, dieter said:

    The deluded, privileged  clown wants us to believe that he was deaf to certain things which were talked about in the 70's and 80's, in direct contradiction to witnesses to the contrary. What is most scary is his assertion today that talk of Risdale rooting boys was not of interest to him.

    It kind of lines up with the so-called reformist Pope Francis who is quoted today as re-affirming that bishops sought to be exempt from reporting sexual abuse by priests to the police.

    A swell bunch, protecting a totally Ku Klux and Cargo Cult fanaticism called Roman Catholicism.



    thats right,  i think,  in frustration?   he impulsively spouted out that quote of  'not caring',   which is likely a bit of bravado, & some truth as well ? 

    so I don't think he's psycho,  but I really wonder if its real narcissism.  imo,  narcissists care a little,  but not enough to sway them to do right by the masses,  but rather treat themselves 1st 2nd & 3rd before others.

    ......  imo they're aspirations come before anything at all.

    There seems a parallel in his testimony,  which gives me this impression anyway.


    #  bishops seeking to be exempt from reporting sexual abuse sounds like politics from amongst differing sides of the cardinals & bishops ???

    ..... sounds to me like the old guard rearing up against the new guard,  Pope Francis  doesn't give me the impression at least,  that he is truly for the old ways such as non-reporting of sexual abuse?  He reaches out to the people,  & seems to want to be the Nurturer of the Vatican...   this seems in contrast to what the bishops want?  I would think that Pell would want to retreat back unto the shadows of secrecy &  manipula-tory  tactics. 

    .....  treating his flock as mushrooms.


    I don't believe Pope Francis is like that, at least not to this point?

  7. 4 hours ago, Bombay Airconditioning said:

    Wanted to keep this seperate from the Rd 1 thread as that already has enough discussion points.

    Was interested in how people though our bench might look come round 1. Not who's on it but the breakdown, I think we can only go 1 of 2 ways.

    4 mids/flankers

    or 1 utility & 3 mids/flankers

    I've read some people's teams that have 

    1 tall fwd, 1 tall def & 2 mids

    Not sure that could work. 

    4 teams that I will be looking at will be the Hawks who have lost The Rough for half the year and have done so well through the number of players they have that can play fwd-back flank or rotate through the midfield, the Bulldogs who's gameplan relies on quick ball movement and continual run from their players. Port who I've tipped to win the flag (picked them a few months ago and am sticking with it regardless of Saturday's result, the only team with the ability to beat the Hawks twice last year) and Collingwood who now have a midfield that includes Pendles/Swan/Steele/Treloar/Varcoe/Greenwood/Aish/Crisp.



    to me,  1 tallish utility,  &  3 mid-sized runners,  ( 1 defensive mid, 1 winger, 1 small forward/mid )


    this,,,,, person?  cardinal,,,,,   has no business being allowed to be in church employ,  he sounds to me as if he's a serious narcissist?   who seems as if he is so out of touch with peoples feelings & therefore their needs.


    if so, its no wonder so much damage has been caused on his watch?


  9. 1 hour ago, Demons rising said:

    Agreed with Webber Always hard to interpret layman <Mahoney> comments on blood vessel damage .

    may well be some swelling ? Bleed ? Other pathology 

    sometimes early post injury scan may need repeating when swelling or bleeding settle .

    m r I sometimes can under or over diagnose pathology 


    21 minutes ago, Deez said:

    I think your on the money. 

    the young Bartram comes to memory,,,,  so the wait for that feller is well worth it...  if its a meniscal tear,  he can go in immediately to have a closer look,  & any clean,  if need be.

    Better to taker the time with knees,  especially at this time of preseason.


    another one comes to mind way back, Paul Obrien.  should have had his knee checked at halftime, but didn't worry about it.  ruptured after half time.  I've always felt he tweaked it in 2nd Qtr.


  10. 3 hours ago, Gorgoroth said:

    Awaiting a specialist who is overseas to look at the scans.

    believe it's better to wait a couple of days and get the best to diagnose it opposed to another giving their diagnoses sooner. 

    also gives time for swelling to subside,  so any scans can be clearer?

    2 hours ago, garyh007 said:

    Sad that he doesn't own a laptop to see scans whist o/s

    he would need to see the patient to inspect the leg at the same time,  to form a complete assessment.

  11. 3 hours ago, Curry & Beer said:

    There are various people employed to work at the ground, you know. I'm sure $8 won't hurt you too badly.

    Then let the people pay for drinks & food at the ground,  & only a $5 entry fee with kids free ;   & get back 5 raffle tickets complimentary,  with 50 reasonable prizes,  suitable for kids &/or parents, to be won ?


