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Everything posted by DemonFrog

  1. May be we should send him this gift
  2. I love this topic so much Can we have a national sack Campbell Brown day once a year?
  3. BBO it your caring side that always comes out in your posts The truth is you care way too much about others. But not to worry as Moon and Biffen have a solution to this problem. Thye sign you up with a life membership to the Collingwood Supporters Website. So post away BBO and show the filth that you truely do care for them.
  4. I have to tell my dirty secret OD When I left MethCoast as a Supporter I did strongly consider becoming a MessyDrug Supporter. But I rather be in a MFC Supporter then any of those other teams as this Club has the best colours and theme song in the AFL.
  5. Yes but did he set the standard with a prepared speach or was it off the cuff? You do know there is a difference? One he just making stuff up as he speaks, other other is were he get someone else to make stuff up.
  6. I was in the Rovers. Its where I meet Mrs Frog, LOL
  7. That perfect for our 2013 team! They played like a bunch of girls so they may as well look like them
  8. That not an issue as Jazza was paying the bill. He has his own Accountant you know!
  9. Dam it!. Give me the accounts and I will show a profit, How much profit do you guys want to see? But be prepared for some Black Ops accounting LOL
  10. LOL I love the sash. Anyway this should be the MessyDrugs uniform soon
  11. RL you need to get out more if you consider that the most expensive ice cream LOL PS What happened to "What happens at Wong's stays at Wong's"?
  12. DC that because no one in Windy Pill knows how to use a computer!
  13. You guys are just too hard on MessyDrugs. I think this was a smart move by them as next season I think they will have a number of players who will be unable to play for awhile. Better to have a backup plan now. then wait for the final report and have no idea how to fill the vacabcies in their player list. Dam it convinces me, fine the sds $500,000 for annoying Vlad again. One day they will make a movie about this club. I think the title of the movie should be Dumb and Dumber. Wait I think they had already made the movie.
  14. No, I just love this guy so much
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