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Everything posted by Mach5

  1. Going by the AFL website, it looks like Dylan Williams as the next best is more obvious than I realised. Would be very happy with him, but still plenty of options.
  2. I just wish we selected Serhat Temel or Casey Sibosado.
  3. That's exactly my question. If he was capable of it, surely they'd be giving him serious midfield minutes. Having said that, I also recall a TAC cup team captain I knew a good few years back, dominated in the midfield as an under-ager, going into his final junior year was told they wanted to play him in defense to give some of his teammates a chance to shine too. They ended up top 10 picks and he was in the VFL the following year (although size had a bit to do with it too).
  4. I've decided I don't rate Gould or Rivers. Gould is just a big man beating up boys, but won't get it his way at AFL level. Rivers is just a slightly more polished Josh Wagner. We can do better at 30.
  5. I think opposition sides worked him out, and realised if they apply serious pressure to him he can't absorb, coughs it up. With time, I think he'll settle and learn to cope with the pressure without panicking, but I'm not confident he'll be afforded the time to figure it out - many aren't. The hope is fading, but not gone.
  6. Robertson and Bianco unlikely to be available. Would be happy with one of Sharp, Taheny, Rantall, Cassar, or Dylan Williams. Rantall and Williams are probably my faves.
  7. I'm told we cooled on Young due to him going into his shell on the rare occasions he was up against it. And mids/flankers being available in every draft all throughout - opportunities to acquire unique players like Jackson are also rare. We don't expect to have selections this early in the draft for a few seasons now. Sounds like an astute decision to me.
  8. Sadly I think I agree. I recall holding great hope for ANB as his SA team won the champs and he was a consistent key component within that side, always performing well without dominating, but getting his side over the line. I had hope he'd provide a similar non-spectacular influence on the success of our side, but that hope is fading.
  9. Just an interesting comparison for those who are expecting him to be like Grundy. In these highlights, Grundy shows very little follow up work or second efforts. A better kicking action overall, but a few hacks at it when in congestion. Regardless of what conclusion you come to from this footage, I think it's a relevant comparison.
  10. I think you'll find that Burgess took Port to the extreme heat of Dubai for a couple of preseasons also.
  11. Like I’ve said for a while now, pick 3 is a lot for half back flanker whose best asset is a very good kick.
  12. But who determines that they’re “tier 2/3s”? Small forwards are that much harder to find, and most are a gamble which is why they aren’t often taken so early. Everything I’ve seen from Pickett indicates that he has “it” - the only thing holding him back would be work ethic/attitude or physical conditioning/makeup, and he doesn’t appear to have these issues. Think back to one of our recent hopes in Dion Johnstone - he didn’t show half as much as Pickett has. I’m happy to take him at 10 because I have confidence that our recruiting Dept will have done their homework & eliminated the possibility of any discernible red flags at this stage that would prevent us from selecting him. God knows we’ve been trying to find a silky small forward with serious x-factor and aggression for long enough.
  13. Like both Daniel & Cyril Rioli, their clubs “reached” to select them early despite their “type” not usually being associated with early picks. And they’ve been big parts of winning flags.
  14. I’ve seen a few posters say this - “risky” in what sense? What exactly are we risking?
  15. To be fair, a similar thing eventuated in our favour when Frawley went to Hawthorn, with the absurd FA framework.
  16. Yeah, nah. A fair chunk of the conversation was about the concept of a number 1 target as a KPF. Part of the role is marks and goals, but a large part of their role is simply continuing to present, create an option, and at least halve a contest, bringing teammates into the game. Maybe a difficult concept for some? It’s not set in stone that Jackson will fill this role with aplomb, but I think he will be able to. At least kudos to you for not being afraid to have an opinion, or a different one.
  17. I see us waiting til draft day, waiting to see who is available at our pick 10 (slipped to 11 or 12) and the certainty of the players on offer enticing another club to take the plunge. I think 10 and 28 comfortably gets us 15 & 20 from GC, maybe a little bit more. Then you can grab Pickett with 20, and maybe a Weightman, Bergman or Rantall with 15.
  18. Surely this was based on an expectation we’d split 8 for picks in the teens. I think we expect Pickett to be there at 28.
  19. I think you can’t lose with those 2. If we’re genuinely happy to get Green, which I think we should be, we bid. And we settle for Jackson if GWS matches. That way, we get 1 of the 2 players we want and we stop GWS from getting a second bite at the cherry.
  20. So? Ever considered that you’re placing too much value on his kicking ability? Yes, he looks to be a very good kick. Is it really that valuable? I think the issue is making sure the majority of your side, if not all, are at least good kicks; not to use early picks on a great kick as if that one player will completely change your side’s ability.
  21. Just can’t see Kemp being in our thoughts. He’s a furphy. I think if he tested at the combine, he would have slipped in the opinions of the majority.
  22. I believe it’s been determined that Bradtke is much more likely to be a long term forward than a ruckman. Weid would be a backup ruckman only in the case of emergencies, imo.
  23. Would be very happy if we can escape with Stephens or Serong at 10. I rate Stephens, but think Serong really suits our needs.
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