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Coach Dean Bailey


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Do you think the players haven't warmed to Dean Bailey because the players were so dirty on Danners sacking. Until Neitz and Robbo etc are gone will the coach gain respect? From an insiders view what sort of feeling is it between players and coach. Do the players feel they got a No Name brand coach and expected better?

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FFS, these are professional athletes. Even if they are unhappy that they have a new coach who might not give them the same leniancy, there is still not a chance that they'll play like crap in protest.

Dean Bailey is not the problem. If the players can't adapt to change, they know where the door is.

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But im sure if Mick Malthouse or Leigh Matthews was coaching us we wouldn't perform this bad for the simple fact they'd know what would be coming training night. Melbourne needed to get away from a having a soft coach, have they done that?

You can see on the football field he's not getting the best out of his players, I won't believe we have fallen that far behind the rest of the league. If the Game plan isn't working go back to basics, it doesn't seem like we can do that even

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Do you think the players haven't warmed to Dean Bailey because the players were so dirty on Danners sacking. Until Neitz and Robbo etc are gone will the coach gain respect? From an insiders view what sort of feeling is it between players and coach. Do the players feel they got a No Name brand coach and expected better?

Don't know mick but it's a new theory. Fair effort that as plenty have been put forward. Someone should be keeping a list so that no-one doubles up.

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But im sure if Mick Malthouse or Leigh Matthews was coaching us we wouldn't perform this bad for the simple fact they'd know what would be coming training night. Melbourne needed to get away from a having a soft coach, have they done that?

You can see on the football field he's not getting the best out of his players, I won't believe we have fallen that far behind the rest of the league. If the Game plan isn't working go back to basics, it doesn't seem like we can do that even

Our players are performing the way they are because they are CRAP. Read my lips... CRAP.

The few who aren't, are about 13 years old, running around carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders (Morton?!). To expect them to win games on their own is unrealistic.

Matthews, Malthouse, Jesus Christ himself couldn't make us play better given our lack of skills, confidence and brains.

If you're implying that Bailey is a soft coach you are out of your mind. He's coached 2 games. Our senior players have played more than 150 games. So who are you going to blame for our complete lack of ability and hardness?

People will find any excuse to avoid focusing on the real issue at hand, the players. They are the reason we are losing.

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Dean Bailey will be the right man for the job!

I think Rodney Eade summed it up best in press conference it doesn't matter if we had ron barrasi out there playing or coaching or whatever, it takes time to adapt to change........... its going to look ugly for a while as we learn this new way of playing, its going to take time................................................but as true blue supporters you have to know and understand that, It will work out, there is light at the end of the tunnel and from all the hard times we have to go through now because of what has happened in the past with recruiting and keeping senior players way too long and keeping 'favourites' of the past coach.........the light at the end of the tunnel...........will be very very bright and satisfying... but again it takes time...the only thing us supporters must do is stick it out....attend matches...cheer every good play the loudest and help the young players develop into the new MFC of the future..........


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Do you think the players haven't warmed to Dean Bailey because the players were so dirty on Danners sacking. Until Neitz and Robbo etc are gone will the coach gain respect? From an insiders view what sort of feeling is it between players and coach. Do the players feel they got a No Name brand coach and expected better?

That has crossed my mind a few times. That players are so pro ND that there is still some resentment that he got sacked. That they haven't fully given their all for DB.

I know it's not true but the mind works in funny ways.

I think DB will work through this. In Dean I trust.

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It would be hard for the players to take Dean Bailey seriously when he doesn't have many football credentilas as a player.

If you look at recent coaches that have coached teams that have won a Grand Final you will notice they all have a similarity

Mark Williams- Captained Collingwood, Brisbane Vice Captain

Leigh Matthews- Captained Hawthorn

Mark Thompson- Captained Essendon

John Worsfold- Captained West Coast

Paul Roos- Captained Fitzroy

They all share that one quality needed to be a A.F.L coach, they have been there done that, know how to lead a team onto the football field.

Dean Bailey has nothing like these coaches, he may have a smart football brain, but can he relate to players, gain respect and motivate players through his experiences on the football field. These men above lived and breathed football all there life and have all the respect they can get. They are great footballers.

Dean Bailey was an average player and will most likely have a short career in AFL coaching due to his credentials.

I hope he can prove me wrong but I think we should be looking for someone players will look up to next time.

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It would be hard for the players to take Dean Bailey seriously when he doesn't have many football credentilas as a player.

