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Everything posted by joeboy

  1. Thank you so much for these words of wisdom . Were you having a dig at my comments or the performance of the team ?
  2. Johnstone - gave a damn Brown - predictable and lamentable Ward - tried breaking lines Bell - an ordinary game Carroll - overwhelmed and alone Whelan - will obviously improve Petterd - confident and commendable Bate - barely a whimper McDonald - outclassed and outmuscled Godfrey - beaten not bowed Sylvia - continuing his resurgence Neitz - few important touches Bruce - displayed little endeavour Johnson - just a plodder White - tried but overwhelmed Ferguson - fated into oblivion Green - numerous meaningless possessions Yze - resurgence has abated Davey - not his day Miller - disappointed yet again Dunn - not switched on Jones - hopefully learnt lessons
  3. Johnstone - gave a damn EDIT >For those who are interested , I have had time to calm down and have provided a more detailed analysis on post # 25 .
  4. Brown - never stopped trying Carroll - variety of roles Holland - a commendable performance Ward - loose but useful Bell - occasionally lost concentration Dunn - surprisingly effective defender Miller - barely a whimper Davey - best on field McDonald - excellent tagging game Godfrey - succesfully negated West Johnstone - returned to brilliance Bate - beginning to flourish Sylvia - may have arrived Neitz - had no impact Johnson - played his part White - wonderful all day Jones - couldn't find rhythm Moloney - struggling with injury Yze - occasional brilliant bursts Green - made no impact Warnock - instills no confidence Bruce - excellent when freed
  5. 1 - Bruce ( not that he is necessarily worthy ) 2 - Godfrey ( not that he is necessarily worthy ) 3 - Rivers ( worthy of higher placement , but has missed )
  6. Brown - played with endeavour Carroll - a major contribution Warnock - one costly error Rivers - just so reliable Bell - year's best tackle Bruce - crucial skill errors Johnstone - coming into form Petterd - a rough diamond Moloney - was rarely sighted McDonald - wonderful defensive game Godfrey - becoming Mr Reliable Davey - on tight rein Pickett - failed to deliver Dunn - a major disappointment Miller - little forward impact Yze - prolific but wasteful Neitz - needed more involvement Johnson - worth his place Bate - shades of greatness White - best on field Jones - a mature performance Sylvia - a team game
  7. Despite your reservations I believe these players were worthy of the votes you afforded them .
  8. Brown - time has elapsed Carroll - instills no confidence P Johnson - devoid of urgency C. Johnson - showed gradual improvement Rivers - totally dominated opponent Bate - poor handling skills Yze - back to mediocrity Moloney - a determined effort Petterd - outstanding debut performance Garland - made no impact Johnstone - was totally subdued Davey - made impact again Pickett - almost totally disinterested Dunn - a disappointing result Bell - some crucial errors Miller - better up forward Godfrey - showed great endeavour Bruce - prolific ball winner White - 4 quarter performance Sylvia - couldn't find rhythm Jamar - made no impact McDonald - few centre clearances
  9. I was being facetious/rhetorical
  10. I started the year with an anticipation level of 5 out of 10 prior to the StKilda game and now I'm not quite sure who we're playing this weekend , so I suppose I'm down to a 2 . How have you fluctuated ?
  11. Whelan - same sad story Carroll - destroyed once again Bizzell - was barely noticed Ward - very little influence Wheatley - hard to judge Brown - erratic but dedicated Bate - poor spacial awareness Pickett - exciting but limited Davey - more encouraging effort Green - tried but limited Miller - kept on presenting Dunn - a promising beacon Bell - can't doubt application Jamar - nowhere to hide Johnson - Tarzan impersonates Jane McDonald - never stopped trying Bruce - showed greater application Godfrey - was found out White - exerted no influence Jones - injured too early Sylvia - needs game time Yze - finally a positive
  12. Yes, but let's make sure the rule isn't tampered with until after Gary Lyons' 3 boys wear the red and blue.
  13. Whelan - didn't appear interested Carroll - third poor game Ferguson - little to commend Ward - erratic and loose Wheatley - some cheap possessions Bell - a commendable effort Johnstone - kept on trying McDonald - not at best Moloney - full bodied endeavour Miller - provided a contest Green - gave a target Davey - needn't have played Jones - a shining light Jamar - not on field Holland - not on field White - beaten by hack Godfrey - unfortunately still commendable Bate - totally lost fluency Bruce - prolific but wasteful Brown - cheap late possessions Johnson - cheap meaningless possessions Yze - shouldn't retain position
  14. I posed this question prior to the first round and most respondees were bursting with anticipation. Has the excitement level subsided after the disappointments of the first 2 rounds , or are you still up there ? On a scale of 1 - 10 , I was on 5 prior to the first round ; I am now on a 3.
