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Everything posted by Gunna’s

  1. Lever has the stitching imprinted on his chest
  2. Does the wine region have to change its name too?
  3. That was 50 every time. It’s pure cheating.
  4. If harmes just gave the umpire lip, we can’t expect 50:50s to go our way
  5. That’s 50 to Langdon the crows player just dropped it. [censored] appalling umpiring
  6. Bad turnovers - Salem has not progressed
  7. Why wouldn’t the [censored] putrid umpire pay the free that was two meters closer to goal. ****ibg cheats
  8. Does Lever have a desk job m-f 9-5? His arms are tiny and he is soft
  9. Didn’t even touch his back. FMD
  10. Why wasn’t that 2 x 50? FMD even the useless commentary saw it
  11. How do we infiltrate the media to get someone on our side?
  12. [censored] just lost a qtr time line bet bet in multi. Dees +4.5pts. we lose out cause of prior [censored] umpiring then we lash out
  13. The commentary is [censored] woeful
  14. No attempt from crows player. Ball up. The rules changed again
  15. FMD everywhere has shot umpires
  16. Is the chief recruiter involved in development?
  17. The issue I have with structure is at selection. We finally played two talls, played good footy, then this week we played three. if goody doesn’t know his game plan with required structures....then there is no guessing why the players look like deer in the headlights. ? ?
  18. It annoys me that the fixturing is so compromised. Why play a bottom 2 side against a 10th (final 2019 positions) with the lower ranked team having a shorter break? To add, the game should have been at metricon where we had played the most recent few games. Small things I know but they all add up.
  19. Rockliffs tackle lifts up on tmac. High....no....htb.
  20. Another against Salem. Fmd
  21. How isn’t that a free to Jackson with Hartlett sitting on him for 5 secs after the play has gone.
  22. Coming from the poor disposal from the midfielders.
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