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Posted (edited)

Pity about The Age.

I had many friends who worked there before it became a tabloid mish mash of mental junk.

I noticed an article that  begins with the headline "Dear Men,It's not OK to comment on pre-teen girls looks."


How about ,"Sweetie you are covered in dog poo and it's making me ill just looking at you-go shower".

or "You look very pretty today darling ,but not in a rape attracting kind of way, just a sort of pure and innocent way that I'm sure will disappear when you learn at Uni that I am actually just a misogynistic,patriarchal ,gender stereotyping and bias perpetuating animal who is degrading you with my complimentary assessment of your appearance and gender".

The other articles that start along the lines of "Stop saying" ,"Don't call me",etc are not only embarrassing for this once great paper, it's bad grammar.

Makes me long for the days when I would meet up with my Journo mates(male and female) and head to the strippers opposite for a few beers before going out to pick up  with my undeniable charm.

Journos parties were fun in the old days too.Plenty of dancing,kisssing,drugs and music.

Bet the gatherings aren't much fun these days.

I hope they have a third and fourth toilet for the unspecified genders in the new offices ,because that's the most important issue facing us it seems.

I wonder if they realise how ridiculous they are and how intellectually demeaning they are to themselves.

If I had a vagina it would allow me to write some of the most abysmal diary entries about my own perceived injustices and pass them off as Journalism.

When is it going to end?

I hope soon.


Edited by Biffen
  • Like 3

Posted (edited)

"The Truman(p) Show" rolls on (with a difference/new twist)

One of Rupert's publications has chimed in  ... this (1 hour ago) from news.com ...


President Trump is not running his government according to the laws of a nation but the accepted rules of show business. That’s why there is a bigger, more outrageous, more egregious announcement made each day.

Every episode has to deliver the shockingly unexpected and the dizzy, dazzling thrills of another cliffhanger. It is car-crash viewing and none of us can look away.



The President speaks in single syllable words and can reduce the most multifarious of issues to eight-second sound bites. It can make him sound ignorant but ensures he is always understood.

His words of choice — good, bad, best, wrong, stupid, fake — are short, staccato and their meaning can be comprehended by a child of eight or nine. His binary narrative of right and wrong leaves no room for shades of grey. Its power is palpable and proven.


Read more here ... Four ways Donald Trump is running the US Government like a reality TV Show







Edited by Macca

It is a reality show Macca. Well put.

The reality is the only concern for him is running it as a profitable business to the exclusion of all the time wasting concerns.

That will help the most people out of poverty in the quickest available time.

get your head around it.

23 minutes ago, Biffen said:

It is a reality show Macca. Well put.

The reality is the only concern for him is running it as a profitable business to the exclusion of all the time wasting concerns.

That will help the most people out of poverty in the quickest available time.

get your head around it.


Get my head around it?  I tried that and it ended up doing my head in!

Good luck with Trump Biff - he's all yours.  You never know, it may somehow work out ... not sure how that's at all impossible but I suppose miracles can occur.

We'll all be watching with avid interest ... 1446 days to go and counting.  Oy vey.


  • Like 1

1 minute ago, Macca said:


Get my head around it?  I tried that and it ended up doing my head in!

Good luck with Trump Biff - he's all yours.  You never know, it may somehow work out ... not sure how that's at all impossible but I suppose miracles can occur.

We'll all be watching with avid interest ... 1446 days to go and counting.  Oy vey.


The one thing he seems to excel at is running an economy.

House,or business, macro or micro the cash is not flooding out of the country for once.

i'll own Trump-he's absolutely genius so far.

  • Like 1
On 04/02/2017 at 3:52 PM, Earl Hood said:


 It is called genocide anywhere else. 

No it's not. Nothing referred to in your post qualifies as genocide. 

I don't really want to get involved in these political discussions but it irks me to see words like genocide and nazi (in the other thread) thrown around so cheaply. Nazi is not a synonym for a bad person, and not every act of war is genocide. 

It's not only incorrect, it's intellectually lazy. 

