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Everything posted by stevethemanjordan

  1. Hopefully the start of many more masterstroke decisions for drafts to come. (God knows we need em')
  2. Like this too. Michie for Byrnes. Perhaps Gawn for Frawley and send Dunn back. Gawn deep in the square rotating with Jamar. Jones to go head to head with Cotchin. Salem to play half forward, JKH pocket with stints on the wing. Michie as sub.
  3. I know plenty of sound mathamaticians, none of whom are accountants. I'm not here to earn respect. This is the last time I'll respond as I don't want to derail the thread anymore than I have. Pederson is a different player and it's silly to compare the two. McKenzie was drafted as a rookie for his ferociousness at the player and ball with little else to his name. Pederson actually possesses some handy attributes although limited as a player and has performed his role well enough over the past couple of weeks Had Clark and Hogan been ready for round one as well as Jamar and Gawn, I doubt Pederson would be getting a game. Just the same as if Cross and Jones were injured, I'm sure McKenzie would come back in.
  4. The fact that our club has averaged so few points against and have looked so much more solid in defence this year whilst Frawley has been forward certainly gives me confidence that if we lose him, it's no big deal.As a man mountain, I'm content with his output as a forward but there's still something about his body language that irks me. Chris Dawes is someone who is absurdly fanatical at the ball and player every time be goes near it. I feel as if Frawley is half in the game and half in his head all too often. Whether or not that's been influenced by being apart of a losing environment is up for debate. I feel as if it would have some influence. But then again, we have players like Jones who plays every game as if it's his last and he has been there longer than Frawley. Personalities, mindset, habits and nature all have a huge effect on the way players develop. I'm of the view that we'd be better off without him. Again for the environment of the club and for the potential quality we could inject into the side again next hear. You've got players like Plowman and Tomlinson from GWS as kpp who would be hungry and would inject excitement and a new dynamic to our list as well as a considerable list of high level mids like Tyson who we could trade for using a Frawley compensation pick. We'd free up more cash to keep players like Hogan and go after some big fish as well. Frawley's importance to the team is overhyped in my eyes... For me, it's about shedding some of the old to build something new. And with te new comes hunger, desire, competitiveness and excitement. Frawley's temperament onfield is that of an old man who has gone through some really tough times and our club needs to move away from that as quickly as it can. I'm hoping for the good of the club that he decides to leave as I think it will open up opportunities that we could look back on in years to come with wide eyes and open mouths.
  5. Correct. Viney into his second year is taking more of the load and offers more. Jones we already know offers more. Cross's decision making and coolness under pressure and his experience is vital and Vince has a beautiful outside game, is a goal kicker and also leads. The fact that we now know Jones can do a run with role as well as win his own ball and contribute really means McKenzie's role as a 'tagger' only is not needed.
  6. It's a footy forum Saty! Haha.What I have said about McKenzie is universally known, and nobody needs to 'work in the industry' to develop an opinion of a player. I'll back my own judgement. I believe I've played enough footy at a high level to have my opinions heard and respected on a football supporters forum.
  7. How did I know you'd respond... I appreciate your reports on players, and that you get a lot of news and insight through speaking to them. What I don't understand is why you feel the need to defend a player the second a poster decides to critique a player. This is a football forum Saty. Not everyone develops emotional bonds with the players and my comment is hardly hanging McKenzie out to dry. I have no doubt he's working on all of those areas in which he lacks. Good for him. My question was directed at posters who were suggesting him to come in and I want to know for who? McKenzie may be a lovely guy Saty, but he is a one trick pony and that's not going to magically change. There was a spot for him in our side when we had the worst midfield in the AFL. But we're on the improve and injecting quality through the midfield now. McKenzie is not quality. But I'd have a beer with him.
  8. McKenzie, just like Magner, Couch and Valenti before him, will always standout at VFL level because their hardness and ball winning ability at that level is high enough to make them standout. AFL is another game, requiring a hell of a lot more than what McKenzie offers the side. People continue to see the number he gets at VFL level and suggest that he comes in... Roos and co wouldn't care less about his numbers. It's about what else he has to offer? And it's not much. Unless a miracle happens and McKenzie suddenly becomes damaging with his disposal, can kick goals, provide an option, mark the ball and make the right decision with ball in hand, he won't be going anywhere. Tyson, Jones, Viney and Cross all offer more as players as contested ball winners. Unless we get injuries or McKenzie develops some other attributes that will contribute to our team, he'll be playing VFL for the rest of the year. I understood the arguments about playing him when there were literally no other options. But now we have options and upgrades. So why are people calling for him to come in? And for who?