    ......  this is the way to make a Cragieburn practice game beneficial to footy punters.

  12. 18 hours ago, DeeSpencer said:

    I'm watching the replay of the 3rd quarter. 

    The standout feature so far has been smart footy outside of the packs. Not always clean and perfect, but when we've got the ball players are running to space and moving the ball on, when we don't have the ball players are finding opponents and reading the play ahead of time to cover off each other. 

    It's no longer mad chooks running around after the player with the ball. Play A will move up to pressure, player B will notice this and go cover the next player in the chain and so on and so on.

    Sounds simple, but it's a huge change from what we've been lacking and it comes about from having a group buy in to chase and pressure not just individuals. More overall speed certainly doesn't hurt either!

    I think as well,  now we have more in-unders that win ball,  we can have players like Vince outside, from the Wing or H/B delivering the ball cleanly. also Tyson can play the role gysberts was spoken of,  that 2nd touch option off Viney/Oliver then reading directing the flow to runners outside.

    ..... we have quite a few options now with size at grasstop level in the packs, & distributors are coming on.   Its now those wingers/flankers that need to polish up their act.


    17 hours ago, bing181 said:

    Not what Misson is saying (re fitness).

    Re his spot, I'd wait and see. Going on last year's form, perhaps, but it would appear that he had ongoing injury issues that couldn't have helped. He was good enough to play in a premiership, and at 29 still has a bit of mileage left, so if he can get back to something close to "in form", he would have a place. Let's remember also that the alternative is probably one of Wagner, White, Hunt or Terlich.

    agreed bing... 

    there is a danger in giving games to easily to kids when senior players are available...  of course talent & form must count,  but senior players have to have priority,  at this point,  to push the kids harder,  further,  to get games,  so lifting the bar on them.   lifting the standards further.


    17 hours ago, thevil1 said:

    They pointed it out on TV with one of boak's goals, Salem let him get goal side at the stoppage far too easily. You could tell he realized his mistake straight away, I'm sure he'll learn from it. I thought his ball use was great but noticed poor positioning a couple of times. Overall he played really well IMO and will only get better at the defensive stuff I'm sure.  

    maybe he & us,  are expecting a lot out of Salem,  at this point?  he may be putting to much pressure on himself trying to force his form rather than allowing it to come & relaxing into the

    season as he would perhaps normally have done?


    ... many players have come unstuck trying to force good form to come, instead of focusing & playing within themselves.

    7 hours ago, dazzledavey36 said:

    And it obviously annoys you because the reality is that his body is just about shot? 

    Don't see how thats not hard to understand..

    I watched the whole game and Pedersen is so far in front of Dawes its not funny. Not only was he good up forward when he gave Gawn a chop out i actually couldn't believe he was leaping over Lobbe and winning some ruck contests.

    and younger than Dawesy as well.  & fitter, 

    & plays taller.

    5 hours ago, beelzebub said:

    it just IS unfortunately.    I think Chris would need  Bradbury's luck to get a game in the seniors this year. But he might.

    I rate Dawes in terms of his 'footy nouse'   . His marking does let him down.  

    I think other players will pass him by.  Thats footy

    I imagine 2017 will be the year for Frost.  his big arrival. 

    I think he missed most of last year so to me this has held him back,  & he needs this 2016 to regain fitness & form, & confidence,  after a serious toe issue.

  13. http://www.canberratimes.com.au/national/cardinal-george-pell-uninterested-in-ridsdale-sex-claims-royal-commission-hears-20160229-gn6vyi.html

    Cardinal George Pell uninterested in Ridsdale sex claims, Royal Commission hears

    March 1 2016 - 10:41AM  Rachel Browne     Rachel Browne


    Complaints about a paedophile priest were "common knowledge" in the Catholic community and among two senior clergy members but Cardinal George Pell did not have  "much interest"  in them,  he told a royal commission.

    In his second day of questioning about what he knew of sexual offending by priests when he was in Victoria,  Cardinal Pell's  admission drew an audible gasp from those listening to his testimony.


    Giving his evidence via video-link from Rome,  Australia's most senior Catholic agreed that some people knew there had been complaints about Gerald Ridsdale in the 1970s,  a former priest now serving a prison sentence for multiple child sex offences.


     The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse heard a police investigation into Ridsdale found his alleged offending at Victorian parishes was  "common knowledge"  among the Catholic congregation.


    Cardinal Pell has repeatedly denied knowledge of Ridsdale's offending in the 1970s.

