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Rhino Richards

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Everything posted by Rhino Richards

  1. Correct. MFC will not be a force until it can find and develop elite midifielders. We dont have them at the moment.
  2. I said another wingnut that does not read the thread only just the title. Before Sunday he was a fringe player and as I have pointed he stepped up against the Dockers. Another vacuous hero incorrectly point scoring off misconstrued hindsight.
  3. I think your comments that apply to BB apply to ND. At the start of 2007, ND had to at least get a top 4 finish to survive and if possible to play off for a flag if everything went right. It did not. And by round 4 I think he knew MFC were shot. Four losses and the injuries. There was no incentive to play injured players. If we had been challenge for the top 8 or higher then there might be something to your theory. But where's your proof? In regard to your last sentence, you may be right. But it would have more integrity if people stopped trying to pass off speculation as fact.
  4. Wrong again Freak. You should base your conclusions on what you observe and what substantive information and facts you can assemble. Drawing conclusions based on uninformed hunches like you do is as reliable as p1$$ing into the wind with a blind fold on. And you case you are getting soaked. Id like to say I have a hunch you're full of hot air but there is too much evidence and circumstance to make that hunch unnecessary.
  5. You shouldnt say anything Freak because you asserted that if Richmond with 18pts would get a PP and you shot yourself in the foot with your own research that stated otherwise. Anyway back on more meaningful discussions...I agree with you bjgc that Miller needs to back his performance against Freo because where he is at he is play for his future each week.
  6. Heard him and what a fantastic effort by the unsung hero. Would gladly like to hear the bugle belt that number out when we are assured of a win. Great stuff and hopefully unique to MFC supporters. I would love it if we could belt Collingwood easily and he starts up at the 15 minute mark of the last quarter and plays through to the final siren. It would make a nicer serenade for the backs of the black and white filth lurching up the ramp home.
  7. Unless you are close to the inside running of the football club, then I think it is nigh on impossible for the average supporter to form an informed assessment of the performance of BB whether positive or critical. And the typical basis of rumour innuendo and speculation is a very poor proxy for the facts. Its hard to tell whether our "better" performances in the last quarter are a consequence of greater fitness or the opposition taking their foot off our throats or a mixture of both. I suspect a fair degree of junk time heroics have played a part. And Freak, most sensible employers employ on the basis of fact not third hand wives tales that have you so convinced.
  8. I am wondering why you bothered. What a load of crap about talent. One guy works his butt off to maximise his opportunities in the AFL and performs and another is an overweight never was that needs a crane to move around the Hampden league. And you are flushed with Sampi's talent....could fit it on a pin head.
  9. Wrong Again Freak. In between saying he played a great game you just went and stuck the boots in with another serve of crap. Your first paragraph is about the most rational and sensible post out of the 100 or so rants you have posted on Miller. And how did I compare Aussie with Miller? I did not. You made a point of quoting my comments prior to the match about Wona. And you did so for a cheap point score in light of his game on the weekend. If you had the gumption to read the thread fully you would have noticed I have acknowledged and given full credit to the player for his performance and its no surprise he won the rising star for it. But the key issue was I was prepared to fully acknowledge the performance of a player notwithstanding any past views I may have aired. You are only just learning what that is about.
  10. Carrazzo might have had 40 plus possessions but he does turn the ball over regularly. On a good day his worth is more like a capable 30 kick midfielder. On a bad day his turnovers hurt and mitigate number of possessions. However, under pressure and not the marshmallow stuff that WA clubs serve up now, he is a poor user of the ball. The reference of Bruce on Sunday being another Carazzo is misplaced and the work of a supporter who cant be stuffed to attend games anymore.
  11. Donny, I agree and have challenged posters who label AFL players as "soft" when clearly to play the game at that level they are not. Its a reflection on the poster themselves.
  12. Its posts like that which remove any doubts I had about you Little. Another wingnut that does not read the thread. Wrong again Freak. And how many times has this been happening? Too many to count. If you are going to quote me do it properly. You know Freak. You could learn something (Nah maybe not). I stated at a point in time prior to Saturday's game that I had yet to see Wona do anything to really impress me. I have acknowledged he was making the most of his opportunity. After the game I have given full credit. Now apply that to Brad Miller. <_< Maybe you and Y_M could sit in the corner and push pins into your Brad Miller and Cameron Bruce effigies. He has alot of time on his hands now he does not get to games anymore.
  13. Thats on the naive assumption that the Hawks have stayed the same as round 1. They have not they have got better. So you are measure two variables within the one comparison. Brilliant.
  14. And I am not sure what that tells you in the slightest of any worth. How about we compare it to any one of six poor games we have had this year and then work out what they have picked up from the Freo game?
  15. This is the first game he has had an impact on the game. I have no doubt he worked hard in the other games. Notwithstanding his age, he has done it tough this year and has battled to keep his head above water. And aside from you Jaded, no other poster would have posted the stuff in this thread had he not played well this week. Its called a bandwagon. And BTW, Jones coveting Crowley did McLean alot of favours.
  16. Wrong again. you got 2 weeks legend! You saying on the back of your "research" that 18 points would get you a PP.
  17. Your condemnation has been based on no more than hot air that you have espoused on the guy. If you check the threads I have been a long term critic of Miller performances. However, I have not repeatedly stooped to hyberbolic labelling as the "worst.....". He's got limitations but I acknowledge he has been working very hard in difficult circumstances and the effort he puts in. He shows a truck more leadership than some past and present "star" players. He will never be an A grader. But credit where crdit is due. Given what the Club has been through in the past 18 months and being 52 points down at half time, his game was very good...for 4 quarters. He is going to have good and bad days and no one on the site has branded him a star. But they seem to recognise the basics that you are blind too. But the thing is I dont make or break a player on one good/bad game. I recognise where he is at as a player and also acknowledge efforts made to get the most out of himself. I am happy to address this again in two weeks. Do you reckon you can work out how the P Pick system works by then?
  18. I'd stick to deciphering the Priority Pick rules. You will at least get those right in time. I even thought you might extract your foot from your mouth on this and not shove it further down your throat. He may not be crucial factor in the team that hopefully does win a flag but FFS, Steven Armstrong and Shannon Motlop hold premiership medals and they are ordinary. Miller should be encouraged to stick at it and contribute. Your lightweight condemnations of Miller over time have been pathetic.
  19. Bruce has never been is not and never will be an elite midfielder. MFC does not have elite midfielder. McLean Jones and Tj (last year) were and are not elite midfielders but they get tagged week in and week out. Bruce is often playing defensive tags. Tagging roles aim to reduce possession of the ball I dont know where you get the stats of his effective disposal but his disposal over time has undermined his game. However, yesterday his disposal was good throughout the game but I know he has good and bad days....
  20. Its amazing how just one game seems to fill some posters sails. He was good yesterday particularly after half time. However, he needs to be able to do it more consistently and gainst tougher opposition. So far McLean and others have wilted under strong pressure in the past.
  21. Only on replay and then its probably only highlights on the evening news.
  22. Robbo played 2 good quarters when everything was running Melb's way. Miller was good and gave his all for four quarters. But lets keep it in context.... fine win though it was. How many teams (other than us) are going to play "Lay Down Sally" as well and as comprehensively as Freo? I am keen to see them back it up against tougher opposition in a more demanding game than yesterdays.
  23. Could not agree more YM. Keep up the good work. Your unflagging loyalty should be recognised.
  24. Some people actually do more than watch the replay. They go to the game legend. Bruce was very good to day .......for 4 quarters. You must hate that. :D Some of your best work big fella.
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