  9. We'll continue to have frustrating losses like that one because we neither have the personell nor the trust and belief to win games like that. The Matt Jones misses tell us a lot. An average midfielder who wouldn't be playing in a top 8 sides midfield. Of course they were frustrating, but we're still a way off with our mids. I like what Roos is doing. Consolidate a strong defensive mindset throughout the playing group. Play the players who are mature enough and physically and mentally strong enough to perform a role whilst our less experienced brigade fight it out at Casey and develop some good habits. I know I just called for Byrnes to be dropped, and I do hope he's dropped. I don't think he performed a role last night. Displayed selfishness, couldn't keep his feet and contributed little. However for other average players such as Matt Jones, he offers enough for now, but come next year I hope we have an upgrade to replace those types. I'm sure Roos will know this as recruiting and trading will again be imperative to our sides rise up the ladder. We're not going to improve dramatically with the current crop.
  10. Spot on. Absolutely astounds me how many 'half followers' barrack for Essendon or Collingwood. It's absurd.
  11. Ha, not evil...But this is the level he must now play at week in week out.
  12. Lucky? It's the difference between having a ruckman who can read the ball well, position himself well, and clunk the mark. He's played two games, I'm not bothered that he hasn't taken many contested grabs yet. He provides a hell of a lot more in an aerial contest than Spencer and we all know he can take a contested mark as well as kick a goal. Something Spencer cannot do. As for pressure, I agree Spencer's efforts within a contested situation are admirable for a big man, but this is the AFL and as we've seen with someone like McKenzie, you need to be able to provide more than just being able to tackle and pressure an opponent. Especially if you're a ruckman.. Spencer - has Jamar covered for pressure acts when the ball is in his area and perhaps speed. Jamar - has Spencer covered in every other aspect of the game. Goal kicking. Marking. Ruck work. Footy smarts. Leadership. Direction.
  13. I'm talking about the out on the full deep into the last quarter from the backline... And his questionable football smarts and understanding. You crazy bugger.
  14. I've tried to steer clear from this thread... Because I have my own views on Pederson as a player and I know they would not resonate with everyone from the wider demonland community. But I will say this: Good job over the last two weeks Cam. Back it up.
  15. Christensen has a damn clean pair of mitts on him.. He's got unbelievable touch! We'll all see it differently but JKH's style and attributes resemble those of Christensen's in my eyes. Almost identical.
  16. Agree, definitely one that needs to stay fit. If he does, a man of his height and weight switching through ruck and forward will be pretty hard to stop. His height advantage is a huge positive to give our mids first use. We've already seen the difference it makes having Jamar come in for Spencer who literally cannot tap to the advantage of our mids, not mark the ball, nor kick. Imagine if Spencer was at the fall of the ball when Watts had that shot late in the last to help seal the win? Jamar's worth to the side was shown in that moment. An actual ruckman. I hope to god him and Gawn stay fit, I never want to see Spencer again, try as he might. I hope Gawn comes in this week. He and Jamar need to smash Minson and be able to go forward and kick a couple.
  17. Each to their own. I definitely can't see it though.. Christensen was pretty much a full time midfielder before he got injured.
  18. I'm not so sure. Frawley doesn't think his way through situations terribly well. He plays on instinct.. Whilst the kick may have not come off the way he would have liked, I still think his decision to go that far wide straight away showed his lack of footy smarts.
  19. Stanton?! Really? Can't say I see that. I'd have to go with Christensen for Geelong. Very similar game style.
  20. That out on the full he kicked when the game was in the balance says a lot about his footy smarts. He's not all there in the head and yeastersay we won and he had an underwhelming game.. Gimme the compo pick, I'd rather it.
  21. Tyson Viney Salem JKH New breed, under a new environment with new coaches and players like Cross and Jones to learn from. Throw in another highly talented midfielder or two next year from GWS and things start to look pretty exciting... Give me Sheil and O'Rourke. Happy days.
  22. I read that as Simon Godfrey for some reason... And thought you were not well.
  23. Over-paid?... I said highly paid Carlos Santana.And yes, of course he was cancerous. He may have loved the club, but the way in which he played, instructed his teammates and carried himself was in an extremely selfish manner. I don't care how many bluey's the bloke won. That said more about the state of our midfield and list then anything else.. I am appreciative of him giving his all on game day, but he was definitely having more of a negative influence on the 'team' then a positive one. That has been well documented, and evidenced by his departure from the club.
  24. I'm sure there were supporters using those examples without having seen Tac cup footage. Perhaps because of their physical similarities. Yes people are always talking up players, I don't remember ever talking up either of those two. I was surprised by how much love they were getting from their first seasons as I've said. I trust my own judgement nutbean. I play the game and have all my life so I'll back my own judgement and opinion of Salem. I think he'll be a fantastic player for us. He has weapons that neither Morton not Gysberts had. He has a terrific blend. I'm not against talking up players. Players who clearly have ability and a number of attributes.
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