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OUT: Abbott IN: Turnbull


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yep,respect for us is a no no

they've always been that way towards Australia and I cant see them changing in the next 150 years

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Talk about Media Bias, the Guardian sat on this until after the election so they could embarrass Abbott, I have heard that they got the info back in June.

Who did you hear that from?

From what I've read, The Guardian overseas is sifting through 200,000 documents and the Aus branch got this info shortly before publication.

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yep,respect for us is a no no

they've always been that way towards Australia and I cant see them changing in the next 150 years

They are just doing as we do. Play to the lowest element in our own communities.

However it is important to build strong relationships with ones neighbors, otherwise we may as well start buying your weapons for the war.

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They are just doing as we do. Play to the lowest element in our own communities.

However it is important to build strong relationships with ones neighbors, otherwise we may as well start buying your weapons for the war.

we wouldn't last 5 minutes

alfalfa burger eaters,lentle burger eaters,pppfffffftttt

our youth would be lost without mobile phones ,ipads,gps,grease in their hair

no metro looking seargents,

not a chance.20 goals down before the war starts

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we wouldn't last 5 minutes

alfalfa burger eaters,lentle burger eaters,pppfffffftttt

our youth would be lost without mobile phones ,ipads,gps,grease in their hair

no metro looking seargents,

not a chance.20 goals down before the war starts

Agree so let avoid one then and make strong partnerships with our neighbors.

Mind you we do have what is considered the best elite soldiers in the world.

Wait we could been them in a online war game like Tanks. But if they use real tanks we would be stuffed.

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although ive noticed in my travels to colac,if you gave a 14yo a can of spray paint they could do some real damage.they also can scare the krap out of 83 yo grannies with ease

Edited by jazza
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although ive noticed in my travels to colac,if you gave a 14 a can of spray paint they could do some real damage.they also can scare the krap out of 83 yo grannies with ease

I have an answer to that, he big, strong and very loyal.

My Rottweiler!


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Oh we got caught!

Spying on our neighbors PM now is that disrespectful?

Mind you I think we all do it but getting caught IMO is the real issue.


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Youd be delusional to think Indonesia would get far if they had a go. They have numbers for sure but most of their army is more a para military police organisation. Most of their armaments are field or of a lower ordanance. Their Navy would last 5 mins against ours. Our A/F is battle ready Thats much of the reason we participate in so much UN etc..to kept in shape and up to speed .

The reason we had pigs and now superhornets is to remind them we can strike them with impunity .

Indonesia is just a bugger of a thorn in our bum.

Keep friends close and enemies closer and thats the ONLY reason to deal with the ingrates.

Edited by beelzebub
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Youd be delusional to think Indonesia would get far if they had a go. They have numbers for sure but most of their army is more a para military police organisation. Most of their armaments are field or of a lower ordanance. Their Navy would last 5 mins against ours. Our A/F is battle ready Thats much of the reason we participate in so much UN etc..to kept in shape and up to speed .

Indonesia is just a bugger of a thorn in our bum.

Keep friends close and enemies closer and thats the ONLY reason to deal with the ingrates.

Today you may be right, but what about tomorrow.

and what if they get more powerful friends?

Proper military planning should be long term.

In History the Germany also thought they had the advantage over the Russian. That was before they got ground down by superior numbers and found that the best deign is also the most simplest e.g T34 (best Tank of WW2).

Edited by TheBigFrog
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Seen our shopping list of new subs, new offshore combatant vessels,new frigates, new destroyers, upgrades etc. New attack choppers

then theres the JF35 combat aircraft. We are the only allies to share the US Naval Combat strategy software and intelligence. They still cant figure out how our silly old Collins class can sneak up on their ships !! The Indos have no hope there.

What they do have is sizable cannon fodder. and they would be exactly that .

As to any 'new friends" ?? Cant see China siding with a Muslim country !!.

Having said all of this I fully understand the need for some neighborly "love' I also feel the need to suggest as an Aussie that we need to stand firm at times and repel this ridiculous piece of opportune grandstanding for what it is.. a Political animal having a wankk.

I have no issue with the common Indonesian, we're all people , but as a group their upper middle class and govt are an absolute bin of tossers.

Might be time to remind these despots that we are the ones who are invariably the first to send aid, troops and money when ever anything goes wrong there or things thuck up !! That we are the ones who have the food and resources that they need , not that we are the ones who need to sell etc.

Quite frankly Im tired of this bunch of ratbags calling the tune.

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Pity our biggest war ship is only 2 different classes of frigates and only 12 in total, 6 diesel subs and 14 patrol boats.

