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OUT: Abbott IN: Turnbull


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The more I listen to Shorten the more I am convinced he is a phony.

Even when he raises legitimate points / issues he sounds insincere and it's as if he does not believe a word coming out of his mouth.

Like Abbott, he will do and say anything to advance his own political interests; I suppose in a way this is the story of modern politics on all sides of the fence.

It's depressing, though, not knowing from when or where the next proper leader is going to emerge.

Labor is right, and we Liberals are wrong

Some pretty good points are raised in this article. Sadly, most members of political parties are now being hollowed out to being consisted solely of an activist fringe OR they are people who are political careerists who are on the other end of the spectrum and would sell their mother along with any scrap of convictions they once had for a seat in the parliament. Back in the day, you actually had to achieve something in the worlds of business, community service, education, law etc. before you got a gig in parliament and some still do. However, a lot of them these days are the equivalent of trolls on the internet who want to 'win the argument' yet not deliver any policy outcomes. That's when the turnover of leaders comes about but if these people were accountable to their own party base (as is suggested in the article) then we might not get so many numpties in parliament.

It would be nice as well to see local branches select their own candidates as well rather than having some spiv parachuted in from HQ.

Edited by Colin B. Flaubert
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Abbott to me is not fluff - the extent of his lack of understanding of situations and ability to read the mood of public and his own party knows no bounds - the sacking of Ruddock again highlights this. His comments linking aid to the executions of the two in Indonesia - why oh why ?

Shorten ? - yup - fluff.....

The strange thing nut is that the Libs themselves have long known that Abbott's judgement is questionable and that he has a penchant for going off half-cocked.

He did not get a single vote when he stood for the leadership after the demise of the Howard Government and he only beat Turnbull by a solitary vote when he replaced him as opposition leader, despite Turnbull's disastrous polling.

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The strange thing nut is that the Libs themselves have long known that Abbott's judgement is questionable and that he has a penchant for going off half-cocked.

He did not get a single vote when he stood for the leadership after the demise of the Howard Government and he only beat Turnbull by a solitary vote when he replaced him as opposition leader, despite Turnbull's disastrous polling.

I shake my head every time I hear him or read about him doing something.

There are so many politicians who I don't like but at least I think I understand them.

Rudd had an unfortunate narcissistic streak and let his ego get ahead of himself but he wasn't a stupid man. Gillard - I think became a different person once she got the top job - a very intelligent person. I think Hockey has done poorly as treasurer and being in the spotlight obviously doesn't suit him because I respected his intelligence and cool demeanor prior to his elevation. Shorten is no dummy but is bland and vanilla and that does not these days when leaders have to have some TV presence. Turnbull is a good performer in my eyes - I do believe he has overcompromised himself in towing the company line and was I expecting his resignation much earlier in the piece.

I freely admit I just don't understand Abbott or maybe I just don't want to accept the simple truth that he is a dingbat.

Edited by nutbean
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The strange thing nut is that the Libs themselves have long known that Abbott's judgement is questionable and that he has a penchant for going off half-cocked.

He did not get a single vote when he stood for the leadership after the demise of the Howard Government and he only beat Turnbull by a solitary vote when he replaced him as opposition leader, despite Turnbull's disastrous polling.

From memory there was one Turnbull supporter who didn't vote as she was ill that day and couldn't attend.

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I shake my head every time I hear him or read about him doing something.

There are so many politicians who I don't like but at least I think I understand them.

Rudd had an unfortunate narcissistic streak and let his ego get ahead of himself but he wasn't a stupid man. Gillard - I think became a different person once she got the top job - a very intelligent person. I think Hockey has done poorly as treasurer and being in the spotlight obviously doesn't suit him because I respected his intelligence and cool demeanor prior to his elevation. Shorten is no dummy but is bland and vanilla and that does not these days when leaders have to have some TV presence. Turnbull is a good performer in my eyes - I do believe he has overcompromised himself in towing the company line and was I expecting his resignation much earlier in the piece.

I freely admit I just don't understand Abbott or maybe I just don't want to accept the simple truth that he is a dingbat.

you'd probably need a good jesuit indoctrination education to maybe understand, nut

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Abbott to me is not fluff - the extent of his lack of understanding of situations and ability to read the mood of public and his own party knows no bounds - the sacking of Ruddock again highlights this. His comments linking aid to the executions of the two in Indonesia - why oh why ?

Shorten ? - yup - fluff.....