If you look at recent coaches that have coached teams that have won a Grand Final you will notice they all have a similarity

Mark Williams- Captained Collingwood, Brisbane Vice Captain

Leigh Matthews- Captained Hawthorn

Mark Thompson- Captained Essendon

John Worsfold- Captained West Coast

Paul Roos- Captained Fitzroy

They all share that one quality needed to be a A.F.L coach, they have been there done that, know how to lead a team onto the football field.

Dean Bailey has nothing like these coaches, he may have a smart football brain, but can he relate to players, gain respect and motivate players through his experiences on the football field. These men above lived and breathed football all there life and have all the respect they can get. They are great footballers.

Dean Bailey was an average player and will most likely have a short career in AFL coaching due to his credentials.

I hope he can prove me wrong but I think we should be looking for someone players will look up to next time.

What about Clarkson?



I see your point but i dont agree with it for a minute. Dean Bailey will be a very good coach......be patient !

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It would be hard for the players to take Dean Bailey seriously when he doesn't have many football credentilas as a player.

It's kind of hard to take our players seriously when many of them have no football credentilas as players either.

Dean Bailey was an average player and will most likely have a short career in AFL coaching due to his credentials.

I hope he can prove me wrong but I think we should be looking for someone players will look up to next time.

Since when does playing ability translate to coaching ability?

You can be a champion player and a hopeless coach you know (hello Danny Frawley).

You do not choose a coach based on how much the players will admire him. I don't give a flying rats if our players look up to Dean. I just care that they follow his instructions. They don't need to get married, they need to have a respectful working relationship, but at the moment, they need to gain his respect, not the other way around.

I am amazed that anyone can point the finger at Bailey after 2 matches.

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It's kind of hard to take our players seriously when many of them have no football credentilas as players either.

Since when does playing ability translate to coaching ability?

You can be a champion player and a hopeless coach you know (hello Danny Frawley).

You do not choose a coach based on how much the players will admire him. I don't give a flying rats if our players look up to Dean. I just care that they follow his instructions. They don't need to get married, they need to have a respectful working relationship, but at the moment, they need to gain his respect, not the other way around.

I am amazed that anyone can point the finger at Bailey after 2 matches.

Im not so much blaming Bailey,

I'm pointing out that nearly all Grand Finalists coaches do have player credentials and were hard and tough. Thats why most of them captained and got coaching positions. For a coach to come with no credentials as a player and coach a premiership is a fairytale. Bury your head in the sand i'm only pointing out facts, look in the history books mate.

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Guest Schtacker
It would be hard for the players to take Dean Bailey seriously when he doesn't have many football credentilas as a player.

If you look at recent coaches that have coached teams that have won a Grand Final you will notice they all have a similarity

Mark Williams- Captained Collingwood, Brisbane Vice Captain

Leigh Matthews- Captained Hawthorn

Mark Thompson- Captained Essendon

John Worsfold- Captained West Coast

Paul Roos- Captained Fitzroy

They all share that one quality needed to be a A.F.L coach, they have been there done that, know how to lead a team onto the football field.

Dean Bailey has nothing like these coaches, he may have a smart football brain, but can he relate to players, gain respect and motivate players through his experiences on the football field. These men above lived and breathed football all there life and have all the respect they can get. They are great footballers.

Dean Bailey was an average player and will most likely have a short career in AFL coaching due to his credentials.

I hope he can prove me wrong but I think we should be looking for someone players will look up to next time.

he's dead right though, in fact K.Sheedy was a stop-gap captain for one year at the end of his career, so

the last 8 flags have gone to 6 different coaches, all of whom captained in their playing days

I don't think i've heard that fact mentioned anywhere before it's pretty amazing

certainly does stand to reason that you might be better suited to coaching if you were a strong leader as a player

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Tell me this Jaded how many coaches have a premiership to there name that have poor player credentials?

Alan Jeans, Tom Hafey.

They, like Bailey, got every game they played because of their character, toughness and smarts - not because of their ability. The fact a slow, not very big and injury-prone player managed 53 games in 6 seasons when Essendon were a top side says a lot about him. He studied under 2 of the best in Sheeds (who went to the trouble of getting him) and Choco, who were given better lists than he to start with - especially Sheedy who inherited a team filled with kids who went on to win 2 flags.