  15. Apparently TJ is still suffering the effects of a broken toe , but do we blame him or the selectors for his subsequent underachieving ?
  16. Whelan - was comprehensively beaten Carroll - two poor games Bell - destroying Demonlanders' faith Brown - just a game Rivers - gave his all Ward - was barely noticed Johnstone - possibly career worst Johnson - provided no contest Green - terrible milestone game Davey - just a shadow Moloney - made little impression McDonald - a valiant trier Robertson - no second efforts Neitz - what a catastrophe Jones - made a contribution Miller - tried but failed Jamar - has gone backwards Bate - playing without confidence Wheatley - probably didn't play Bruce - no longer elite White - four quarter effort Godfrey - defied Demonland critics
  17. That's a fantastic effort by the Bullies whose membership was more a basket case than ours for so long .
  18. Yes Brad Hodge and Jess Sinclair played at reserves at the same time and may have even crossed paths with champion Olympic rower James Tomkins who played a number of inglorious games in the ruck for us .
  19. Actually that school teacher from McKinnon High was Ted's English teacher , but it's important to point out that John's sporting abilities were what he will be remembered for . BTW the school was a breeding ground for junior Demon sides in the 80s with the Fidge brothers playing alongside night final hero Brett Bailey and under 19 players Sid Pappas and Luke Caddaye to provide an imposing high school team that ultimately played off against Assumption College in an Amco Herald Cup final , which was the curtain raiser to the senior VFL pre season competition. It's important for me to point out that John Fidge was regarded as the finest junior schoolboy footballer in the state in those days , and it was not for a lack of talent that he failed to achieve the highest levels at VFL standard.
  20. Some of the comments may have to be modified with Sandy only 2 goals up at 3/4 time . Sylvia is the only one of the plethora of Demons who is playing as if he's interested in being promoted .
  21. The dilemma over whether to drop Yze or not can be determined by answering the following question - Is there anyone out of the team at present who would be a viable alternative this week . Unfortunately I don't think there is , if we consider Rivers as the logical change for McLean , whilst Sylvia and Pickett are unlikely to be match fit enough to make an impact .and therefore likely to miss .
  22. Thank you Brittle Lucifer for teaching me the error of my ways . From now on I'll make sure that my 3 words are all of a purely positive nature to ensure I don't hurt the egos of our players. I'll also make sure that my 3 words contain enough ' constructive' detail and statistics to fully satisfy your needs
  23. Whelan - a major loss Carroll - had no idea Holland - backline's only winner Ward - brief forward thrusts Bruce - a wasted talent Bell - loose and unaccountable Johnstone - needed the run Davey - arrogant and ineffective Green - not a whimper Yze - time has elapsed Miller - was totally ineffective Moloney - a welcome return McDonald - not the worst Bate - poor ball handling Neitz - never stopped trying Robertson - brief magical moments McLean - hope for miracles Jamar - has learnt nothing Johnson - showed some class Jones - seemed totally overwhelmed White - gave a contest Bartram - was not ready
  24. Jones has been our standout through pre season and must start on the ground
  25. Bartram - second year comfort Bate - regular clear headedness Bell - needs to arrive Bizzell - providing the steadiness Brown - accurate foot disposal Bruce - attaining superstar status Buckley - Carroll - maintaining the rage Davey - major forward option Dunn - greater physical presence Ferguson - good not evil Frawley - living the hype Garland Godfrey - regular Sandringham player Green - return to accuracy Holland - continue the metamorphosis Jamar - attain more possessions C. Johnson - continued upward spiral P. Johnson - provide physical presence Johnstone - consistent superstar performances Jones - maintaining pre- season form McDonald - more of same McLean - worthy Brownlow winner Miller - major forward option Moloney - vital midfield presence Neitz - whatever he can Neville Newton Petterd Pickett - major physical presence Rivers - more of same Robertson - Robbo of old Sylvia - more game time Ward - dash with care Warnock - becoming a regular Weetra Wheatley - injury free involvement Whelan - exciting backline dashes White - taller than Sandilands Yze - taking an interest # I have made no comments about the new boys because not enough is known
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