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Posts posted by dee-luded

  1. On 4/3/2016 at 0:42 PM, dieter said:

    I felt pretty sad for you when I read the above: it must have been tough to get through every day. I also admire that you've been able to articulate it. Hope things are okay for you now. 


    thanks dieter for your kindness & concern... it is appreciated...

    I answered before,  but didn't thank you for you sentiments.


    I like to put this personal information forward,  to let others know that people are in disrepair in their lives,  due directly to others abusing them,  via bullying them at school,  or in the streets. 

    Some parents encourage their kids either directly with a proverbial back-slap;  or indirectly,  via a care less in-ferment.


    Disciplining the kids,  by telling them & showing disappointment in them for being nasty,  helps to form the kids limits & therefore,  they're moral compass....  as long as the kids have respect & love for the parent.

    .... if they don't respect & love the parent, they may be aggressive at others to spite the parent ?


    Some parents will not criticise their children, at all.  a train wreck to come,  just down the road, IMO

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, willmoy said:

    Two really interesting articles and thanks to those who put them in for the benefit of us. I too have a personal interest in these events.

    With Pell, having watched the RC somewhat continuously,  it's almost like, if it's not the terminology that was used on the day, he has a license to deny it being true.

    Take for example the word "Paedophelia"  alternatively in those days was used "predisposition to homosexual activity against children"

    this is the RC excuse they use via their chosen ignorance.  a suitable to them excuse for not reporting any sexual abuse & rape of kids. 


    ....  the fact the churches cannot be prosecuted only aids them to make silence their accomplice in crime.  it is time that they can be prosecuted & also sued in courts of our laws. 


    & get rid of this stupid:  "see no evil,  hear no evil,  report no evil",,,    this is the biggest tool they have in the priests & others arse-nal. 


    its time they shared Jail cells with big angry men. 



  3. 5 hours ago, Satyriconhome said:

    Correct, as for the ridiculous comment earlier about incorrectly adding bulk to his frame, it is carefully monitored to ensure it doesn't impact on aerobic capacity  

    maybe he's body's not yet used to the extra load with more weight & firm grounds,  (El Nino).  his calves are taking a lot of pounding on the firm surfaces. 

  4. 11 hours ago, McQueen said:


    pinchy o'pinchy  Kelly,   behind again.

    2 hours ago, Earl Hood said:

    One of the greatest goal kicking psychopaths we have ever seen! 

    Yes indeed & we need to get back to the days where players played on one another & ran off them when opportunity presented. 

    Guarding thin air,  is the worst blight on this game I've ever seen.

  5. 4 hours ago, Mr. White said:

    I'm not liking this Hogan "non injury" one little bit. 

    May be just general soreness having his way.

    Hoges may have done a lot more running this pre season as expected,  & is feeling it in the calves.   from all the pounding.   that should ease off,  as we get into season games

  6. Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/comment/pells-answers-made-his-lack-of-empathy-for-abuse-victims-apparent-20160303-gn9q4r.html#ixzz41z27dGke
    Follow us: @smh on Twitter | sydneymorningherald on Facebook

    Pell's answers made his lack of empathy for abuse victims apparent

    Jacqueline Maley

    Jacqueline Maley

    Cardinal George Pell was punctilious in his responses.   Occasionally his irritation surfaced,  the response of a man who doesn't answer to earthly authorities given he has a direct line to God.
    "The thing that amazed,  even after all these years,  was his lack of affect,  his inability to show tenderness to the victims of rape,  beatings and other,  more imaginative forms of torture by priests"  like, say,  the stabbing of a live bird with a screwdriver in front of the children who are your defenceless charges.
    Illustration: Glen Le Lievre
    Illustration: Glen Le Lievre

    The alleged bird-stabber was Peter Searson, a Melbourne priest who was almost certainly a psychopath as well as a paedophile. 


    Asked about the bird incident, Pell told the royal commission:   "I don't know whether the bird was already dead but at some stage I certainly was informed of this bizarre happening."

    Counsel assisting the royal commission Gail Furness, SC,  spoke for anyone who has ever possessed an ounce of empathy and/or a beating human heart when she replied,  incredulous: "Does it matter whether the bird was dead?"