I suspect that he knows what he's doing, and that is finding out the character of every player. The type of character that wins pemierships - he's seen how it's done. I expect him to set out to really try and beat a few sides this year. But those games will be late in the season. And I'm certain that various players have disappointed him - especially the older ones. Acker, who I respect because he's honest and a thinker, said in an interview that we are the quietest team on the field he's ever (not?)heard. What does that say about the older players? Bailey said earlier this year that he wants Robbo tp teach the kids. I bet he's changed his mind.

The sad truth is that our more experienced players know their window has closed, are contracted, lazy, and selfish. With one or two exceptions. Both Neitz and Junior are quiet men who lead by deed, not words. The rest of them couldn't lead a dog. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you.

The only place Brock can lead them is astray. Ever since the mantle of LEADER was thrust upon him ( long before he joined the leadership group - particularly in this forum) he's become a crock.

We have a bunch of kids who have many leadership qualities amongst them (think Jack Grimes - captain of every team he's played for , but old timers can often be far more intimidating to 17 - 21yo workmates, than they are to opposition workMATES who are often TEAMS. Hardly surprising - look at the culture they represent.

Bailey is a shrewd man. He knows that the faux glitz amd glamour board will be eventually replaced - it is inevitable.

We were a great team between 1987 - 91. We were a passionate club led by a very smart businessman and passionate president in Stuart Spencer - a premiership player and one of the many leaders the club had in those days. And who hired a coach who played guys who had heart and knew how to play within their limitations and were about TEAM. They were hard and ruthless but unfotunately had blokes with injury problems. Who could forget Jamie Duursma, a swans reject, beating stars like Kernahan and Dermie/ Dunstall (at their prime) when it counted. Could hardly walk, but had mental toughness.

Stewie was a martinet but a passionate supporter - who can forget his missus berating Brian Wilson's wife for not being passionate enough.

We replaced him with a car salesman (great player) who had the charisma of a prune.

We were at our most successful when football was an amateur game. We didn't have the Jack Wrens of the world digging into their gains to reward our players. What would our then supporters think, while they played gin rummy and took care of establishment business? We didn't have the Richard Pratts digging in whenever it was needed. And when we got one, we replaced him with Szondy, an accountant who turned us from having money in the bank to debtors. Oh what a great decision. A passionate demons supporter who created passion in the club outed because he didn't fit the Melbourne model.

What is Paul Gardner passionate about? Did he, as Eddie did, sit in the outer as a passionate supprter at opposition grounds getting there early to watch the reserves? Or play, as Richard Pratt did, bleeding for his Club in the reserves on muddy grounds with cold showers, or with his local comp dreaming of one day pulling on the red and bue?

All while bulding a glabal marketing company. He didn't bleed inside when the Dees lost. He's passionate about causes.

We are still run by amateurs.

There are former players out there who are smart, passionate and successful. Come on Cuddles, get your mates moving. Take over the club.

Do we have enough passionate supporters out there who care enough about this club to get rid of the establishment amateurs who run it? We need some FERAL PASSION.

To get back to the subject at hand, Bailey has, IMHO, a fair degree of feral in him.

Let's give him passion.

Let's give him supprt.

You all ask for balls from the players. where's the balls from the supporters?

Our next window should open 2010 -11.

Instead of whinging and whining, and seeing who'se got the biggest c**k, let's make difference.

Make noise about changing the real problem. The lack of leadership at the top creates a culture of dispassion.

FCS aim our collective anger where it belongs. Fire the board.

We count - but only if we're members. Enough members can make a change. Enough, perhaps, to cause our current so - called leaders - the board to fall on their swords.

Let's stop p*ssing into the wind.

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certainly does stand to reason that you might be better suited to coaching if you were a strong leader as a player

Correlation doesn't equal causation. I imagine leaders are more likely to become coaches than others.

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After the game, Bulldogs coach Rodney Eade defended new Melbourne coach Dean Bailey, whose first two matches in charge have been lost by a combined total of 199 points.

"Melbourne is changing its game plan and it takes time," Eade said. "If their style had clicked we would have had a real game on our hands."

However, Akermanis said yesterday he thought the Demons were in worse shape than his charitable coach suggested.

"I remember talking after the game and a couple of the guys did say that there was just no voice from them," he said.

"It is what happens really when you're not playing well, you don't talk, you don't run as much, the intensity drops down, so they are struggling.

"It's odd (with) a new coach; usually when a new coach comes in you really want to do the right thing."

those were the words from aker. thoughts?