     "I didn't know whether it was common knowledge or whether it wasn't,"  he said.   "It's a sad story and it wasn't of much interest to me."


    When asked by counsel assisting the royal commission  Gail Furness SC  why Ridsdale's case was not of interest he replied:  "The suffering, of course, was real and I very much regret that but I had no reason to turn my mind to the extent of the evil that Ridsdale had perpetrated."


    The commission heard the then Bishop of Ballarat  Ronald Mulkearns  was aware of allegations against Ridsdale,  as was another senior member of the diocese,  in the 1970s.   Cardinal Pell said it was a  "gross deception"  that they did not inform him of the claims in his then role as a  consulter  to the Diocese of Ballarat.



  14. 17 hours ago, Deez said:

    Yes I do feel I would like a scan, however, the club medics will have a certain amount of equipment to assess the injury. They may have their own ultrasound equipment or something like that which could provide information. Yes in the past the club has had some issues with injuries - whether theyre mis-management issues is probably only known by the club - we can make assumptions. This is a new batch of medics since those days, they are professionals, they work with Paul Roos,  Im sure he and they know what they need to do. If he needs a scan he will get one. 

    I don't think,  a comment saying 'it doesn't require a scan',  says that,  a precautionary scan won't be carried out.

    I think the statement is meant to convey there is little to worry about.  & Not,  that any requirements,  will not be done.


    I always thought some sort of scan would be done as he was on crutches,  just as a checkup.

    • Like 1
  15. Just now, dee-eee said:

    Thanks buddy ,  i'm a bit chuffed you remembered my little rant from last year . After that second-half performance against The Power , everything's sweet .

    I was searching back the the general topics looking for something,  I came across yours & noticed the date...


    happy birthday,  & maybe just maybe its the starting off of our journey on the climb.  here's hoping, confidently.

  16. 2 hours ago, jnrmac said:

    Give him time and let him focus on his game.

    The last time we had a young captain(s) it didn't work out too well you might recall.

    Jones has been an exemplary captain and will retain it without question.

    exactly.  Jones is the current captain & should stay so for a while yet.    we have too many kids to have a youthful captain,  at this time.

    • Like 3
  17. 1 hour ago, La Dee-vina Comedia said:

    Well, for a start, you follow Melbourne...


     Actually for the most part anyway,  I would say he's been following the mcc fuscia's in the timeframe of Gorgoroths probable age,  he's not likely to have been following 'Checkers Demons',  as that culture ended when Smithy was sacked. by the mcc.



  18. 11 hours ago, Deespicable said:

    Ok, hopefully the title got you reading, but here's my 50 cents worth as to why we should ditch our policy of playing our best available side this week and rest up Gawn, Hoges and Salem.

    I think last week Roosy stated how he would be playing his best side each week of the NAB Challenge because he felt we needed the confidence that comes from being competitive.

    But the Port game just changed that. We now know we are going to be competitive this season, it's just a matter of whether we have most of our star players available each week and are committed on the day/night and our coaches aren't out-thought etc.

    The three listed above for a rest are, IMO, the three most important to our line-up for Rd 1.

    Gawn, as we saw on Sat, is clearly now among the best six ruckman in the league - Goldy, Nic Nat, Sandi, Jacobs and Mummy are the others - and realistically, he now should monster any ruckman he's up against - the exception being when he's up against the Fab Five big boys at NM, WC, Freo, Adelaide and GWS.

    He's mega fit (it's almost like watching Mottram run against the Kenyans in the sprints at the moment) and he's now had two practice matches - one internal against Spencer. So what point is there to take another risk in a game that is not for premiership points against a ruckman like Minson and Campbell, both of whom will try and negate him and potentially hurt him. A rest will help stop the hype about him (at least for a week) and he can still play our last practice match against St Kilda and be perfect for a shot against Mummy in Rd 1. A rest will also allow Spencer (assuming his foot's right) or King (to get a development run). Spencer dominated the Dogs in our MCG win last year and needs a good hit out against a ruckman (Minson) who is more his standard. And our midfield needs to get used to occasionally not winning the tap - it will happen a bit against Mummy, no matter how well Gawny goes against him.

    We all know without Hoges we don't have a key forward - although Pedo did well against Port. So why again would we risk him. We need to beat St Kilda because it's our last practice match and this week we are heading to Craigieburn where the surface is never going to be as good as an AFL venue. If we beat the Dogs and he gets injured in the process, are we going to say great, we beat the Dogs. There is now just no need for us to pick our best side and this is the last chance we get to rest anybody. It also gives Weed a chance to play - even though he clearly is a while off being ready to dominate at this level. 

