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A close friend of George Pell are you?

I am allowed to despise all religious teachings

They are man made fairy stories who hold far too much power...

Fair enough. Ask yourself though, do you despise Christianity for emotional or intellectual reasons?


Thats like saying Jew bought some Pork to have for Christmas.

Neither is plausible as its fundamentally opposite to the core beliefs held.

A vegetarian who eats meat is simply enlightened :)

Exactly. Have a think about that point now, I'm sure it will click at some stage.


The same old wafer thin rhetoric which dominates dialogue yet avoids substantive discussion.

''retard the human race'':

Did you know that science is a unique contribution of the Christian faith? It is the Christian world which gave birth to the experimental method of science itself because it was only the Christian worldview which viewed the world as a rational place which is open to exploration and discovery.

''Badly written''

I honestly have no time today to go through supposed contradictions. But luckily for me, this guy already has:


Anyways, check those videos out if you want to learn something.

Christian beliefs and Science

Now there is a contradiction..

Thanks for that smile


If I say I'm a vegetarian and then eat meat, am I actually a vegetarian?

That's as simple as I can make it for you.

so in the world of stuie

a christian who commits a christian sin is no longer a christian and cannot be referred to as one

so, there are no sinners in the christian population yet catholicism tells us they are all sinners

nice logic stuie. i hope you didn't pay too much for the course


Find a fanatic or two, give them some weak minded followers and add a dose of ideology .....

Sounds like any political party really


so in the world of stuie

a christian who commits a christian sin is no longer a christian and cannot be referred to as one

so, there are no sinners in the christian population yet catholicism tells us they are all sinners

nice logic stuie. i hope you didn't pay too much for the course

You're still not getting it. Not sure if you're doing it on purpose or you really are just that thick.

There's a difference between sinning and doing something in the name of Christianity that contradicts it's beliefs. If I'm not adhering to the beliefs of the ideology I say I'm a part of then I'm not truly a part of that ideology. It's what you do, not what you say.


Fair enough. Ask yourself though, do you despise Christianity for emotional or intellectual reasons?

Is there a difference?

It is purely mind control on a large scale. Always has been and is getting worse. More attacks like friday will occur as will more cases of child molestation come to light.

Religion is mind control. Science will take us to new planets

Let us please not confuse the two


Is there a difference?

It is purely mind control on a large scale. Always has been and is getting worse. More attacks like friday will occur as will more cases of child molestation come to light.

Religion is mind control. Science will take us to new planets

Let us please not confuse the two

Tell me one contradiction between science and Christian belief.

Posted (edited)

Tell me one contradiction between science and Christian belief.

dates of creation?

Nut Job Abbott didn't even have a science Minister in his Cabinet and he was a "Good Christian" supposedly.

Evolution and Christianity do not sleep together

As i said before The only connection between Science & Religion is MIND CONTROL...

Edited by Sir Why You Little


Just so you know WYL, I don't believe in anything religious at all. Studying religion was the thing that turned me away from it in all forms.

Sometimes it's good to actually learn a bit about things you don't subscribe to and seek to demean. I'd highly recommend it to a fair few here.

Why would i want to spend years of my life studying something i already know to be a story about Cloud Fairies?

Unless i understoood the amount of Power and Mind Control it had if pointed toward the right people...

L Ron Hubbard did this superbly with Scientology...

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

dates of creation?

Nut Job Abbott didn't even have a science Minister in his Cabinet and he was a "Good Christian" supposedly.

Evolution and Christianity do not sleep together

As i said before The only connection between Science & Religion is MIND CONTROL...

Evolution doesn't invalidate Christianity any more than the germ theory of disease or the Big Bang theory of Cosmic Evolution, How can anyone say, on the basis of scientific evidence that the whole scheme was not set up by a provident God to arrive at homeo sapiens on planet earht? Keep in mind, that when evolutionary biologists say that the mutations that lead to evolutionary development are random, random doesn't mean ''occurring by chance'', it means ''irrespective of their usefulness to the organism.''

There is a reason that many famous evolutionists, like Francis Collins, are Christians.

Edited by Moneider96

You're still not getting it. Not sure if you're doing it on purpose or you really are just that thick.

There's a difference between sinning and doing something in the name of Christianity that contradicts it's beliefs. If I'm not adhering to the beliefs of the ideology I say I'm a part of then I'm not truly a part of that ideology. It's what you do, not what you say.

so, how do you determine christian beliefs?

from the bible, from the catholics, from the presbyterians, the anglicans, the mormons, the pilgrims, the greek orthodoxes, jim bakker, jim jones etc etc etc?

they all have their own interpretations and contradictions

similarly for islam, you have the quran, the hadiths, the shiites, the sunnis, the sufis, the hanifa, shafi, hanibal or malik schools, the twelve-imam, zaydis or ismailis sects, etc

again contradictions and interpretations

there is no all agreed xxxxxxx beliefs. it's not an absolute

both islam and christianity cover a wide spectrum of beliefs

  • Like 1

Tell me one contradiction between science and Christian belief.

and on the seventh day......:rolleyes:

Evolution doesn't invalidate Christianity any more than the germ theory of disease or the Big Bang theory of Cosmic Evolution, How can anyone say, on the basis of scientific evidence that the whole scheme was not set up by a provident God to arrive at homeo sapiens on planet earht?

