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Everything posted by Garbo

  1. Wouldn’t have won next week anyway
  2. Bad kicking is bad footy
  3. I must be the only one here who didn’t rate Hibbos game last week, Elliott showed Hibbo was lacking in pace and as a result we had to adjust our defence to stop pies exploiting it. I don’t think we will be seeing him again regardless of if we win this week
  4. We never really got to see the Gawn and Grundy combo in good weather outside preseason and round 1 where is worked well. I think it might be worth one last try we have nothing else to loose. Beyond the other forced changes spargo might be worth a shot the one thing he does well is setup goals with short 20-30 meter passes which is something we sorely missed last week
  5. Don’t think it will be taken into account but Maynard’s behaviour immediately after the incident didn’t look like that of someone who was sorry for what happened which is what you would expect of somebody who did something by accident, instead he got defensive which is typical of somebody who is guilty. Hopefully Gus is alright, but if not I’d expect some very nervous people at AFL house, the way they handle this will have ramifications for how this goes legally down the track I suspect. If they condone what happened as a football act then they are effectively saying it’s Brayshaws responsibility to protect himself in that situation. I’d find it hard to believe there is a court out there that would agree with that sentiment.
  6. Blues getting a bruise free game, compared to us last night. Going to be much fresher than us next week
  7. Wasted many opportunities tonight but the pies came with more hunger and we left our run too late, only got ourselves to blame. Season isn’t over and may flags have been won from this position but we need to make some serious adjustments fwd of centre as it’s simply not working we are expecting miracles while pies at the other end getting 1v1 and 2v2 like playing with a hand tied behind your back.
  8. Think we will have more, mcc is mostly Melbourne and Members tickets were sold 50/50, don’t think any made it to general admin.
  9. Rain band moving fast shouldn’t hang round more than a half hour
  10. Anyone else feel more nervous now David King has jumped on the bandwagon, feel like he’s almost the kiss of death
  11. Good selections exactly how I would have gone, think pies are panicked about Gawn and have no real answer.
  12. A small fwd is not really a need and not sure if he would even be best 22, but if he doesn’t cost much then can’t hurt
  13. If Cameron and Cox stay in and the weather stays as predicted, I’ll be cheering for more rain, it would be the biggest blunder pies could make. Debatable if we should even bring Tmac in let lone Grundy to help Gawn. Just play Smith as 2nd tall, Hibbo for Turner and leave Laurie in the starting team. If u want an insurance policy have Tmac or Grundy sub
  14. Rain rain go away come again another day
  15. More than that we need another backup, if Gawn went down round 1 next year we would be screwed unless we can secure someone else. Unless we can find someone and at net be no worse off we should hold onto Grundy until such a time as we can fill that gap.
  16. Problem is we need a backup regardless, that backup is going to cost 400k plus a pick, if dees have to kick in cash to whoever wants to trade for Grundy what’s the point if we end up worse off or not better pick and cash wise not taking into account that the replacement will be worse than Grundy.
  17. If Grundy goes I think he would be a better fit assuming he isn’t on some silly contract. Whenever I’ve seen him he always looked dangerous up forward I wasn’t aware he was also a ruck so that’s a bonus if we need him there to.
  18. Only day rain predicted in the next fortnight is Thursday, pies must be out there doing a rain dance
  19. Feel like they now want every team to have a player how very equitable of them. Where was that in our dark days, Nathan Jones would be a 4x AA by today’s standards
  20. Fellow m50 here
  21. I find it absolutely bizarre they can’t find space for one defender from the team with the best defence in the league.
  22. We as a team look better with one ruck, to play Grundy we give up to much run a carry, vs blues we looked slow and part of that is due to 2 rucks
  23. I think only change will be tmac for malksham, would like to see Hibberd come in for Turner but I don’t see Goodwin making any unforced changes from here on out
  24. Always an unlucky player who misses finals, we had Jones in 2021. Yet another argument for grand final winner’s recognition to be extended to the greater team and not just the 22/23 of the day
  25. Very scrappy game but looks like it’s getting on dees terms that qtr, should break in our favour if we continue
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