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Posts posted by dee-luded

  1. 1 hour ago, Crompton's the man said:

    It does remind me of the enquiry into the British National Health system approx 15-20 years ago where on of the main

    conclusions was that the system existed for the convenience and comfort of the medical staff - and guess who didn't get a look in or matter? 


    As someone who has been an outcast in my own family because of my determination that my children would, if possible , never darken the doorstep of a Catholic Church ( could count the exceptions to this rule on two hands but then again we do have five and they do make their own decisions) I would like by way of balance to remind myself and all that the Catholic Church is by no means the only organisation implicated in these matters.


     I can recall seeing a documentary on the Orange People (Eastern sect)  years ago detailing how paedophiles came to gravitate into this  organisation and how its policy of separating children from parents and in particular sending them overseas facilitated the unencumbered fulfillment of paedophile desires.  


     Seems to me that this is a problem associated with organisational structure and while I am no anarchist,  organisations that

    require promulgation of their own philosophy without accountability in order to maintain their public image and reputation is what the problem is all about.( for that read preparedness to embrace lovingly hypocrisy)

     In the case of the catholic church it appears to me that these priests and brothers felt that the children would forget what had happened to them and therefore nothing really mattered.


    A  tragic mistake if that (mistake) is what it was.

    Very sorry for those whose lives are shattered and those who have died.

    For those who endured and live on, may they find greener pastures in their lives.


    spot on i think Ctm.

  2. 3 hours ago, picket fence said:

    I was at Highgate arena today and I watched him very closely.

    I will file a comprehensive player personel report later but I have to say.

    This Bloke is the "Real Deal" 

    On so many levels he is an inspired selection. I say inspired because the Toumpas fiasco of yesteryear, The pressure to pick Darcy Parish, and or one or two others.

    So I'll give you my observations,

    1 He set's himself in the right position for Offence or Defense 

    2 He has uncanny spatial competency! I'll call it the Dr. Who factor! He creates time and appears that he has plenty of time and peripheral vision to assess the right option for disposal which he gives off effortlessly. I have previously called the is the "Greg Williams" effect. I reckon if Greg saw him he would agree coz he's just as tough and Quicker!!!!!!

    3 I saw him dispose of by foot today and he is very precise and clinical.

    4 He has serious "Grunt Factor" got crunched once or twice got up dusted himself of and stared again.

    5 Went for a few "Species" again don't mind a Mid playing tall, infact he was in FF for a period of time

    6 He is taller than I first imagined but with good Musculature in the Thighs which then prepare him for good "Core" strength.

    I hope I'm not getting ahead of myself but Sheeit I reckon he is  Bloody GOLD nugget!

    I'm putting a lazy $50 on him as the 2016 Rising star and I hope to Christmas he doesn't read Demomland and I've' put the mozz on him

    Oh one other thing I agree with Dazzle Man, I don;t read anything into the Chuckin and 70% game time It was friggen Bloody hot out there today!!

    hi Pickets, what do ya reckon would we get $cully for him in a swap?  :rolleyes:

  3. 3 hours ago, Forest Demon said:

    If we want to take the positives from last week, we have to recognise how ordinary we have been today.

    Hopefully VDB hasn't done anything serious, as he is an important player for us.

    Tom McDonald...wow...I don't think I've seen a player with a greater discrepancy between his best and worst. On his day, he looks All Australian, on days like today, he is an absolute liability.

    Could he play Pederson's role down the track a bit?



    1 hour ago, PaulRB said:

    I think both last and this week its taken a half for us to apply (adapt) our new game style to the defensive style of the opposition. At several point the doggie defensive zone had us confused, moving in circles and turning it over. With out Hogan as a get out focal point at CHF we turned it over a lot going just inside 50...

    Hopefully they learn heaps from it.


    Maybe hogan missing is a blessing in disguise,  forcing us out of playing the long bomb  'get out card'  down to Hogan.

