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DistrACTION Jackson

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Everything posted by DistrACTION Jackson

  1. The guy at the AGM will be happy.
  2. I wouldn't worry about this too much. If we win a few more games and Kent can see a bright future he will stay. Besides, it is likely we are sniffing around Scott Selwood also, it's just the way it goes.
  3. Stretch could be a DT smokey this year, hasn't put a foot wrong.
  4. Vandenberg seems to have a bit of pace about him so might fill the void.
  5. So if Gary Ablett Jnr joined Melbourne you wouldn't put him on the banner because he is new?
  6. It seems to me our board have moved on from the 40,000 membership number........ we now want to be the first with 1 million members
  7. I am happy with free agency as long as they adjust it. The NFL have got it right with the top teams unable to participate, this needs to be implemented in the AFL ASAP. Top 4 sides should not be able to participate, or they should be limited to picking up players past a certain age e.g. 28. I really hope the AFL grow some balls and make some decisions on this for the good of the game.
  8. Happy for him to fly under the radar and be a late FS pick-up like Billy Stretch.
  9. That would probably be his biggest challenge, changing body shape and losing some kg's
  10. Look forward to hearing some more in depth review's from Demonlanders. It's tough being at work at 5pm waiting to finish up....
  11. Hard to tell from one training session TDI, but how would you rate the level of training compared to ours?
  12. As much as it is devastating for Christian, we need to get out of this "woe is me" attitude. Every other club has injuries (Johnson at the swans has had 3 knee reco's, Kreuzer is injured again, Morabito etc.). We are not the only club who has injury problems and at the end of the day he is one player on our list. As a club we need to be able to play well no matter what happens.
  13. I agree. People bemoan his kicking, but he is valuable to our side at the moment. Overall I hope that the players you mention overtake him, but even then he would be a very handy depth player even in a finals side.
  14. If Jackson wants a multi-year deal that would be fantastic (seeing as he intially was only coming on-board short term). I understand why Bartlett might like the idea of Cook, but this is so symbolic of the way the club has been run in the past. Jackson has helped turn the ship and deserves to stay on and see his plans through, de-stabilising the club is the last thing we need right now and I hope those who have pull within the club will be letting Bartlett know this!
  15. It was a dark time for the MFC…But the benefit was it got rid of all he crap from our club and helped us land Jackson and Roos. May we never stoop to those levels again!
  16. There is nothing wrong with the abbreviation 'Dees'. I like it and it's something we should associate more with the club. On idea I had and this is more for the younger brigade (sorry old dee), is to have a New era cap with 'Dees' on it, would probably sell well.
  17. Fantastic! I've been having withdrawals from not doing DT for a few mths!
  18. Yeah I spoke to someone at the club and they mentioned you can just have your name checked off at the door. Does anyone know anywhere good to park?
  19. I thought that would be the case, it is much better. I'm planning to buy one soon. Old Dee I can understand it's probably not your style but if the club wants to grow the youth is very important .
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