    Complaints about Searson were legion.    He pulled a gun on students.    He held a knife to a victim's chest and threatened to plunge it into her.     And of course,  he sexually abused kids,  although they didn't call it that then.


    Those were different times,   "people had different attitudes then",   as Pell reminded us.


    That was one of his defences.   But the problem was each of the cardinal's defences was logically incompatible with the others.

    "I don't think I was obliged to do anything more,"  he said when questioned about his anaemic response to a delegation who came to him with complaints about Searson.


    Which was funny,  because in earlier evidence,  Pell presented himself as a sort of crusader,  a superman in swirling priestly skirts,  a young Turk who  "was known to be capable of being outspoken".


    That was the reason why his superiors and peers had hidden from him the rampant paedophilic activities of priests in his orbit.   They were afraid Pell would make trouble.



  7. http://www.news.com.au/national/courts-law/sydney-priest-slams-cardinal-george-pell-in-damning-radio-interview/news-story/fa959ca7f4ac341e65540ef91299bfb6

    Sydney priest slams Cardinal George Pell in damning radio interview

    A SYDNEY priest of 30 years has slammed Cardinal George Pell’s “appalling” performance while facing the royal commission in to child sex abuse in a damning radio interview.


    Father Michael Kelly, a well-known Jesuit priest, took to the ABC airwaves to say what he really thought about the Australian cardinal who he has known for more than 30 years.


    “He’s one of the best developed narcissists I’ve ever met in my life,”  he told interviewer Wendy Harmer.


    “He’s astonishing at the way in which he can deploy his insensitivity;  he seems just impervious to human experience.”  


    The Catholic priest,  who conceded at one point he was sacked by Pell,  was very critical of Pell’s four days on the stand at the commission,  where he gave evidence and was interrogated over his knowledge of systemic sex abuse within the church.  But Father Kelly said he wasn’t surprised.

    “I think I share the dismay and disgust of a great many people,  Catholic and others,  with the Cardinal’s display,  and the interesting thing about it of course is it’s just made plain to the world who he is and what he’s like.   This is something of international reach,  but I must say I’m not surprised,”  he said.

    “He’s a bully.  He’s just a bully.  He gets exactly what he wants by standing over people,  and as one priest in Melbourne said to me recently,  he has lived by the sword,  he’s going to die by the sword.”


    Father Kelly said he agreed with the suggestion of the senior counsel assisting the commission,  Gail Furness,  that much of Pell’s testimony around his lack of knowledge of abuse and paedophilia within the church was “implausible”.


    “He can feign a collapsed memory he can say what he likes,” he said.

    “This sort of stuff has been talked about among the clergy throughout the country …  it was clearly well known and much discussed in clerical circles,  and if he didn’t hear it,  he must have had plugs in his ears.”

    Though he was very critical of the cardinal’s performance on the stand,  Father Kelly said he did see positives in the events in Rome of the past few days.

    “(The Vatican) can’t avoid it.   The bottom line is,  George Pell is global news.  He’s a big man and he’s a big bully and he’s got a lot of people off side all around the place.  This particular appalling sequence of interviews and discussions with the royal commission is global news,”  he said.


    The priest also used his airtime to praise Australian survivors of sex abuse at the hands of Catholic priests who had travelled to Rome to witness Pell’s testimony and meet with the Vatican’s third-in-charge.

    “I think they’ve conducted themselves very responsibly.  The question I’d ask is what’s the point in talking to Pell,” he said.

    Parent of abuse victims, Anthony Foster, talks to the press after abuse survivors met Cardinal George Pell. Picture: David Mirzoeff/i-Images

    Parent of abuse victims,  Anthony Foster,  talks to the press after abuse survivors met Cardinal George Pell. Picture: David Mirzoeff/i-ImagesSource:News Corp Australia



    One parent of victims is Anthony Foster,  whose daughters were abused by a Catholic priest,  leading to having killed herself and the other being seriously disabled.  He said he was not satisfied with the meeting.

