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Everything posted by DemonFrog

  1. BB so what you think about a country that would deliberately destabilize another democratically elected government eg Australia?
  2. BB when I say tomorrow I don't mean that literally. As someone interested in history, no one can be certain what will happen in 100 or 200 years. My view is trust no one but be friendly to those that could do you harm. Be that today or in 50 years. Plus never let the media dictate who you should like or hate My view is you treat people the way you want to be treated.
  3. Is this surprising after all this is the Club who extended their coaches contract after he received a 12 months suspension.
  4. BB I think you are missing my point. Today we have the advantage and there little chance of a conflict anyway. But what about tomorrow when we may not have the advantage or we face a determined and desperate enemy. Better to get on with ones neighbours and avoid future conflicts. One thing I remember about my visit to China is how much they hate the Japanese. This attitude towards a neighbour will not end well, but it may take hundreds of years for anything to happen. IMO another country facing annihilation is israel,although this may take a thousand years to happen. It would be much better for them to spend a $1 making friends the $10 on defence.
  5. Pity our biggest war ship is only 2 different classes of frigates and only 12 in total, 6 diesel subs and 14 patrol boats. Also we have 95 front line fighter aircraft and 19 patrol aircraft. With our current deployments how many aircraft would we currently have to defend our nation? With a Nation as large as Australia with so little population in the North, I would be surprised if we would spot anyone landing before it happened unless we got assistance. It appears we only have 2 divisions (Army) with 59 Tanks, 257 infantry fighting vehicles, 268 Artillery Guns, 36 Surface to air systems. Best not to temp fate and have a good neighbor policy. Plus don't pay too much attention to our media who like to show the negative side of Indonesia.
  6. Today you may be right, but what about tomorrow. and what if they get more powerful friends? Proper military planning should be long term. In History the Germany also thought they had the advantage over the Russian. That was before they got ground down by superior numbers and found that the best deign is also the most simplest e.g T34 (best Tank of WW2).
  7. Oh we got caught! Spying on our neighbors PM now is that disrespectful? Mind you I think we all do it but getting caught IMO is the real issue. http://au.news.yahoo.com/nsw/a/19984175/abbott-coy-on-spy-letter-to-sby/
  8. We are very caring people in Demonland
  9. I have an answer to that, he big, strong and very loyal. My Rottweiler!
  10. Agree so let avoid one then and make strong partnerships with our neighbors. Mind you we do have what is considered the best elite soldiers in the world. Wait we could been them in a online war game like Tanks. But if they use real tanks we would be stuffed.
  11. Its all good as it was only 9,363 hours over 96 months for The Big Frog. 12,049 hours over 96 months for all characters. LOL
  12. Now this is the original The Big Frog (Guild Wars). Do you like the Wedding Outfit ? The other one is The Big Frog (Guild Wars 2) and all my Characters are coloured Blue and Red in that game. In both games he a Ranger (Bow/Pet).
  13. Not my original Avatar but the next generation of The Big Frog
  14. I get these type of calls daily at both houses. Lucky I am normally not at home but sometime I can hear them talking to my answering machine asking for me. I hate people who try and rip off the old and disadvantaged. I played with them today to see if they would say they are from Microsoft and they did.
  15. Also the India dudes on the phone were not really trying to help me. What the world coming to?
  16. Sorry Moon no like allowed in Demonland until the software if fixed!
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