Also we have 95 front line fighter aircraft and 19 patrol aircraft.

With our current deployments how many aircraft would we currently have to defend our nation?

With a Nation as large as Australia with so little population in the North, I would be surprised if we would spot anyone landing before it happened unless we got assistance.

It appears we only have 2 divisions (Army) with 59 Tanks, 257 infantry fighting vehicles, 268 Artillery Guns, 36 Surface to air systems.

Best not to temp fate and have a good neighbor policy.

Plus don't pay too much attention to our media who like to show the negative side of Indonesia.

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Pity our biggest war ship is only 2 different classes of frigates and only 12 in total, 6 diesel subs and 14 patrol boats.

Also we have 95 front line fighter aircraft and 19 patrol aircraft.

With our current deployments how many aircraft would we currently have to defend our nation?

With a Nation as large as Australia with so little population in the North, I would be surprised if we would spot anyone landing before it happened unless we got assistance.

It appears we only have 2 divisions (Army) with 59 Tanks, 257 infantry fighting vehicles, 268 Artillery Guns, 36 Surface to air systems.

Best not to temp fate and have a good neighbor policy.

Plus don't pay too much attention to our media who like to show the negative side of Indonesia.

Gee sounds like we have more than enough hardware to deal with any feasible threat tht is likely to appear in the next 20 years. However if circumstances change and climate change models prove to be correct and we have sea level rises then we have millions of people on the move. That will test our moral compass. Shoot or accept?

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Pity our biggest war ship is only 2 different classes of frigates and only 12 in total, 6 diesel subs and 14 patrol boats.

Also we have 95 front line fighter aircraft and 19 patrol aircraft.

With our current deployments how many aircraft would we currently have to defend our nation?

With a Nation as large as Australia with so little population in the North, I would be surprised if we would spot anyone landing before it happened unless we got assistance.

It appears we only have 2 divisions (Army) with 59 Tanks, 257 infantry fighting vehicles, 268 Artillery Guns, 36 Surface to air systems.

Best not to temp fate and have a good neighbor policy.

Plus don't pay too much attention to our media who like to show the negative side of Indonesia.

you may wish to start looking into it properly and start comparing our apples to their sultanas !!

Their front line fighter are aging F16...ours are SOTA Superhornets fully optioned with battel hardened pilots...Be like a turkey shoot.

Control the air...you control the war. We have drones or UAV's they have Hilux's ....

They are armed at the grace of OUR Allies... think about it.

Detante is about mutual understanding....and reinforcing plain realities

We have OTH radar...Indo has shlt... Do you sense a theme here ?

Indonesia cant control all of its own factions, Cant protect all of its own people ( and doesnt try btw)

Indonesia like handing out tin medals to flakey yes men....capische ?

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you may wish to start looking into it properly and start comparing our apples to their sultanas !!

Their front line fighter are aging F16...ours are SOTA Superhornets fully optioned with battel hardened pilots...Be like a turkey shoot.

Control the air...you control the war. We have drones or UAV's they have Hilux's ....

They are armed at the grace of OUR Allies... think about it.

Detante is about mutual understanding....and reinforcing plain realities

We have OTH radar...Indo has shlt... Do you sense a theme here ?

Indonesia cant control all of its own factions, Cant protect all of its own people ( and doesnt try btw)

Indonesia like handing out tin medals to flakey yes men....capische ?

BB I think you are missing my point.

Today we have the advantage and there little chance of a conflict anyway.

But what about tomorrow when we may not have the advantage or we face a determined and desperate enemy.

Better to get on with ones neighbours and avoid future conflicts.

One thing I remember about my visit to China is how much they hate the Japanese. This attitude towards a neighbour will not end well, but it may take hundreds of years for anything to happen.

IMO another country facing annihilation is israel,although this may take a thousand years to happen. It would be much better for them to spend a $1 making friends the $10 on defence.

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I always remember the sage advice. of...walk softly but carry a big stick !!

You say tomorrow we may not have the advantage and then argue as though thats going to be a fact. I dont accept that.

Our Defence strategy is to maintain an advantage for starters. As to this storm in a teacup . It too will pass. They arent the sharpest tools come foresight. We arent particularly charmed but they as a Nation are somewhat politically inbred. They will repeat past failures as theres no fresh input or will to unleash the grip on power.

They as a nation ( politically ) are an ungrateful lot and have won no particular currency of favour from any neighbour. The reality is so much effort , resources and time is spend trying to keep their own backyard in order they would struggle to create a cohesive adversary. Another reality is the distinct possibility more areas may wish to exercise autonomy form the central govt. Indonesia is somewhat unravelling.. Aceh likely the next .