The aid comments were again just a total lack of judgement. To come out and say that publicly is mind boggling. Talk about a red rag to a bull.

It's Abbott's complete and utter lack of ability to properly assess a situation that one can only marvel at.

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Labor is right, and we Liberals are wrong

Some pretty good points are raised in this article. Sadly, most members of political parties are now being hollowed out to being consisted solely of an activist fringe OR they are people who are political careerists who are on the other end of the spectrum and would sell their mother along with any scrap of convictions they once had for a seat in the parliament. Back in the day, you actually had to achieve something in the worlds of business, community service, education, law etc. before you got a gig in parliament and some still do. However, a lot of them these days are the equivalent of trolls on the internet who want to 'win the argument' yet not deliver any policy outcomes. That's when the turnover of leaders comes about but if these people were accountable to their own party base (as is suggested in the article) then we might not get so many numpties in parliament.

It would be nice as well to see local branches select their own candidates as well rather than having some spiv parachuted in from HQ.

media media media, driven & drivel

faulkner said it, aren't there any of substance out there. & no not bean counters, men, neigh, people of the people. who want to serve; a purpose.

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The aid comments were again just a total lack of judgement. To come out and say that publicly is mind boggling. Talk about a red rag to a bull.

It's Abbott's complete and utter lack of ability to properly assess a situation that one can only marvel at.

the wheels are off, & his asss is draggin' thru the sand.

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It is looking like Tony is for the high jump. It is amazing how history is repeating itself with this government and Labour's. Who would have thought tjis could happen, at least so quickly?

Why I wonder. Lack of senate majorities, stalled legislation and silly parties may be part of it but then Howard destroyed himself in the one period that he had full power in both houses. These days we have oppositions carping away to get power but with no policy development when they get there.

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It is looking like Tony is for the high jump. It is amazing how history is repeating itself with this government and Labour's. Who would have thought tjis could happen, at least so quickly?

Why I wonder. Lack of senate majorities, stalled legislation and silly parties may be part of it but then Howard destroyed himself in the one period that he had full power in both houses. These days we have oppositions carping away to get power but with no policy development when they get there.

they,,,, are all terrified that the Blue Tongue political party will only last a solitary Term; & the ill wind that's shown from the glimpses of Greasy Joes Budget Burger Stg1...

it gets ground beef chopped further in Stg 2, until all you get is a Roll & Lettus.


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they,,,, are all terrified that the Blue Tongue political party will only last a solitary Term; & the ill wind that's shown from the glimpses of Greasy Joes Budget Burger Stg1...

it gets ground beef chopped further in Stg 2, until all you get is a Roll & Lettus.


DL I am trying to learn Spanish that is taxing me enough, can you translate your post for me. Joe, blue tongue, burger........etc?

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the wheels are off, & his asss is draggin' thru the sand.


It is looking like Tony is for the high jump. It is amazing how history is repeating itself with this government and Labour's. Who would have thought tjis could happen, at least so quickly?

Why I wonder. Lack of senate majorities, stalled legislation and silly parties may be part of it but then Howard destroyed himself in the one period that he had full power in both houses. These days we have oppositions carping away to get power but with no policy development when they get there.


DL I am trying to learn Spanish that is taxing me enough, can you translate your post for me. Joe, blue tongue, burger........etc?

HahaHa, Spanish... i'm having fun with the rabbots position after the despicable mess he caused our parliament, in his time as opposition leader.

its a play on Blue tie political parties, forked tongues, the deceit shown from budget 1 of Greasy Joe's doing (greasy Joes burgers of St-Kilda fame), after the election promises, & that changing the leader, won't change a thing, except for the delivery of the deceit.

they.... are the bolts the costigans the murdocks, & all others who want for everything, but for the people of Australia. the workers of Australia.

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Don't underestimate Shorten. He's a very adept party operator and did an excellent job in the very unsexy disabilities portfolio. He would make an outstanding senior minister in a Labour government. Unfortunately, his ambition and his right-wing supporters have promoted him beyond his proper level.

The Labour membership wanted Albo, the party machine gave them Shorten; I think the members got it right. I think either Albo or Plibersek could lead Labour to a win over anyone the Libs throw up, assuming a reasonable set of policies coming out in the leadup to an election.

My dream campaign - Plibersek v Morrison.

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The aid comments were again just a total lack of judgement. To come out and say that publicly is mind boggling. Talk about a red rag to a bull.