  • Like 4
37 minutes ago, Biffen said:

The one thing he seems to excel at is running an economy.

House,or business, macro or micro the cash is not flooding out of the country for once.

i'll own Trump-he's absolutely genius so far.

Biff give me a break

The Donald's private businesses have filed for bankruptcy six times but yeah he knows how to run an economy, the biggest on earth! i don't think.

You can't bribe government officials, lobby officials, pay kickbacks to the mob or sue everyone to make out you are running a successful national economy. 

The national balance sheet has to add up, at least in the way he has promised. You can't litigate your way out of an economic crisis when you are the President. 

I wish the Gump good luck on running the economy. I think he will fail. That is my take! 

  • Like 2

48 minutes ago, Biffen said:

The one thing he seems to excel at is running an economy.

House,or business, macro or micro the cash is not flooding out of the country for once.

i'll own Trump-he's absolutely genius so far.

The man who had a $12,000,000,000 personal  tax loss in one year is good at running a business/economy?


Hate to see someone unskilled.

  • Like 2
Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Grapeviney said:

No it's not. Nothing referred to in your post qualifies as genocide. 

I don't really want to get involved in these political discussions but it irks me to see words like genocide and nazi (in the other thread) thrown around so cheaply. Nazi is not a synonym for a bad person, and not every act of war is genocide. 

It's not only incorrect, it's intellectually lazy. 

Grape I respect your views.

However this is my personal view

I see little difference between the German ghettos of the 1930's and modern day Palestine, as created by the modern day State of Isreal. The world pays lip service to a two state solution while Isreal builds new settlements on Palestinian territory, as well as building walls, controlling access to power and clean water and numerous other goods. When you commandeer another people's land for your own people it usually means genocide, a la our actions with our indigenous Australians in the past two hundred years as the Brittish Empire commanderred Terra Nullius. 

And of course the Isrealites have the Old Testament to back their case for ownership going back a 2000 years. Those Palestinian interlopers who took over in 66 AD have no rights. Johnny come lately's! 

Edited by Earl Hood
Get the years right

Posted (edited)
On 2/4/2017 at 9:22 PM, Earl Hood said:

The Donald has been active for only 2 weeks but gee what theatre! I wake up every morning eager to tune in to the latest episode of the president and he never disappoints. It is all action. Bans on Muslims from every country that hasn't attacked the US on their soil, that makes sense. But open borders to our Saudi friends who manned the 9/11 jets.  Giving our PM Mr Trumball a right old rollicking, leaking it to the US media, then bragging about how tough he has had to be but then denying it all happened in the space of 48 hours! That is our Donald! The world of politics as we know it has gone mad. 

The man is unhinged and I will state here and now within the next 2 years, he or his chief advisor, Steve Bannon will declare war on someone. My guess is Iran, it's the only country left that hasnt been trashed by the US or has been caused by them, in the Middle East. There is Israel of course but if The Donald is going to move the US embassy to Jerusalem then the Palestinians have no choice but to rebel for their survival. It is called genocide anywhere else. So expect more unnecessary carnage that will impact on people in Isreal and the Middle East. 

Welcome to the future. 

I think it'll be Iran too. They have the least ties. The Russians are on al-Assad's side in Syria. The Saudi's have long-standing ties with the US government dating back to Roosevelt's administration. Nothing happening there, even though the US have less reliance on them for oil nowadays.

From an Australian perspective though, I hope we pull our troops out from Iraq and Afghanistan, and revoke ANZUS if need be, otherwise our soldiers and resources will be wasted. Trump's Yemen catastrophe has already cost American lives. The man is not only a fascist, but a menace to global democracy and peace. His own military don't trust him and rightly so. He's a brash child. We don't need Australians being needlessly killed.

I hate to think what's in store for us in the South China Sea under this idiot. Our US military bases in Australia and our proximity to China are major issues. We need to attempt to act as an intermediary between our US allies and China. Both are integral trade partners and cosying up to China/remaining neutral between these disagreeing super powers for as long as possible must be the goal. 