Their economy was quite harshly affected by the gfc. Al ot of their forward programs both military and civil development are teetering somewhat perilously. If they has any sense what so ever theyd shut up and encourage our assistance..Again...not the sharpest tools....but tools none the less.

Dont ever be fooled into thinking Indonesia will ever want to be our friends TBF. As a nation we can never trust them so its unlikely we can be more than semi civil acquaintances.

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I always remember the sage advice. of...walk softly but carry a big stick !!

You say tomorrow we may not have the advantage and then argue as though thats going to be a fact. I dont accept that.

Our Defence strategy is to maintain an advantage for starters. As to this storm in a teacup . It too will pass. They arent the sharpest tools come foresight. We arent particularly charmed but they as a Nation are somewhat politically inbred. They will repeat past failures as theres no fresh input or will to unleash the grip on power.

They as a nation ( politically ) are an ungrateful lot and have won no particular currency of favour from any neighbour. The reality is so much effort , resources and time is spend trying to keep their own backyard in order they would struggle to create a cohesive adversary. Another reality is the distinct possibility more areas may wish to exercise autonomy form the central govt. Indonesia is somewhat unravelling.. Aceh likely the next .

Their economy was quite harshly affected by the gfc. Al ot of their forward programs both military and civil development are teetering somewhat perilously. If they has any sense what so ever theyd shut up and encourage our assistance..Again...not the sharpest tools....but tools none the less.

Dont ever be fooled into thinking Indonesia will ever want to be our friends TBF. As a nation we can never trust them so its unlikely we can be more than semi civil acquaintances.

BB when I say tomorrow I don't mean that literally. As someone interested in history, no one can be certain what will happen in 100 or 200 years.

My view is trust no one but be friendly to those that could do you harm. Be that today or in 50 years.

Plus never let the media dictate who you should like or hate

My view is you treat people the way you want to be treated.

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Ah yes, in an ideal world the golden rule ought to prevail. Its an ideal I myself wish to go by unfortunately with some they seem to implore a tarnished version of silver plate instead.

There is nothing about that country that screams to one, trust us. By country i again mean the gov of it.

I have great respect for a people who happily burn our flags and effigies(?). Inspires a warm fuzzy feeling !!

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Ah yes, in an ideal world the golden rule ought to prevail. Its an ideal I myself wish to go by unfortunately with some they seem to implore a tarnished version of silver plate instead.

There is nothing about that country that screams to one, trust us. By country i again mean the gov of it.

I have great respect for a people who happily burn our flags and effigies(?). Inspires a warm fuzzy feeling !!

We are talking about the 3rd (or 4th?) most populous country on the planet and we see a handful of their people burning flags and effigies, so it's hardly a cause for tarring them all with the same brush. I would say that it is more a case of the press (or even govt) getting hold of a few stooges for a staged demonstration while the vast majority of their people are going about their normal daily routines and not giving a thought to Australia at all.

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We are talking about the 3rd (or 4th?) most populous country on the planet and we see a handful of their people burning flags and effigies, so it's hardly a cause for tarring them all with the same brush. I would say that it is more a case of the press (or even govt) getting hold of a few stooges for a staged demonstration while the vast majority of their people are going about their normal daily routines and not giving a thought to Australia at all.

Totally agree


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We are talking about the 3rd (or 4th?) most populous country on the planet and we see a handful of their people burning flags and effigies, so it's hardly a cause for tarring them all with the same brush. I would say that it is more a case of the press (or even govt) getting hold of a few stooges for a staged demonstration while the vast majority of their people are going about their normal daily routines and not giving a thought to Australia at all.

point being...if anyone here...stooges or otherwise were to say ...burn a Bambang doll or tear up a Koran , there'd be all mighty hell to pay.

I dont look to tar all with a brush.. Just those in position to influence

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point being...if anyone here...stooges or otherwise were to say ...burn a Bambang doll or tear up a Koran , there'd be all mighty hell to pay.

I dont look to tar all with a brush.. Just those in position to influence

You may well be right... it's just that I tend to adhere to the old saying that two wrongs don't make a right. Actually, the burning of a flag with a union jack in the corner raises absolutely no emotional response from me at all, as does the burning of effigies of Abbott; if it gets it out of their system, all well and good (it won't achieve much else).

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I am bemused when peoples around the world burn effigies. I am passionate about many things but burning an effigy? Closest I came was burning a Tom Scully effigy ( for what its worth I still think he'll stay)

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