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Posts posted by DubDee

  1. 37 minutes ago, praha said:

    Who do you dump for them? Don't see who you swap for JT. Bringing players in for the sake of it is silly. Only two players from last week aren't playing this week. Melksham, and someone to replace Hogan. Doubtful much else will change. Suspect JKH.

    EDIT just noticed JKH on the ground. 

    I wouldn't play harmes - I was trying to point out our new found depth. A decent player in pretty good form not in the 25

  2. Anyone else feel uneasy with us suddenly being heavy favourites to beat the Hawks when we have been smashed by them for a decade? very unnerving

    but then you look at their team and there is not much to fear. Their inside midfield was not great last year but now without Lewis and Mitchell it is poor. They lost run with Hill and their older guys look very old this year.

    We should win but I can't be confident on this one

    • Like 1
  3. will be interesting to see how Oliver will handle all the hype although he does seem to have the perfect country-boy chilled out attitude

    who do the Hawks even have the midfield to get near him at stoppages? they are the worst contested team in the league (at a guess) and have few big bodied mids if any?

    40+ touches coming up

  4. does anyone know why the AFL would want a game in China?

    eventually have a chinese team in AFL?  China start their own league?

    its all sounds pointless and very unlikely to bring any lasting change

    • Like 1
  5. Overall I feel for the umps, it is almost impossible to know what is deliberate and to guess a players intent or what is a skill error.

    Having said that I like the rule overall as it makes players try to keep the ball in. games are more exciting as you cant just run it over the line or rush it through. the idea to have a 'last kick' rule is a good one. if you kick it and it goes OOB without anyone touching it it is a free kick.  takes the guess work out of it

    but it is a DOOBious rule!

  6. 1 hour ago, stevethemanjordan said:


    No I can't explain them. 

    But then again, I can't explain why Hurley got equal most with Oliver. 

    Do you have an opinion? Or prefer to throw in with whatever the coaches say?


    Hurley was clearly BoG at half time imo. 7 intercept marks I think and the main reason we couldnt score

    Trac ran him aorund in the 2nd half but I can see why he polled 6.

    Tyson was good, playing more outside - 20 effective possessions, 9 marks, 6 score involvements, 9 inside 50s. some shanks stopped him having a great day but he was solid and always gave us an option/outlet

    • Like 2
  7. One of our primary needs is a Fwd/ruck.  I see Reid has been eased into rucking and is now doing a fair bit with Tippett out.  If he is a good 2nd ruck, Id go after him. he is 25 and should be hitting his peak soon

  8. the amazing thing is he has played 6 games in a row but doesn't seem to be slowing up. had a lazy 15 in the last quarter on sunday.

    his tank has improved 3x from one preason.


    ps. Elliot (scully) Yeo is an overrated d-bag imho

    42 Rory Sloane (Adel)
    31 Clayton Oliver (Melb)
    31 Joel Selwood (Geel)
    29 Ollie Wines (PA)
    29 Elliot Yeo (WC)
    26 Gary Ablett (GC)


    not bad company there Clayton! considering Sloane has probably polled 15 brownlow votes, I guess we can let it slide that he is only second

    • Like 1
  10. Great to beat the cheats.  their arrogance knows no bounds and they would have been expecting a win and to make finals this year

    ive got news for Bombers fans - you are rubbish and will probably finish bottom four.  the teams they have beaten are poor, non-finals contenders

    it was so sweet to stand on the ground level and watch them all leave in the last quarter crushed.

    • Like 2
  11. 2 minutes ago, Diamond_Jim said:

    where does Hannan play in that scenario assuming you want to play Watts forward

    Playing Salem and/or Hunt as a primary defender is potentially limiting our two main attacking weapons

    Personally I don't know what the answer is but we certainly need to get more out of our bottom six (whoever they are)!

    yeah I dunno. we might be going too tall then also with the Macs, Frost etc.

    could play Watts/Hannan HHF. Watts playing ruck means he is around the ground anyway

    maybe Hogan for OMac

    • Like 1
  12. 51 minutes ago, brendan said:

    So I have decided to go to the game, got a mate who is bombers so going with him so just got general admission so I guess I'm on level 3, never been up that high is it a good view 

    Out of interest, how much for a GA cheap ticket? Still deciding whether to watch at pub or go to the ground 

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