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In Harmes Way

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Everything posted by In Harmes Way

  1. JV - I go to AFL smart replay, all games from last season are online. Has handy markers below the vision where you can skip to goals etc. worth also skipping to hoges' first goal against GCS in round 1 (3Q), lovely passage of play.
  2. Guess I didn't win the competition to get my photo taken with the boys this year then....
  3. I for one would miss the Torps he kicks from full back if he played up forward. I'll take fond memories of the torp he kicked against Ninthmond last year to my grave. It was an absolute ball tearer!
  4. This is confusing (at least to me) - there's a pic of Lumumba doing leg strengthening exercises at the camp on Sunday 17th on the MFC website and he's now arrived home 4 days late from the Congo on the 26th. Hardly seems time for a return trip to Africa with a wedding thrown in.
  5. You're not wrong DD - this video of CP5 doing squats is seriously impressive https://www.instagram.com/p/_Q-PeTKxr8/?taken-by=robjackson.com.au
  6. Normally a medical is part of the process of changing footy clubs - if Monfries had elevated levels of TB-4 in his blood, surprising it didn't show up.
  7. I went into Dymocks CBD after reading online there were a few Dymocks outlets stocking this. They confirmed it was on order but didn't have any copies, or couldn't advise when they'd be in stock. So I bought one from Amazon instead....
  8. First post - highly optimistic about 2016 - I couldn't help but smile with indicators like our fans going to the snow in the off season, things must be on the up! Hope the trip is going well BB.
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