Bannon has actually said "we're going to war in the South China sea... no doubt". He is far more dangerous than Trump, as Bannon, despite being a Nazi, is an extremely intelligent and articulate Nazi.

On 2/4/2017 at 10:26 PM, Wrecker45 said:

The thing I like best about the quick pace of his draining of the swamp is the perpetually enraged serial protestors can't protest about everything at once. Next week he will likely pull out of the Paris climate agreement. The following the UN will can kiss a large slab of their funding goodbye. Ohh what to protest about.

What do you actually mean by draining the swamp? People like these catch phrases, but they're never really elaborated on. You know Trump initially hated that slogan and said so, but then it played well, so he thought he'd keep it. It's actually hilarious watching him say it: 

It's just a meaningless slogan. He's playing all these stupid, helpless people to gain power and now he's sitting back and laughing at them.

Edited by A F

I'll post up some clips from SNL, The Daily Show & Last Week Tonight as they become available but in the meantime here's the opening monologue from Bill Maher's latest 'Real Time' ...


Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Biffen said:

The one thing he seems to excel at is running an economy.

House,or business, macro or micro the cash is not flooding out of the country for once.

i'll own Trump-he's absolutely genius so far.

What are you talking about? He's never run a national economy. He had a massive tax free bank loan that started it all in NYC, before overseeing six business bankruptcies and starting over again - in the meantime, those that had equity in his businesses lost it all, each time he claimed bankruptcy.

This was a guy that lived off government grants to finance his building empire (handed to him by his father) and finally took off when he managed to negotiate the biggest tax break in NY's history ($160mill). You can't run a country like a business. As we saw with Thatcher and Reagan, the corporate elite get richer, and an underclass develops. 

As to your point about stopping the flow of money out of the country, you realise he employs vast amounts of Muslims from multiple areas in the Middle East (those countries not included in his travel ban), so not quite true either.

Edited by A F
Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Earl Hood said:

Biff give me a break

The Donald's private businesses have filed for bankruptcy six times but yeah he knows how to run an economy, the biggest on earth! i don't think.

You can't bribe government officials, lobby officials, pay kickbacks to the mob or sue everyone to make out you are running a successful national economy. 

The national balance sheet has to add up, at least in the way he has promised. You can't litigate your way out of an economic crisis when you are the President. 

I wish the Gump good luck on running the economy. I think he will fail. That is my take! 

He's had over 500 businesses. Six bankruptcies is a fantastically low percentage don't you think? 

Edited by Ethan Tremblay
  • Like 2

Donald has done a corporate filing for bankruptcy many times but if you knew about investment in skyscrapers it's often many parties not paying up that leads to the bankruptcy.

So far he is pulling back US spending with his rhetoric alone.The wall is an expense ,not a waste.Stopping migrants is a cost saver.

AF- you must run a country like a business whether Lesbians don't get free workshops, migrants don't get entry, Transitioning students get nothing for a sex change or whatever other frivolity the worker cannot finance.

  • Like 1

7 hours ago, Biffen said:

Stopping migrants is a cost saver.

What an extraordinary claim. Migrants provide lowest labour costs for American businesses, how does stopping them reduce a businesses' costs?


I don't get why people think governments should be run like businesses.

Governments should be run like governments. Businesses are just there to make money, that's their aim. A government, or a good one, is there to administer for a public good.

A business can fire shitty employees, and evaluate them on the benefit they bring to the bottom line. A government can't just cast aside a shitty person, it has to govern for everyone.

A business can operate without compassion. A government without compassion has failed its people.

  • Like 1
1 hour ago, nmgar said:

What an extraordinary claim. Migrants provide lowest labour costs for American businesses, how does stopping them reduce a businesses' costs?

They have plenty already.

54 minutes ago, Choke said:

I don't get why people think governments should be run like businesses.

Governments should be run like governments. Businesses are just there to make money, that's their aim. A government, or a good one, is there to administer for a public good.

A business can fire shitty employees, and evaluate them on the benefit they bring to the bottom line. A government can't just cast aside a shitty person, it has to govern for everyone.

