PREGAME: Rd 03 vs Gold Coast
- The New Look Demonland
Going forward someone won't be able to try to guess your password unless they know your email address.- The New Look Demonland
Okay so updating a 2018 iPad that did not work on iOS version 14.8.1 to iOS version 18.3.2 worked and I was able to post. As suspected it's a phone/tablet software issue. I don't know what specific version of software will work but if your Apple device (not sure about other brands) will update to iOS 18 then you should be good. It is likely that if your Apple device won't provide you with an update at least to 16 or perhaps 17 then it is too old and will unfortunately won't work with this website. My apologies.- The New Look Demonland
Finally my old 2015 iPad fired up. iOS 12.4.1 yikes. That really didn't work. The website displayed all funky. It says it will only update to iOS 17 but the Download and Install button is greyed out and I don't think it will update. End of Life product indeed. Folks if you have a much older device that won't update past a certain point then the website will not work on it. End of story. It's likely that other apps like Netflix and streaming services and apps that require a certain level of security etc like banking apps will not work either. This is a fact of digital life. My apologies.- The New Look Demonland
This. Almost impossible. I've tried my best with what I have and my own limitations.- The New Look Demonland
You cannot post on that software version. Same issues others have raised. Going to see if I can update to the later version of software on that iPad. It will update software to 18.3.2. This is an iPad purchased in late 2018. It at least got to see a flag before being decommissioned.- The New Look Demonland
No need to donate. I don't want to cause any matrimonial disputes.- The New Look Demonland
About to test on my daughters old iPad which has more cracks in the screen than our forward line. Too soon? Software version 14.8.1. The current software version on new iPads are 18.4. Will report back.- The New Look Demonland
I've just got home and pulled out two older iPads (one even has a home button) to confirm compatibility issues. Will report back.- The New Look Demonland
Thousand percent chance that needing iOS 16 and above is the issue here. Unfortunately nothing I can do about that. @Ghostwriter is having a similar issue with her iPhone. We might all need to chip in for a new phone.- The New Look Demonland
That is the case. I'm surprised it let you. The notes on the software update were very clear on this point. It used to be a setting on the backend to force either or. Now it is strictly just email address. I have accidentally tried to login with my username as I've been testing things as me and testing the site as a guest and the login fails with the username.- The New Look Demonland
That is certainly possible. Chrome or Firefox might work. It all depends on how old the iPad is. It could be that a simple software update of the iPad will resolve the issue. If it is a really old device that is no longer receiving updates then there is nothing I can do and eventually many apps or features within apps won't work.- The New Look Demonland
I think you will find that being able to tab within the text book is adding more formatting functionality within these text boxes. It is likely seen as a feature.- PREGAME: Rd 03 vs Gold Coast
- PREGAME: Rd 03 vs Gold Coast
- The New Look Demonland