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Everything posted by Leoncelli_36

  1. Is our side announced tonight for a Saturday night game, or do we carry over like Sunday games? I am not sure how these things work. In any event, I hope it is soon as I can't handle reading idiotic suggestions like the one about dropping Lewis anymore.
  2. I suspect Clarry will play, but if not, surely we have to look at Vander. He outdoor be one week ahead of expected return. We could use a grunt mid to replace Clary.
  3. G'day DubDee.... had a little look around the pubs that were suggested and reckon The Cathedral is a nice starting point.
  4. Thanks for the advice and the couple of suggestions. I will wear the scarf based on your experiences haha. The pubs you suggest look great but we are staying on the North Terrace side of the ground and would prefer to walk from there. However, if I don't receive suggstions around that area, I will make my way over to The Lion
  5. 'Landers I woke up Monday morning after having traveled down the highway on Saturday, and in some strange attempt to come to terms with the grieving I was still experiencing, I booked to go to Adelaide this Saturday in the hope of seeing us resurrect our season. I have never been to Adelaide Oval (been to Footy Park) and wanted some advice. Most importantly I am wondering if there is a pub that away supporters tend to frequesnt before matches? I have heard people say don't wear a scarf around on your way if you don't want to be abused in the street. Is the joint still that hostile? We are in the GA section on the hill and plan to stand behind the Cheersquad. Anyway, my family all think I am mad for going over last minute. I am meeting some mates over there, but any general advice from those who have been over or who may be heading over would be greatly appreciated. Cheers, Chell
  6. He should be, but won't be. He also dove over the boundary line looking for a free. It's a blight on the game. Did anyone see what he did after he got the Bs free paid against Brayshaw? He kicked the goal and then looked at DUCKWOOD and pointed to his head with the index finger as in 'how smart was that'. To me that is a clear indication that he knew he had outsmarted the umpires and milked one.
  7. Goodwin has to look outside the box this week. I don't profess to have the answers to the problem, but he has to throw a curve ball at the cats. He cannot simply bring in Wagner to play Hibbos role. Melksham may have to be our rebound player...or Fritsch .. or both...Vince as a key defender again Ala the Adelaide game. Who goes to Menzel? He had a field day on Wagner Rd 1. These are the type of scenarios I hope the match committee are pondering. Harmes can role play in the back line. We have some good pieces to our puzzle...its whether Goodwin can place them in the most effective positions. This remains to be seen as he has failed in this regard a few times this year. Over to you MFC.
  8. Fantastic news. I just saw quotes from other mentioning the City of Yarra. I expect we can make this work. There is plenty to play out though.
  9. There will be a massive push for this to host a lot of Women's Football. This will appease the lefties at Yarra Council. If done right, this could be huge for the club. We will no doubt partner with a lot of community groups and clubs and offer them access to the ground. That is how these things work,
  10. They owe us one for Jimmy Toumpas though.
  11. I think it is as simple as bringing Frost in and making sure h understands his role. This can be done by our coaches. Frost must not have any licence to run-off when he intercepts. It is as simple as that. He marks, he must be instructed to settle and go back and take his kick or give hands off to a player going round his back. That has to be read to him in no uncertain terms. I don't care if he has to kick it down the line every time, but if he comes in and takes off like a headless chook, then he will be a liability. My worry is, surely he has been told this before, but it appears as though this take off at all costs is part of his DNA. It has benefits when it comes off, but the lack of awareness is a coach/fan killer. I think he has the attributes but the run-off role should be given to others.
  12. You can't understand why they've given up on a bloke who consistently butchers the ball and has poor awareness that often results in him being caught with the ball and turning it over?
  13. Same with T mac tho. Has not trained with backs. T mac has been our path to goal and you reckon we get him out of there ? I really can't believe what I am reading.reading . you have a look at how much our scores have increased since McDonald came back...pulling him back would be ludicrous. Pedo smith frost.take your pick...one of them replaces lever . HOSKEN ELLIOT is their goal kicker. So let's find him a match up
  14. Chook, a lot of respect for you as a long time poster, but that call is a howler and would yield negative consequences for the team. McDonald is often unsettled down back and his kicking off half back is suspect. No reason why pedo can't go back. He started at North in defence from memory. Good reader of play and can mark.
  15. This is perhaps the greatest overreaction I have ever read on here. We better pack up shop. Sitting second on the ladder and we lose one player and you reckon we are done for finals
  16. And Adelaide with the majority of support as usual. I hate that we waste time going up to a part of Australia where we have no potential new members. This along with the Casey relationship are two remaining things we must ditch
  17. Nah none at all. F... the AFL on this issue. Also..I thought this was our home match...the way the AFL is marketing it you'd think it was a shared home match and that Eddie was the only indigenous player playing
  18. The surface looks crap. Not only dry but large chunks of grass coming up. The curtain raiser not doing much to help. Already been a few soft tissue injuries in this match. I tell you what, if we get injuries as a result of this match, I will be filthy. Combined with the 2 day less break next week, we will struggle to recover. Once again, I just feel this game yields money at expense of on field success
  19. Both navy with red artwork. It'll be confusing when they are running around. Crows should have a light background...like yellow
  20. So has anyone seen the potential clash of jumpers this weekend ? I am not certain if Adelaide are wearing their indigenous jumpers, but if they are, they are almost the same. Surely AFL has considered it. You wouldn't be surprised if they haven't though
  21. I reckon he will be alright. Even if he misses this week, it sounds like cautious management and nothing more. I hate reading this site sometimes.
  22. I realise The Bull Smith is somewhat of a demonland cult figure, but can anyway elaborate on his form at Casey?
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