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Everything posted by dazzledavey36

  1. Frawley, hughes, jones and buckley are all impressing! Chris Johnson is playing a ripper of a game!
  2. im guessing PJ will be played forward if neaves comes in? well good luck to him he deserves it and has worked really hard this pre season. go dees
  3. are you seriouse? i reckon he is the worst commentator! i dont hate him but if you have heard him on sandy games he basically says nothing good about them and always puts the team down.
  4. congrat!! hope he is going well and maybe one day he might even pull on the red and blue!
  5. is it me or do they all look skinny and bony on the face!
  6. who have sandy picked up lately?
  7. are there any photos we can veiw? a link somewhere?
  8. very quick!! and he is built up well during the summer, should play a couple of games this year and really has talent! his skills are a pleasure to watch and one thing also he aint afraid to hit a couple of hard bodys! if i had 2 compare him to someone it would be Brett Deledio but harder me thinks! cannot wait to see him play, very exciting
  9. holland is a hack! worst footballer in the comp! id rather take godders then this pretty boy who for everytime i see him takes his shirt off! his bum buddy dale thomas aint far behind he is just as worse! most overated player in the AFL
  10. I reckon Bell's strong pre-season will pay off, I hope he continues his form that he did late last year and have an even better one.
  11. good summary Dappa Dan! and Jaded id add ricky petterd to that list.. i think he will make his debut before Newton, but like Dp said if he strings a game or two in the nab cup and kick a few goals then theres no doubt he will play coz he has the amazing talent newton does
  12. Frawley and Petterd are 2 that will be played early by the sounds of it but weetra could surprise!
  13. hey thats what i thought aswell!! well danny mate if ya want to game a fewgames for the mighty dees ya got to put in the hard yards mate hehe
  14. well how was his form yesterday at the intra clun match? i believed he matched upon daniel ward
  15. Were all those players just injured or resting?
  16. oh dont you worry guys il still be asking about my kids! lol nar but like i said i was highly impressed and pumped! go dees!!
  17. Sure will my good friend. Heath Neville is interesting as he has a bit of speed. From what i hear from match reports he plays on the back flank. One thing for sure is that he has got good skills from what I saw. He reminds me a bit of Daniel Bell ATM. If he can play a few games he could turn out to be a good player! He and Belly streaming out of our defence is something I can see happening one day. I have high hopes for this kid and I'm hoping he can play a senior game this year. Didn't really notice much of Hayes but from what I saw he has a good turn of speed and has the freakish skills. If he could turn out like Davey then we have one damaging forward line! Athletes vs footballers - take your pick? I for one would pick footballers! Jace Bode came to the club with an impressive record at under 18 level and a very impressive athletics career. but the downside is that he is definitely more an athlete! He just went through training and had that attitude where he looked as if he doesn't give a stuff. I was pretty disappointed and you would think given another year on the rookie list because of interstate crap or something he would be busting out of his skin! I hope not picking up Alywn Davey will not haunt us! Only time will tell.
  18. Ok, here its goes:- Well first of all I must say it was the first time since 2000 (when they came to Barooga) that I got up close and personal, and by jeez they are all looking fit! I spoke to a heap of players but the one that really stood out for me is Jared Rivers. The guy is so laid back. He said that this year is the year where we make a big name of ourselves and that we should cement a top 4 spot. This was the first time I have watched Melbourne train and I was hugely impressed! Brock McLean looks like a million dollars and you just just have that feeling he will one day be captain. I have never seen someone so young who could give out orders and direct intsructions in the way that he did! James Frawley is going to be one big unit and from watching him train I rate this kid highly! Yes, he does have an unco kicking style but the funny thing is he hit his target practically every time. He has that physique where he could turn out to be as big as Neitz or Holland one day. He will play this year mark my words. Isaac Weetra is another who impressed me! He is very quick and has great skills, so I wouldn't be surprised if he played this year. I'm not gonna put a big head on this kid but I seriously reckon he has all the tools to become a very damaging player. I have a feeling just from watching him that he could be the next Travis Johnstone but quicker! He moves so well and just has that knack of being where the ball is. Lynden Dunn moves a lot more like a midfielder than a forward which really surprised me! He hasn't really bulked up that much but he looks like he can really make an impact this year and eventually turn out to be a great player. He showed some good skills. Well basically all the players trained really well! They all looked fit and healthy and very hungry for success. Yze, Miller, Brown and Robbo look like they will have a big year this year, and I have high hopes for these guys. Our young guys I reckon are just as good as anyone in the comp! Bate, McLean, Jones, Dunn, Bartram, CJ are all able to lift to another level this year. Go Dees!
  19. Just one thing for those who watched the game last night, does pickett look in good shape?
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