    We'll have to learn to think our way up from defence.   Admittedly it sounds like we have been out of form all summer down the back half.

    We've only just got Jones back  &  Bernie,  so we need to have all our main midfielders in next match,  & excuse Hogan again,  so we have no easy options forward.  Just work rate & thinking, working the ball about. 


    • Like 2
  4. 3 hours ago, boydie said:

    Agreed, I like the kid. He has a red hot crack.

    yep, & thats what stood out with him in the U-18's at princes park.  his effort AA for effort.  good leap,  enough pace,  huuungry for the contest & ball.

  5. 1 hour ago, Good Times Grimes said:

    Why do we have to be different for the sake of being different?

    The point I was making is that no sports leagues (that I know of) have any incentives for winning preseason matches, and I hope that AFL stays the same way. 

    I'm all for preseason games happening as I think they're valuable for shaking off the cobwebs and giving new players a look in, but I couldn't give a stuff where the preseason games are played and while wins are enjoyable the results are meaningless, like they should be and should remain.


    who said for the sake of it?   I didn't.   I said we need to do what suits us Australians..our game,  our supporters.  our geography.


    I said earlier the cup is irrelevant.


    if we are to play mutton matches dressed up as lamb, then make it cheap to get in & take it to the people.  that is all.    You may not be thinking of the games wellbeing,  or the country people who don't get to much AFL,  but that doesn't mean others don't think of the bigger picture,  than just the suburbs.


  6. 35 minutes ago, Good Times Grimes said:

    Are there any major sport codes where preseason games count for anything? Nothing I can think of, and I'm familiar with all of the North American sports. No need to make preseason games count for anything, as their purpose is solely for practice and preparation for the season ahead.

    why do you want to follow?  going down the same worn track as the Americans/Europeans only follows the very same mistakes made. Our country is different geographically,  more sparse & larger distances to travel to major cities.


    The thing they (afl) have to count for is taking the game to those who rarely get a chance to attend.   We have to give them opportunities to feel close to the game & to the action. 

    Thats what it can count for..  bringing the game into repute,  with our country peoples.

    Giving them something meaningful to them;  games on they're doorsteps,  even if preseason games.

  7. 10 hours ago, Sir Why You Little said:

    They are PRACTISE GAMES like qualifying in F1

    why do you want 5 weeks of it with a Final at Etihad?

    they are PRACTISE GAMES to tweak the list and test out ideas...

    because its part of preparation for the season,  (if it had integrity played properly)  it would have interest. 

    Especially good for the game,  which has lost its integrity of late,  & it helps bring the game back to the people.   I've been spouting on about regional for some years  &  am happy to see the AFL are following my lead on this. 

    They should do a bit more.  Fill the voids of those who can't get to games,  as they are remote.   

    Rotate regional games each year,  instead of having just the one region ground.eg:  maybe this years Gippsland game at Traralgon, maybe next year at Lakes Entrance. 


    I want a month of regional games... thats the bottom line.  you have to have a final ontop of that.

  8. 2 hours ago, Earl Hood said:

    I believe Uncle Rupert is being married officially to JH at Saint Brides in Fleet Street today their time. The guest list is impressive as far as we know, very secretive of course. I know for sure that Lucifer, Belzebub, Satan and El Diablo are all there in the front row, but not clear who else got an invite at this stage. 


    wot, wrecka didn't git an invite?  wot about that old pro dee?

    one of them could have held his coat tails. surely.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, bing181 said:

    Not sure what's different to what they are doing already re regional and suburban grounds. Which always seem to be packed out.


    what I'm getting at is,  take it back to how the Sunday VFL games were,  a real community feel,  cheap gate prices,  cheap food,  buy your ticket at the gate,  no bookings.  & to have more regional games so people can make the trek up country,  or those from remote country can trek down to they're region center for the game.  the preseason comp should run for a month, with a 5th week for the final at etihad.


    that gives 4 weekends? I think,  for country folk & city folk to enjoy the fine weather & to get away,   & create a great atmosphere for the footy weekend away.   