A business can operate without compassion. A government without compassion has failed its people.

They have a massive debt that is a juggernaut of it's own.

You're Fired!!


1 minute ago, Biffen said:

They have a massive debt that is a juggernaut of it's own.

You're Fired!!


I'm not sure I follow.

There is too much debt and therefore the government must be run like a business? Is that it?

I understand cutting waste and inefficiencies to reduce debt - that makes perfect sense to me. But if you go too far with the business angle you end up losing sight of the people who live in the society being governed.

You can fire employees from a business, you can't fire citizens from a society.

16 minutes ago, Choke said:

I'm not sure I follow.

There is too much debt and therefore the government must be run like a business? Is that it?

I understand cutting waste and inefficiencies to reduce debt - that makes perfect sense to me. But if you go too far with the business angle you end up losing sight of the people who live in the society being governed.

You can fire employees from a business, you can't fire citizens from a society.

The traditional way Americans make money is through the Military Industrial Complex.

They build up a giant steel, arms,and car industry ,then go to war and explode bombs on innocent countries ,then they make those countries sign an agreement to rebuild on American terms.

I think the Donald might be pulling back the expansionary ,foreign aid, interventionist policies of previous governments in the short term until Employment rises sufficiently on the home front.

Just before the election rolls around for a second term of Donald,he will declare war.

It works a charm as John Howard worked out, the little maggot.


On firing citizens from a country, you kind of can over there.Every building site I saw on my last trip to LA was 100% Mexican staffed.

So it's more like firing non-ditz or illegals as he promised to do in the election.

  • Like 1

More from the most recent Real Time with Bill Maher (Sat) ...


16 hours ago, Earl Hood said:

Grape I respect your views.

However this is my personal view

I see little difference between the German ghettos of the 1930's and modern day Palestine, as created by the modern day State of Isreal. The world pays lip service to a two state solution while Isreal builds new settlements on Palestinian territory, as well as building walls, controlling access to power and clean water and numerous other goods. When you commandeer another people's land for your own people it usually means genocide, a la our actions with our indigenous Australians in the past two hundred years as the Brittish Empire commanderred Terra Nullius. 

And of course the Isrealites have the Old Testament to back their case for ownership going back a 2000 years. Those Palestinian interlopers who took over in 66 AD have no rights. Johnny come lately's! 

Earl ,you do realise that Lebanon was 80% Christian in the 1920s?

Is this less of a problem for you or do you conveniently just let these things go by without mention?

It is now 85% Muslim.

You tied in a whole lot of extraneous info to your point about Palestine after that.

Do you suggest we bring them all over here to make up for their dispossession ?

Can you provide some solution to the problem of do you just want to run down Israel?

I don't understand the groovy hatred of decent civilisation in deference to terrorist states?

The Aboriginal issue does not need to be combined with he rock throwing bombers.

  • Like 1
10 hours ago, Biffen said:

They have plenty already.

Perhaps so, but you haven't answered the question. You are obviously assuming an increase in business activity, how does an increased labour cost assist them?

Posted (edited)
16 minutes ago, nmgar said:

Perhaps so, but you haven't answered the question. You are obviously assuming an increase in business activity, how does an increased labour cost assist them?

An increase in labour cost and a workforce that spends its money in the same country,rather than sending it "home" helps enormously.The minimum wage is far too low in the states currently.Even the Donald dealt with unions in his building enterprises and paid the proper rates.Illegal immigrants with one foot in another country don't tend to spend much where they work.

   If you'd like more evidence I suggest you read up on Keynesian economic theory versus astringent Friedmanism which has the net effect of increasing the need for transfer payments.

John Kenneth Galbraith , the premier economist of last century compared the two models and found that a lift in wage cost had the macro effect of increased spending by the workforce which created more jobs.

Paying illegals does nothing for the government coffers or the broader economy.Sure,it helps the boss in the short term but any reduction in the black economy helps govt bottom line and overall business confidence.

The "wall" will presumably have some effect on the massive cocaine industry and black market expenditure as well.

Edited by Biffen

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