    “We got somewhere.  I think there’ll be some pretty damning findings about what George Pell did,  but there’s still a long way to go.   George Pell was the auxiliary bishop in our area,  looking after the priests who did that to my girls,”   he said.


    read more > http://www.news.com.au/national/courts-law/sydney-priest-slams-cardinal-george-pell-in-damning-radio-interview/news-story/fa959ca7f4ac341e65540ef91299bfb6


  8. http://www.news.com.au/national/courts-law/sydney-priest-slams-cardinal-george-pell-in-damning-radio-interview/news-story/fa959ca7f4ac341e65540ef91299bfb6

    Sydney priest slams Cardinal George Pell in damning radio interview

    A SYDNEY priest of 30 years has slammed Cardinal George Pell’s “appalling” performance while facing the royal commission in to child sex abuse in a damning radio interview.


    Father Michael Kelly, a well-known Jesuit priest, took to the ABC airwaves to say what he really thought about the Australian cardinal who he has known for more than 30 years.


    “He’s one of the best developed narcissists I’ve ever met in my life,”  he told interviewer Wendy Harmer.


    “He’s astonishing at the way in which he can deploy his insensitivity;  he seems just impervious to human experience.”  


    The Catholic priest,  who conceded at one point he was sacked by Pell,  was very critical of Pell’s four days on the stand at the commission,  where he gave evidence and was interrogated over his knowledge of systemic sex abuse within the church.  But Father Kelly said he wasn’t surprised.

    “I think I share the dismay and disgust of a great many people,  Catholic and others,  with the Cardinal’s display,  and the interesting thing about it of course is it’s just made plain to the world who he is and what he’s like.   This is something of international reach,  but I must say I’m not surprised,”  he said.

    “He’s a bully.  He’s just a bully.  He gets exactly what he wants by standing over people,  and as one priest in Melbourne said to me recently,  he has lived by the sword,  he’s going to die by the sword.”


    Father Kelly said he agreed with the suggestion of the senior counsel assisting the commission,  Gail Furness,  that much of Pell’s testimony around his lack of knowledge of abuse and paedophilia within the church was “implausible”.


    “He can feign a collapsed memory he can say what he likes,” he said.

    “This sort of stuff has been talked about among the clergy throughout the country …  it was clearly well known and much discussed in clerical circles,  and if he didn’t hear it,  he must have had plugs in his ears.”

    Though he was very critical of the cardinal’s performance on the stand,  Father Kelly said he did see positives in the events in Rome of the past few days.

    “(The Vatican) can’t avoid it.   The bottom line is,  George Pell is global news.  He’s a big man and he’s a big bully and he’s got a lot of people off side all around the place.  This particular appalling sequence of interviews and discussions with the royal commission is global news,”  he said.


    The priest also used his airtime to praise Australian survivors of sex abuse at the hands of Catholic priests who had travelled to Rome to witness Pell’s testimony and meet with the Vatican’s third-in-charge.

    “I think they’ve conducted themselves very responsibly.  The question I’d ask is what’s the point in talking to Pell,” he said.

    Parent of abuse victims, Anthony Foster, talks to the press after abuse survivors met Cardinal George Pell. Picture: David Mirzoeff/i-Images

    Parent of abuse victims,  Anthony Foster,  talks to the press after abuse survivors met Cardinal George Pell. Picture: David Mirzoeff/i-ImagesSource:News Corp Australia



    One parent of victims is Anthony Foster,  whose daughters were abused by a Catholic priest,  leading to having killed herself and the other being seriously disabled.  He said he was not satisfied with the meeting.

    “We got somewhere.  I think there’ll be some pretty damning findings about what George Pell did,  but there’s still a long way to go.   George Pell was the auxiliary bishop in our area,  looking after the priests who did that to my girls,”   he said.


    read more > http://www.news.com.au/national/courts-law/sydney-priest-slams-cardinal-george-pell-in-damning-radio-interview/news-story/fa959ca7f4ac341e65540ef91299bfb6


    • Like 1
  9. 12 minutes ago, Baghdad Bob said:

    Gawd,you'll be calling in Superman next!


    this is why you do not understand,,   were you born with a silver spoon in your mouth, as the saying goes?

    people don't want to work 60 hrs per week,  & so don't want to pay for charges which are put onto them deceptively...   you don't get it,  apparently,  neither does George Pell.   'deception' ?   


    people are screaming out for some straight talking honest people who will tell them the truth,  Good or Bad news,  they want to be able to believe in the words that are spoken AT them.