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After the game, Bulldogs coach Rodney Eade defended new Melbourne coach Dean Bailey, whose first two matches in charge have been lost by a combined total of 199 points.

"Melbourne is changing its game plan and it takes time," Eade said. "If their style had clicked we would have had a real game on our hands."

However, Akermanis said yesterday he thought the Demons were in worse shape than his charitable coach suggested.

"I remember talking after the game and a couple of the guys did say that there was just no voice from them," he said.

"It is what happens really when you're not playing well, you don't talk, you don't run as much, the intensity drops down, so they are struggling.

"It's odd (with) a new coach; usually when a new coach comes in you really want to do the right thing."

those were the words from aker. thoughts?

ND's record over 10 years is looking pretty good

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You can add Neil Craig to that list.

Some of the conspiracy theories about the players being this or that fantasised by "supporters" who know little is more appalling than MFC's attack on the ball.

I can't believe some of the offal posted here.

Great post Astrodee. However it will be likely to lost on those who will blame DB/ND for why there clocks out of sync as a clear message from the players that they are not happy with the game plan.

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You can add Neil Craig to that list.

Some of the conspiracy theories about the players being this or that fantasised by "supporters" who know little is more appalling than MFC's attack on the ball.

I can't believe some of the offal posted here.

Great post Astrodee. However it will be likely to lost on those who will blame DB/ND for why there clocks out of sync as a clear message from the players that they are not happy with the game plan.

What is offal? Statistics and history shows whats needed to be a premiership coach. These men that are premiersship coaches are that for a reason, they were born leaders and they did it on the football field as well, When will a player committ 100%? When they have respect, belief, trust and motivation from the coach. If the players aren't happy with the coaches ways they ain't going to get results on the board

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But im sure if Mick Malthouse or Leigh Matthews was coaching us we wouldn't perform this bad for the simple fact they'd know what would be coming training night. Melbourne needed to get away from a having a soft coach, have they done that?

You can see on the football field he's not getting the best out of his players, I won't believe we have fallen that far behind the rest of the league. If the Game plan isn't working go back to basics, it doesn't seem like we can do that even

I share these sentiments entirely. Our list is not that bad. A new game plan should not mean that the basics of football are thrown out the window. We are playing a brand of football that requires highly skilled evasive players, of which we have 2 (Davey and Morton). It's little wonder that the players are getting frustrated.

A new coach should work with the players at his disposal. He should also understand that how the trade/draft period works. He won't be able to turnover the list and replace them with super skilled players in the space of a few years, if ever.

Bailey needs to get the best out of what he's got. At the moment he's failing.

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That has crossed my mind a few times. That players are so pro ND that there is still some resentment that he got sacked. That they haven't fully given their all for DB.

If they didn't want Daniher to get sacked, they shouldn't have played like pea hearts!

Daniher failed because he put faith in players who simply weren't up to the grade when the going got tough.

Bailey has to make some extremely tough decisions over the next 3 years; I hope he is rewarded by a contract extenion for 5 years for doing so, because we are still 16 players being cleared from our list from being competitive.

We MUST be major players in the trade period this year.

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If you had listened to the post-match interview with Bailey you would have realised that the game plan this week was to just be competitive and win the contested ball.

How friggin hard is that to follow? Honestly, if that's not an instinctive thing for our players, we are wasting our time.

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Bailey has to make some extremely tough decisions over the next 3 years; I hope he is rewarded by a contract extenion for 5 years for doing so, because we are still 16 players being cleared from our list from being competitive.

We MUST be major players in the trade period this year.

Who's to say that the 16 new players that replace those that you believe need to be cleared will actually be any better? In all likelihood, in 2 years time, you might be saying that some of the players we drafted last year need to be cleared.

And as Rhino stated in another post, clubs are less likely to trade high draft picks for average players.

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What is offal? Statistics and history shows whats needed to be a premiership coach. These men that are premiership coaches are that for a reason, they were born leaders and they did it on the football field as well,

You should actually spend the time and energy as to what wins a premiership. You will find that a Coach is just one part of the picture. It will be enlightening for you.

When will a player committ 100%? When they have respect, belief, trust and motivation from the coach. If the players aren't happy with the coaches ways they ain't going to get results on the board

How would what the actual situation is with the players and the Coach? How do you know that the players dont have DB's respect, belief, trust and motivation?

From what I have seen read and observed, DB has given them an open canvas to all players to perform. He's empowered the players to choose their leadership group and empowered the leadership group to act. Get the picture Mick

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