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Everything posted by Mach5

  1. Not in the PJ camp, but I was a fan. I know some of the details you’ve mentioned above but you have them wrong. Likewise no anti-Pert bias; I gave him time and the results have been atrocious. I only blame him for what he has done in his time in the position, not what he was left with.
  2. I know that PJ had certain concerns when he moved on, and I think they are a key contributor. I also think we’d be in better shape with Mahoney in charge, and the key areas where Pert supposedly excelled over Mahoney have failed so far to bear any fruit whatsoever. Frankly, I’m curious at to what the hell he has been doing other than stroking his own ego. A lot of staff have been moved on or left of their own accord, but they have largely been the ones we should have worked to keep. I can foresee how some of these issues are going to hurt us long term but those in a position of influence seem to be oblivious.
  3. Bomba had a fair old crack at my housemate after he’d shacked up with Kingsley’s missus, but it was one of the few times she decided she had standards. He was a menace.
  4. Sadly, I’m aware of examples of all of the above. I’m not sure what I can do personally but I’m certain that it begins at the top.
  5. Generally exacerbated under Pert. Multitude of issues however.
  6. I’m not happy with the entirety of the club off-field, and they definitely don’t deserve praise. There needs to be a lot of change for us to have any real success, and some are downright derelict in their duty or negligent. I’m not willing to say more at this time other than to call for much more scrutiny.
  7. So your solution would be..? Observe something concerning, observe something even more worrying, then another, then another... say nothing? Head in the sand? Don’t be so naive as to think that because you’re not aware means it hasn’t happened. Otherwise, what exactly do you think the motive is for “grenade throwing”?
  8. To be fair, and credit where it is due, Pert himself did foresee 2019, albeit not in such severity. This is not so much about the footy side, but the overall culture and inner workings. My biggest concerns are that we’ll squander our time in the sun like the Bulldogs, or that we’ll condemn ourselves to missing those opportunities altogether through our own ineptitude.
  9. You’re interpreting my words slightly incorrectly but I think that’s moreso due to a shallow understanding of some of the concepts involved. I’m not going to reveal details because I don’t want to reveal sources or identities. But they definitely are NOT doing a good job and I’m concerned about how much damage will be done if things are left to continue. I wish I were in a position to do and say more myself, but for now all I can do is say more scrutiny is required.
  10. I’m not going to state it outright. More scrutiny is required though.
  11. It is my strong opinion that it is fact. However an intangible like culture can never be proven as fact. But certain events and attitudes are fact. Maybe a difficult concept for some? Either way, you should be concerned about the direction of our club.
  12. Not willing to, no need to. You can try to bait me into it but won’t work. It’s all opinion anyway regardless of the basis.
  13. Is that a bad joke? The double calf surgery is fact.
  14. Carry on then mate, up to you.
  15. Mate, you'd be surprised what I'm privy to. The sad fact is that we're severely underperforming off-field, culture has taken a downward turn under Pert, and the excuses of under-resourcing due to budget-cutting won't wash as the same issues were present last year. The place needs more good people and operators, and to stop making amateurish decisions.
  16. Are they? I think they have been a big disappointment and underachiever. Very little value added for sponsors or clever leveraging of club assets. Stability a massive issue too. This is one area the club could greatly improve on and desperately needs to. Worrying about over-commercialising our assets is idiocy. Not sure what they think we’re protecting; all we’re doing is stopping ourselves from being successful off-field.
  17. How long does training normally last until?
  18. I thought this was just common knowledge, as I was taught this by a coach in juniors. Leaning over the footy as you kick gives greater accuracy, but will generally limit your distance and penetration, and result in a lower kick. Leaning back will allow you to “roost it”, giving the kick a lot more height, but will leave a much greater margin for error and often results in a bit of a slice or a fade. For me, leaning back was moreso used when trying to hit a long lead in general play, or when struggling to make the distance. For set shots I always tried to lean over the kick and had a good accuracy. Finding the footy in the first place was my issue.
  19. Kossie was a top 10 pick who slid due to academy bids. Don’t pretend they’re not comparable, it’s disingenuous.
  20. Possibly clever by one of them, to essentially force our hand with a bluff (as there's no obligation to take him). Either way, we made sure we got our man.
  21. I wonder where Cyril Rioli would be ranked on the same criteria. Players of this ilk don't require bulk stats to have a serious impact on the outcome.
  22. The cards would already be printed up mate, the only thing the club would print on them would be your details once they pick a card from one of 6 piles. Logistically, sorting through 40 different cards would be a pain in the neck, and there'd probably be an excess of Oscar McDonald and Braydon Pruess cards at season's end.
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