    We play too many games in the big stadiums.   Leave them for the H&A games.


    preseason time should be to give back to the footy faithful,  right around the state,  Live...  with televised games only replayed hours later.

  10. 9 hours ago, Coup Cooper said:

    What I am loving is Hells Bells by ACDC leading into our theme song.. It is [censored] epic!!

    I'd like to hear Hells Bells Pre Home games,  before the players come out to run thru the banner...   then the theme song after they break thru the banner,  & as they do their run-thru's.

    • Like 1
  11. 10 minutes ago, DeeSpencer said:

    The clubs admit they are practice matches. The League dresses them up and sells them to the media to make some extra cash. No idea why people get frustrated with that?

    I wish they'd let the clubs broadcast them independently but they love the foxtel money so you have to put up with commentators faking interest. Best thing to do is not watch many games. The real stuff isn't that far away.

    I wish the clubs or afl would televise them Only on replay,  either via Club TV,  or on ABCtv.?

    Then have the games at suburban VFL grounds,  or major regional grounds.  it would make for a good weekend away mr walker,  & good for grass roots footy.

    the Final should be played at etihad live.

  12. 9 hours ago, Sir Why You Little said:

    I read that article during the week and couldn't believe that David King missed the point so badly. 

    Roosy came in and started at Ground Zero

    what a mighty job he has done so far. If Goodwin can take over seemlessly and continue the rise then David King can just disappear for all i care

    this 2016 season is so important

    we should have won 10 games last year...

    yes, & also even if people don't like to acknowledge it, rebuilding coaches shoot themselves & they're club in the foot IF they climb the ladder too soon.  before the culture is fixed,  & the amount of talent on the list is sufficient for the club to grow from,  for the future, otherwise it will be swamped in quick order if it climbs-ripens too soon.


    ... so the game plan must be on the defensive side first up,  to get a culture of hard work-hard running defensively correct,  before releasing the reigns slowly, after the good habits are ingrained.


    those who don't know/understand how to repair a sick club,  just state the simplistic & the obvious.  hopefully out of innocent ignorance,   rather than some sort of vindictive mischief.

    • Like 3
  13. On 3/10/2015 at 10:20 PM, P-man said:

    Absolutely incredible game. Shat also over yesterday's snoozefest.

    Well done to JT. Deserves that moment.

    ey P-man...

    can anyone tell me when CH-9 televises NRL games,   live or replayed ?


    Melbourne Storm are playing this Monday night,  & its televised on ' Free to Air',  according to the NRL website,,,,    but I cannot see it listed anywhere on the local TV guides?

  14. On 4 March 2016 at 4:39 PM, old dee said:
    On 3 March 2016 at 9:38 AM, old dee said:

    Confidence jnr.

    you can put it in the bank we will win the first two.

    They can march up and down till they are blue in the face will make no difference to the result.

    I think you are mistaken.

    The MFC team this year will be very different and the EFC team will be vastly different to last year.

    They won last year because Danniher had a one in five year game.

    Won't happen this year.

    Forget the past we are about to create a new future.

    Confidence Buzzy


    On 4 March 2016 at 4:45 PM, Red and Bluebeard said:

    Who are you and what have you done with Old Dee? :lol::)

    the Aliens have abducted him, sadly...  or he's on the MACA.  whichever came first?

    seriously 'OD',  IMO is a very good judge of players & team lists.   I think he now sees our list as one worth being optimistic over.

    I agree as well, as I think most do.   we can naturally see it.. so the big Question remains, why oh why, do we insist on being so optimistic & loyal when we have craap lists.  which then delays any repairs.

    we have people in charge finally,,,   who know footy,  & are seriously fixing this club.  The key now is to keep improving but what worries me is wen Roos & PJ have left the building.

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