  10. keeping things  'in house'  is a weakness,  which allows exploitation to occur,  & to continue.   nothing good about silence in the face of exploitation.


    this so called  political correctness  is only about people more concerned with so called  'loss of face'  ???   a false face at that.


    whether it be around religion,  this silence these days has grown into a custom, nee political correctness,  its a cop-out for people too weak to speak their mind.


  11. 2 hours ago, Curry & Beer said:

    anything that requires human labour/use of utilities/physical rented space/raw materials/hardware/equipment  obviously has a cost to produce. Just emailing us a ticket requires some of those things and it therefore has to be covered.

    so how can company's afford to give big discounts to big customers/buyers?

  12. 8 hours ago, Baghdad Bob said:

    Doesn't worry me Nut.  I'd much rather have the convenience of booking and printing at home than having to line up in a queue and get it that way.

    What the hell is a "Handling Charge" anyway?  It's a fee they charge to stay profitable and it's an amount they can charge for providing a service someone wants. Same with the Delivery fee really.  I suppose they have to pay for the hardware and software that provides it.  I hope they stay profitable, I like the convenience.

    We all have a choice.  Always surprises me how people can get so worked up over such minor things.  Life is too short isn't it?

    minor things? 

    .....   its not about a company making a charge.  its about truth & justice.  its about deception.  its about leaving the customer feeling cheated by the hidden add+ons that were not mentioned in the advertising.. 

    In short, the people are feeling cheated in today's  'world of economics'  world.  They're feeling like they are slaves to the economy.


    lets not get it ass about?



  13. 10 hours ago, dieter said:

    I felt pretty sad for you when I read the above: it must have been tough to get through every day. I also admire that you've been able to articulate it. Hope things are okay for you now. 

    it was tougher Pre 19yrs...   bullied at home first,   then it started on the streets by age 7,  by mates aggressive friends/cousins, etc,  then at school around

    class yrs 6 - 10,  then still on the streets until around 18yrs age, 

    At work sometimes,  till I belted the tradesmen back.  I started to fight back,  but I had a LOT of work to do to become functional,  & build any confidence.  I didn't have the confidence to choose clothes,  colours,  even to fill out centrelink forms,  or other documents. even to sign my own name right.


    Driving & driving hard,  was my escape from my anxiety & problems.  practicing/developing my skills,  threshold braking,  deliberately losing control in wet to learn to gather it back again.  cornering etc.   running out of brakes downhill because of drum brake fade...  learnt on cross-ply tyres first,  in ordinary soft sprung cars.

    I already had precise judgement,  for overtaking, etc,,,  however I wouldn't attempt those passes today.  hair raising.


    that was my saving escape.


    I've found now that my social cues are different to others in the community,  so If I'm say 'daydreaming'  whilst I may be looking at a pretty girl, I sometimes get a bad look & weird look from people.


    I don't get the twinges (sex, fantasy)  rarely did.   that was stolen from me,   so I now realise,  that my poor upbringing effected me seriously.  just realising now.  & this has caused many different than the norm communication ways


    people don't ask,  they guess & assume,,   then they convince themselves of some fantasy in their heads,   then start to gossip about those assumption/fantasies,   as if fact,   then these become sort of fact amongst people,   in the absence of any truth.


    ......   explains why I sometimes get funny weird looks,  or misunderstand people socially.  differing behavious...   it becomes very isolating,  like being a foreigner in your own country.  unable to speak the lingo.

    nobody believes you when you try to tell them the truth...  they assume your lying.


  14. 2 minutes ago, beelzebub said:

    what a load of shlt.... you do realise it all part and parcel of the cost of business.   FMD  you d have us  paying for the ability to pay at the supermarket.


    Something cost X..thats all .. you cant turn around and say  its X +  Y ...Y being the actual act of paying for it.


    DO you go to Woolies  scan  your food.. see say  34.75 ...go to pay and see an additional cost for the ability to pay the 34.75 ?  No you dont. Its just a bloody scam by shlt businesses to gouge


    the time of entitlement.  those wonderful  Hockeyism  Liberalist  words,  that are heart felt by business types.  But those same people also feel that all they're tax deductions,  for the wifes car costs,  the kids private education,  &  entertainment, interstate/overseas travel expenses,  and all those lunches, etc etc are all tax writedowns. 


    entitlement,,,,,, what entitlement ????????

