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Ethan Tremblay

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Everything posted by Ethan Tremblay

  1. Just do what I do and hate everybody equally.
  2. Lockett charged me $5 when I was a kid for an autograph. He was wearing a red flannelette shirt and I remember being scared of him so I quickly handed it over. I still have the card he signed.
  3. You were a judge weren't you demoniac.
  4. Was just a bit of fun Jabber. Have a Vaucluse Bitter and lighten up!
  5. Did you know VB recently came first place in a boutique/craft beer contest run by hipsters. They cleverly made new labels and came up with a new name however simply used VB. The hipsters weren't happy saying if they knew it was VB they wouldn't have voted for it...classic.
  6. Do you get tired being such a wet blanket? He's done it plenty of times.
  7. That said, if we don't sign a big fish for next season we could always front load his contract for the first year to keep him at the club.
  8. I've never heard of a unhealthy fat person tearing their hamstring off their bone. Unless of course they were really hungry.
  9. Agreed. His aggression, run and chase can't be underrated. It's exactly what we are missing.
  10. That would be correct. The Goji berry stand at the Fremantle Markets has been replaced with Kiwiberries.The guy selling them said he uses the over ripened ones to clean his beard and man bun. Goji berries are so mainstream. I did buy a pack, they were ok. I walked past a homeless man and gave him some. He said he would have preferred a cheeseburger.
  11. Just do what I do and have a laugh at it..........then cry.....then laugh......then cry and drink.
  12. How many times to Port and Chingard want to get away with chopping the arms?
  13. My other half feels to same."I don't care about this, where's my Hogan?"
  14. Actually, I worked in Halls Creek for 2 years. I got spat on walking to work, house spray painted and called a white "C" almost daily.But of course Nasher, that's not racist. (And I'm gay).
  15. As a kid I had big ears and people called me a monkey. Is that racist or it doesn't apply because I'm Caucasian? Dunstall gets called the Gorilla. No one blinks an eye.
  16. http://mobile.news.com.au/sport/afl/melbourne-youngster-jesse-hogan-delivers-the-sledge-of-the-season/story-fndv7pj3-1227374403584 We've all heard about this already (or should have) but it's good to see it made the news.
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