    The final player I want rested this week is Salem. He copped a couple of knocks late in the game against Port and he's our key man down back because he can split a defence apart with his kicking - just like Hodgey does at Hawthorn. His absence will allow Wagner, who was a revelation when he got on in the second half against Port, to have a real go. He may even play on Stringer, if our heirarchy wants to test him out to see where he's at. He's got the pace to go with him and he spoils well, we may as well find out if he's ready to play Rd 1 or whether he's someone who will need a handful of VFL games before being promoted.

    Sure you can make a case for T-Mac being rested too, but he may as well get used to being under seige after the unusual situation of not having to do much in the second half against Port.

    Viney can also be eased back a bit this week - sharing time with Nat Jones and Vince, assuming they're back. We also need to give Neal-Bullen a rare go in the middle after his omission last week.

    I guess my overall point of contention is that we got a glimpse of where we are at against Port. We now are one of the quickest sides in the comp - just two years ago we were clearly the slowest - and as a result we can play a forward press that has a chance of working. So just like Hawthorn and the otehr top sides, we can afford to play the safety before Round 1 game properly and save our stars and test out our fringe players and in the Weed's case, our future.

    The following week against St Kilda, we go back to our best side and we attempt to make sure the Saints know that they no longer have the  wood on us. Another week off and then the real stuff begins.






    disagree Deespicable.  we need momentum so the other players in not so form can adapt more easily... we aren't at a position in our abilities to win almost at will,  to be able to do what you suggest.

    11 hours ago, Ted Fidge said:

    Let's play our best team, no experiments, and try to WIN WIN WIN as much as possible.


    These boys need the sensation of WINNING.

    totally TF.  they need that blooding that comes from the thrill of the kill.


    11 hours ago, Sir Why You Little said:


    don't flirt with form

    you can, but we aren't in the position to have that luxury.


    20 minutes ago, Fat Tony said:

    The opening post is on the money. It is a long season and as much as you want to be at optimal performance for round 1, the other rounds are all also worth 4 points.

    we have to learn to take chances, to dare to win, not curl our tails under & hide from whatever.  we have to dare to win to learn how to as a club...


    this is part of the conservatives approach,,,  that keeps us safe,   but down the bottom as wine drinking cellar dwellers.


    we MUST dare to WIN.  dare to take calculated chances.  dare to play footy & play hard.  if we cop an injury then deal with it its footy,  if we get a suspension cope,  its footy & its contact game.


    We've got to lose this cotton wool approach,  that keeps the Fuscia's alive in this red/blue jumper,  instead of being Demons !



    • Like 1
  19. 7 minutes ago, nutbean said:

    You are showing your age.

    Having a tattoo/tattoo's is the equivalent of having your ears pierced now. I draw zero inference from a person having a tattoo.

    the inference is about the silent unwritten ways of overly straight ways of our past.  whereby most would be too concerned about stepping out of line in the squeaky clean sterile surrounds within the past clubs ways.

    those choirboy ways.


    its about having the freedom of expression & feeling free to be oneself.  goes to happiness & security around the club as a whole. this inturn removes anxiety, opens their minds to learning more easily, & so forth.


    a healthy way to grow & learn from the coaches,  with an open mind & clearer thinking.


  20. 8 hours ago, FireInTheBelly said:

    I see what you mean but not 100% sure I agree. I reckon you can still be tough without the 'tough stickers'.

    I think Jeremy Howe has a few doesn't he? Each to their own.

    agree FITB...  I haven't a single ink on me.

    But it is fantastic to see us break away from the squeaky clean choirboy appearance of the past decade plus. 

    It also sets a standard where some self expression is allowed or even encouraged,  letting players be individuals within the group & have confidence in that expression,  which inturn allows creativity to flow more naturally.  

    & this can then transfer into more cohesion thru happiness within the team.  & so into output & focus onfield in games. 

    Players being free to be themselves around the club & out in their lives,   instead of some subliminal fear of non acceptance via going outside the non stated rules of so called etiquette within our clubs hierarchy.

  21. 23 hours ago, Wiseblood said:

    That's not how we roll here at Demonland though Bob.  There are 'doctor's' littered all over this site who'll be able to determine what's happened without scans or actually being there.  Let them have their fun!

    thats it, that is what forums & particularly footy forums are all about. conjecture perceptions & chat. it all adds up to interest in AFL footy.

    22 hours ago, Burnsy said:

    I see the boys are both in water threrapy  already,  but who are those physio therapists?

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