  15. On 2/3/2016 at 1:23 PM, monoccular said:

    Saying the jury is still out in Frost is IMO a bit premature.

    The prosecution and the defense haven't even completed their cases.

    The jury may be listening but hasn't retired to consider their verdict yet. 

    He needs a lot more game time to see just where he is best suited, if at all.  IMO it would be great if he could become a tall forward, though Weed and / or Huelett may come into consideration sometime later in the season, depending of course on how the team progresses and if finals are on the cards.  


    I don't think we'll start to see the best of him,  until he gets this season under his belt.

    he personally has a lot of time up his sleeve to get right.

  16. 2 hours ago, nutbean said:

    Whilst he himself may not be guilty of pedophilia, I believe that he and others were aware of what was happening within the church and either opted to do nothing ( it was not a matter of interest to me) or move offenders into other parish's where they could re-offend rather than turn them over to the authorities.

     Pedophilia is an evil -  nothing more, nothing less. In my eyes the only question that needs to be answered is did Pell know what was going on - if he did then he aided and abetted. 


    I think the church thinks homosexuality is an illness,  & I think that they believe that pedophilia is a branch of homosexuality.  so they think they can treat the pedophiles with counseling,  & they can readjust themselves.  Wishful thinking if true IMO.


    & very harmful to the communities the pedophiles live around.


    I think the church is out of touch,  not respecting the sciences enough.


    ..... the other side of the coin Re Pell,  is I think he's very possibly narcissistic;   & is career driven.   so he does everything with the image of the church foremost,  rather than the flock.  he has caused a lot of hurt. 


    his indifference,  'to rooting boys again'  may be  a sign of him being molested when young,  & if so,  thinks little of it.  its possibly normalized in his mind.   & could explain why he's so removed from 'the survivors', of his churches abuses.


          I personally came close to being abused but fortunately for me I spoke up before anything took place.   the cops got one fella in a sting setup after he payed & took photos of a group of us,  at the beach toilets.


    ....  another time was an older cousin trying it on,  kreepy.


    ....  another time,  the facilitator of the careers counseling office in Flinders Lane,  at the back of the St Pauls Cathedral church,  across from the old city square tried to trick me. 




    I was a very naive & mixed up kid,  with a lot of arrested development at that time,  from 'aggression & cruelty' abuse from the age of around 5 Yrs.  Culminating in depression from around 11 - 12 years of age.  this un-diagnosed illness caused further delayed maturing/growth.


    still afflicted today,  I'm discovering.  

    A person like this,  learns a whole set of different expressions & meanings,  & meets a lot of confusion amongst people,  both ways,  who have grown with different interpretations of word meanings,  & of terms & sayings.


  17. 1 hour ago, dieter said:

    Thanks for posting. I appreciate it.




    17 minutes ago, Jara said:

    Pell should be in jail.

    anyone with a polygraph handy ???   that will sort out his memory situation.


    Christpher Skase,  your forgiven mate for only taking printed paper....  & also absconding...  (you didn't take youngsters spirits in a bottle, with your decisions).

  18. 11 minutes ago, dazzledavey36 said:

    Sorry but you clearly have no idea. To abolish any form of practise match is just absurd. With where the game is going players need match practice to tune up before round 1. Intensity levels goes up a notch from in house practice match to Nab challange games. Then the jump to round 1 when the real stuff begins goes through the roof.

    Players are at more risk of getting more soft tissue injuries in round 1 if they haven't had the match fitness base leading up to it.

    Honestly i love the Nab challange because its an opportunity to tune our game plan and get fitness into guys who have had interupted pre seasons. The Brayshaw injury is just a human nature thing thats happens in all physical contact sport. 

    Id rather go into round 1 with full momentum and confidence then lagging behind with no match practice.

    Tony's right,  in an even playing field all players would be whats considered under done.    but the media would scream & it would also allow other sports to fill the papers pages.  its a tangled web we've spun.

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