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Everything posted by DubDee

  1. People are talking about resting players after playing one game in 6 months!? faaark me. If no niggles/knocks, get the best team out there only one more match until the season starts in 4 weeks
  2. The umpire noise drives me insane! All you hear is then yelling play on or maxy, maxy! Adds very little and takes away plenty. If umpire explanations needed the commentators can listen to the umpire shyte. End rant
  3. Thats the last straw Delist him then after he has left the club, continue to heckle and boo him and any future venture he begins
  4. slow news week?? 5 weeks out for the season, Watts who had done the whole preseason and looked in great shape was not played in a practice match. wow worst case - he has slacked off a bit and Goody is giving him a kick up the backside in preseason to maintain high standards. which is a great move by Goody. Watts will never have the drive of a T Mac or Viney so he needs to be pushed
  5. thanks mate - hopefully not named after Terry!?
  6. anyone know any pubs walking distance to Whitten oval? i'm tipping the bar at WO wont be able to meet demand so I better top up before hand
  7. from this timepoint last year we got 11,000 more members so we should beat that and almost pinch 45K
  8. 32053 270 more in one day, rampin up!
  9. Good to see us and Dogs have comparably strong line ups. should be a tight contest and will get the blood pumping again Johnstone if kept in, will see this as his chance to steal an unliekly fwd pocket spot if he sparks it will be great to see JT play and see Weed and Hoges along side each other I'm predicting Tracca to have chins wagging after the game - the blokes a machine
  10. just went on MFC website to check out his bio. his picture was there but the summary was on Filipovic. then clicked on Filipovic to see if Maynards summary would be there and there was nothing there at all nice work all round
  11. thanks Binman wish I had of known this yesterday but!
  12. thanks for letting me know. better get on it
  13. I'll answer my own question: http://www.melbournefc.com.au/news/2017-02-13/aflwjlt-community-series-match-information members in free but as capacity only 10,000 they recommend upgrading to a reserved seat or purchasing a GA ticket
  14. im already fired up for the first practice match, and even get to see the girls play after. will be interesting to see how Goody sets up and who plays where. does anyone know if you need to pre-book tickets (as the womens matches are popular)?
  15. we only got 35,900 members in 2015 so not massively exciting we are doing pretty good though
  16. Surprised to see so many have Melksham in their first 18. is this because you assume Goody won't leave him out or you really think he is better than the alternatives? Possible HBF - Hibberd, Hunt, Salem, Lewis, Wagner, Vince, even JT. I realise some of these guys will play midfield but there is pressure for spots there too. I dont have Melksham in my 22 at present. Especially after a year out of the game, I would assume a month at casey would be the go
  17. Just watched prelim gws v dogs, I loved the contest including the congestion the game is great shape, no need for drastic changes
  18. Jones said he found out a few days ago and was surprised
  19. I fail to see any positive to having co-captains. the players and LG need one person to look to lead them. Jones for 2 more years, then Viney solo at age 24. no need to heap pressure on viney at 22, he already put enough pressure on himself to succeed.
  20. Yes, I am well aware of that. I just think the 17-5 idea, while it has some merit will cause more problems than it solves and is just a way of the AFL making more money
  21. not a good thing from my standpoint. means that for many supporters there will be interest in footy for 4 months out of the year. every league in the world has dead rubbers. in the EPL is not in top4 contention or relagtion trouble, the 8 teams in the middle just plod along until next season.
  22. thanks Thrice, that explains it
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