It's Abbott's complete and utter lack of ability to properly assess a situation that one can only marvel at.

the danger is, that its a China shop to a bull

having him take us into war conflicts as leader, isn't my Idea of good.

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  • 4 weeks later...

There are so many politicians who I don't like but at least I think I understand them.

Rudd had an unfortunate narcissistic streak and let his ego get ahead of himself but he wasn't a stupid man. Gillard - I think became a different person once she got the top job - a very intelligent person. I think Hockey has done poorly as treasurer and being in the spotlight obviously doesn't suit him because I respected his intelligence and cool demeanor prior to his elevation. Shorten is no dummy but is bland and vanilla and that does not these days when leaders have to have some TV presence. Turnbull is a good performer in my eyes - I do believe he has overcompromised himself in towing the company line and was I expecting his resignation much earlier in the piece.

I freely admit I just don't understand Abbott or maybe I just don't want to accept the simple truth that he is a dingbat.

Nutbean I agree on most except Abbott. Whilst misunderstood he has still become PM, he is no dingbat. His gaffes are legendary but break them down one by one and if it wasn't Abbott nobody would blink and eye lid. Being hated and chopped down by a largely left wing media is one of his strengths. The harder they try to peg him down or throw gotcha questions at him the more he becomes the underdog and you know how that works in Australia.

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My dream campaign - Plibersek v Morrison.

Mine too. Pilbersek would be so far out of her depth and lose in such a landslide that the Labor party would have to re-invent itself and create a better option for the voters. I would even consider voting for them again.

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Nutbean I agree on most except Abbott. Whilst misunderstood he has still become PM, he is no dingbat. His gaffes are legendary but break them down one by one and if it wasn't Abbott nobody would blink and eye lid. Being hated and chopped down by a largely left wing media is one of his strengths. The harder they try to peg him down or throw gotcha questions at him the more he becomes the underdog and you know how that works in Australia.

the murdoch press & media, left wing???

???? .......... so, they're using reverse psychology to save his poly skin? the r'abbot does his best to alienate people. he seems to love doing it. power crazed.

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Nutbean I agree on most except Abbott. Whilst misunderstood he has still become PM, he is no dingbat. His gaffes are legendary but break them down one by one and if it wasn't Abbott nobody would blink and eye lid. Being hated and chopped down by a largely left wing media is one of his strengths. The harder they try to peg him down or throw gotcha questions at him the more he becomes the underdog and you know how that works in Australia.

His gaffes are indeed legendary - I just expect more. As I have repeated here a few times that whilst I did not support most of Howard's policy - he was the consummate politician and rarely suffered from foot in mouth disease. Abbott just stumbles from one gaffe to the next.

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The strange thing nut is that the Libs themselves have long known that Abbott's judgement is questionable and that he has a penchant for going off half-cocked.

He did not get a single vote when he stood for the leadership after the demise of the Howard Government and he only beat Turnbull by a solitary vote when he replaced him as opposition leader, despite Turnbull's disastrous polling.

And he still smashed Gillard / Rudd at the last election in a landslide. Both of them are more popular and marketable than Shorten.

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And he still smashed Gillard / Rudd at the last election in a landslide. Both of them are more popular and marketable than Shorten.

The voters ( quite rightly) had a gutfull of the Gillard/Rudd war and had seen the worst of Rudd by the time of the election.

Interestingly Rudd in the early days of his PM-ship was popular with voters but disliked within his party and Gillard was wrong to challenge him - the rest is history.

Shorten certainly doesn't inspire confidence but his strategy is sound - keep schtum - Tony will do the job for you. The strategy will have to change when Malcolm takes the throne.

I just think the leap from either opposition leader or high ranking minister to the top job brings many undone.

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His gaffes are indeed legendary - I just expect more. As I have repeated here a few times that whilst I did not support most of Howard's policy - he was the consummate politician and rarely suffered from foot in mouth disease. Abbott just stumbles from one gaffe to the next.

I wouldn't call them gaffs

More like bloopers in the rabbots case

gaffs are too kind, for someone in his responsible chair.

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And he still smashed Gillard / Rudd at the last election in a landslide. Both of them are more popular and marketable than Shorten.

you conveniently forget W45, the people didn't really vote the rabbot in, but protest voted 'the labor party' Out.

le rabbot got the last chair, when the music stopped.

that does not make him a legit pm. far from it, I'm afraid, but the outcome is thus

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