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Posts posted by DubDee

  1. I see the logic in not changing the back 6 too much as they need to gel. Maybe that why melsham should is still in. Goody would have expected a slow start from melksham. 

    Goody I reckon is a system coach. He will pick poorer players that play the system /structure better then other players getting more disposals for example. Eg kent out. 

    Lets see how we go tomorrow before we call for the sack ?

    • Like 3
  2. 4 hours ago, hardtack said:

    And Daniel Bell after 60 odd games had what appears to be permanent brain damage... don't put your desire to see him succeed as a player, ahead of Brayshaw's best interests. The doctors don't always get it right.

    Yeah best not to go with the trained medical professionals. Stick with the armchair experts

    • Like 1
  3. Just now, old dee said:

    Of course the players want to play on they always do.

    Simply because they did in the past does not make it right.

    Greg Willaims played on and he has big problems as have a number of others.

    we need to be way more cautious than in the past.

    I'm not using the past as an example. I'm using Lewis as of right now. If there was cumulative effect or any worry re brain injury surely he would not play on. 

    Too much hysteria re concussion imo. We've gone from not caring at all to way over the top

    • Like 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, old dee said:

    And no one knows how they will be in 20 years DD.

    You only get one brain and the so called experts are we know learning on the run with concussion.


    But if after 15 years Lewis is happy to play on I don't see why Angus would be overly concerned if the docs aren't. 

  5. 7 minutes ago, old dee said:

    If that is the case at mininium he should take the rest of 2017 off.

    In fact he should probably give the game away.

    there is more to life than football and having a scrambled brain does not help.


    If everyone did that thenSelwood and Lewis would have retired by 21

    lets just leave it to the doctors to see when he's right to play

    • Like 3
  6. Their arrogance grows! unbelievable.  Pies froze prices last year when it was their home game (not often I praise the Pies but fair play).  massive price hikes to pay for their fk-ups!?!?   they should be tail between their legs thankful that they have retained this fixture.

    The word hate in footy circles is now reserved for the Bombers only. for me. no other club comes close to this pack of morons that are doing their best to screw the sport up. a bottom 4 finish, jobe, stanton retiring and nothing on the horizon sounds good to me.

    I will also not be watching the drug cheats (even though I want to watch it)

    • Like 3
  7. 4 hours ago, brendan said:

    I thought the rule was if you elect to bump and the player you bump gets hurt you are gone, no grey area ruggles was concussed so Gibson should have been suspended, cats should have borrowed carltons doctor 

    they changed the rule that if the bump itself (initial contact) does not make contact with the head and there is accidental head clash then that wont necessarily be a suspension.  which i agree with.  I dont think Gibson should go for that. ruggles should expect a sheppard as he was chasing the player who ran off the mark

    if you get weeks for that then the bump is almost dead

  8. 2 hours ago, stevethemanjordan said:

    He walked for an easy flag and he got one. Off the back of champion players who stayed at Hawthorn through the hard times in the early to mid 2000's. He left during some of the worst years our club has ever seen. 

    I have zero respect for players like James Frawley. 

    And I would be almost certain that if he was interested in coming back to the club, Nathan Jones would be the first one to tell him to get [censored]. Jones would take it as an enormous insult.

    Frawley is also overrated as a player. 




    Hear what you are saying and I agree.

    Just wondering if you feel the same way about Gibson/Buryoune?

  9. 2 hours ago, Demon3 said:

    Oscar and JKH will play i reckon along with Hogan.. i dont expect to see Pedo in the team..

    thanks for the inside word

    hopefully this doesnt mean Frost up fwd, I think we have tried that one enough. If Pedo doesnt come in, he is this years Dunn and is, well, done.

    not sure about playing both Macs and Frost at the back, especially as Tigers arent that tall

    But I have come to expect surprises from Goody so we will see! the outs will be fascinating as if omitted, one could deduce that Goody seems them as part of the reason for 'Third-Quarter-Gate' last week

  10. 2 hours ago, Luther said:

    This a huge moment for 'the new era' MFC.

    Either we wilt, continue the terrible fadeouts and inability to finish, and lose to Richmond.

    Or we make a massive statement to the competition by putting together our first 4 quarter effort for the year and beat them by 5 goals.

    Over to you Goody and players.

    Or we 'do a Melbourne' and beat the Tigers easily and then lose to Essendon

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