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Everything posted by DeeZone

  1. I had just turned 19 and was living in the country, I had just turned 10 when we won in 1955, what a remarkable run we had, no TV up in the sticks. Sporting Globe, Herald & Sun newspapers were all over it. Great memories.
  2. Clayton Oliver is our quiet achiever, each year he has gone up another notch and has now reached the elite level in the AFL. He has endeared himself to all our supporters he is the best mid that I have seen in the Red & Blue and if everything was even he would be a shoe in for the Brownlow. What a game last night Clarry will be integral in in any success we have going forward. Love this kid.💕
  3. Jake Lever is one of our great imports, a great mark, a good kick and has a great footy brain, bringing in Steven May to compliment Jake was a stroke of genius and boy are we grateful that they are ours. Go Dees.!!!!!
  4. I am with you PD, although there were 10-12 that deserved a vote.
  5. Thanks Lord Nev that was brilliant Tracc is a real ⭐️.
  6. Well old Dee do you believe, do you believe that we are the best team in the league, what a last quarter, what a great team, what a great captain we have in Max.!!!!
  7. Come on boys what a magnificent comeback.
  8. I know that we won’t win from here but need to win back some respect in the second half.!!!
  9. Thanks Webber that is a great read, sounds like our Tom Wills was a great sportsman with amazing experiences but ultimately ruined by his human frailty with alcohol. Indeed a sad end for a great man. We need to claim Tom as our own Man who was ahead of his time with superb sporting prowess, convict heritage and love for his indigenous brethren. What a man, did you paint that portrait of Tommy Webber, it is magnificent.
  10. You maybe correct N but Gus is our best option at present, I am sure that JT will be looking for a suitable alternative, that is probably why we went so hard for Smith last year. With a good pre season maybe De Classe could fill this role? Or maybe Tomlinson will go back there now that Harrison Petty has stepped up in the backline.
  11. CF I doubt that he would still be there if he was a failure, we have a strong coaching team and he must be meeting their expectations on a regular basis.
  12. Agree Demonstone, I love the way he speaks about our players, sounds like a very proud parent and I love that they devised the recruiting strategy in 2013 to build a great list and keep them together and that the team is now where he felt they should be. He loves Bowser.
  13. Thanks Lord Nev that is Brilliant footage loved Austin and Aaron what a shame that family tragedy would rob us of Austin’s skills and unadulterated enthusiasm.!!!
  14. You are right old Dee but he has a number of other traits that more than make up for it, he is also 4cm taller, has a good engine and still only 19. LJ is going to be something special.
  15. Thanks Dazzle that is a great clip that Jake can be really proud of.!!!
  16. To be honest I thought that he was playing injured or copped a bad corky that he was trying to run out he lacked any zip and nearly got run down heading into the fwd line and had to handball to Max to avoid being tackled.!!!
  17. Sorry Bayley I just watched the last quarter again it was 3 goals in 1:38, that is amazing.!!!!!
  18. Firstly I desperately hope that we will be in a position to be able to celebrate the win and then find a suitable Tatt. It is just to good to image.!!
  19. I think that they share similar attributes, hardness, have pace and can kick long. Beamer would be a good role model for Tom. I think that JJ has more sublime skills and his distribution by hand when in the middle is always to our advantage. Great pair of tough kids that can and do play a role in a top side and I hope they both make it for us.
  20. A good team win, Smith held up, Hibbo did his bit and Milkshake was good early, BBB was constantly double tagged and spent time up the ground playing the TMac role. The midfield led by Max and LJ did what they had to do, the backline led by Jake Lever, Petty, Rivers, Bowey and Smith were great again. We coasted when we could and accelerates when we needed to and Bayley Fritsch played the game of his life leading us to a great win. Well done DEES, top effort Frittata.!!!!!!!
  21. We all feel for Kozzie only a kid who is working hard to build a career in the AFL. It is so frustrating to see fellow Australian’s deliberately trying to hurt indigenous players in the sport, I know that there will always be sad people that like to strike out at others to try and make themselves feel better and it is impossible to eradicate this blight on society. All that we can do is continually support our indigenous players as strongly as we can and let them know that they are highly regarded and loved. Like Deeva I love Kozzie.💕💕
  22. I don’t really care for Malcolm terrible commentator and I think Frittata broke his record, Blight had a huge crowd and strong wind at his back.!!!!! Besides I don’t want to dwell on anyone but our Bayley Fritsch.!!!!
  23. This team of ours is starting to set things right, Go Dee’s.!!!
  24. August 15th 2021 the day Fritsch went to town, I have watched a lot of footy in my life But never seen anyone kick 3 goals in under 3 minutes before, our midfield did him proud. Well done Bayley Fritsch what an exhibition of great kicking in swirly conditions. Go Bayley, Go Dees. !!!!!!!!
  25. 6 - Fritta 5 - Max 4 - Langdon 3 - Tracc 2 - Salem 1 - Rivers then Clarry, Jacko & Petty
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