There is a reason that many famous evolutionists, like Francis Collins, are Christians.

There are deluded humans on every level throughout time...


Why would i want to spend years of my life studying something i already know to be a story about Cloud Fairies?

Unless i understoood the amount of Power and Mind Control it had if pointed toward the right people...

L Ron Hubbard did this superbly with Scientology...

I'm not saying spend years doing it, and there is no religion I believe in, all I'm saying is it's always better to have some understanding of what you're demeaning, as opposed to saying "I already know it's a story of cloud dairies"... Maybe you already have done that, and that's your final outcome, and that's totally fine. I respect whatever you choose to believe or not believe, but don't think that aggressive Atheism isn't as much of a set of beliefs and mind control as any religion is.

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

and on the seventh day...... :rolleyes:

The seventh day hasn't ended yet.

For the love of God, do not bring up Ken Ham. Young Earth Creationism is embarrassing. There isn't any biblical account of the age of the earth

Edited by Moneider96


Exactly. Have a think about that point now, I'm sure it will click at some stage.

Stuie... when these extremists start their murderous exploits with 'Allahu akbar " are we supposed to be in any doubt as to which version of religious dogma they're invoking ?

My previous point suggested a Jew would not indulge pork nor celebrate Christmas as thats not their belief. To do so would violate their ideals.

An Islamic extremist going nuts is not necessarily doing the same . For they believe they are taking the Quran (or passages thereof ( to their inevitable destiny.i.e Not contradicting it...but enacting it.

A fundamental difference I would have thought.


Stuie... when these extremists start their murderous exploits with 'Allahu akbar " are we supposed to be in any doubt as to which version of religious dogma they're invoking ?

My previous point suggested a Jew would not indulge pork nor celebrate Christmas as thats not their belief. To do so would violate their ideals.

An Islamic extremist going nuts is not necessarily doing the same . For they believe they are taking the Quran (or passages thereof ( to their inevitable destiny.i.e Not contradicting it...but enacting it.

A fundamental difference I would have thought.

Muslim leaders today have condemned the attacks, calling the people involved "devils" and "evil" and reiterating that Islam does not condone murder in any circumstance.

Saying you are something does not make you that thing. It's not a complicated point to understand.

You are what you do, not what you say. I could go around saying I'm the full forward of the century, doesn't mean I am does it?


I'm not saying spend years doing it, and there is no religion I believe in, all I'm saying is it's always better to have some understanding of what you're demeaning, as opposed to saying "I already know it's a story of cloud dairies"... Maybe you already have done that, and that's your final outcome, and that's totally fine. I respect whatever you choose to believe or not believe, but don't think that aggressive Atheism isn't as much of a set of beliefs and mind control as any religion is.

Strangely Stuie Ill agree with most of this in as much as you cant discuss something you know nothing or little about.

Years ago I actually read the Quran.

Came away thinking theres a lot of books in the wrong part of the Library !! :rolleyes:

For the most part it, Quran, is just anothers viewpoint and interpretation of belief and surrendering to a religions directive. There are fanatics from many beliefs. The current lot of Sharia inspired loonies is todays winner of mentally vacant despots.

The Spanish inquisition says hi

  • Like 1

The Terrorist Bombers were shouting "God is great" as they took concert goers out with M16's

Is this not mind control?

And does it matter which God is great as they are all cartoons of the mind?

There is going to be one huge Religious war in the coming years. These spot fires are getting more prevalent.

For what? My God is better than yours...

May they all disappear but sadly the will not...


I have distant memories of talking footy here once. Might grab a Banana smoothie and reminisce.


I'm not saying spend years doing it, and there is no religion I believe in, all I'm saying is it's always better to have some understanding of what you're demeaning, as opposed to saying "I already know it's a story of cloud dairies"... Maybe you already have done that, and that's your final outcome, and that's totally fine. I respect whatever you choose to believe or not believe, but don't think that aggressive Atheism isn't as much of a set of beliefs and mind control as any religion is.

Fair comments in so much as "If i want to rob a bank the best way to do it is to learn how that bank works" but don't say it is Mind Control if i vehemently disagree that Cartoon Characters created our Universe...

stuie, if the terrorists say they are followers of islam, then they are. they believe they will be rewarded in heaven as martyrs for allah. they quote passages of holy text to justify their actions. they are even prepared to sacrifice their lives just for their beliefs.

just because other more moderate followers of islam have a different view-point doesnt mean they can't be legitimately described as islamic-extremists or islamic-terrorists

the term islamic-terrorists doesn't mean all followers of islam, but the extremists do live and worship among the moderates.

i wonder if you remember the joyous dancing in the streets of the middle east when 9/11 was perpetrated. were they just extremists and not islamic?

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