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Sack Bailey


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I don't think Dean's the man beyond 2011 but I didn't form that view on tonights performance. So many first 22 players out, hard to get a gauge on it.

It's the start of the season that will hurt Bails. When everyone was available we were still ordinary. It's hard to argue that it's all about personnel when we haven't performed when they were in the team.

Tonight wasn't pathetic, but it wasn't good either.

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We had a fullish strength side of KIDS against WC, and got touched up by an opponent who beat a fullish strength dogs outfit by 123 last week. We were shocking, but let's put it in perspective.

The fact we were ahead of North doesn't mean we can sustain it for 4 quarters. Saints were beating Hawks by 5 goals at quarter time 2 weeks ago. For that matter, we are out-performing North, so Brad Scott should go?

I know we are better the NM but the pr^cks keep beating us and we should have won against the saints too. DB just doesnt seem to get the best out of the players consistenly enough. Its time for a change get Viney in and he will bring back the passion and hardness until the end of the season while looking for a new head coach. What do we have to lose?

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We had a fullish strength side of KIDS against WC, and got touched up by an opponent who beat a fullish strength dogs outfit by 123 last week. We were shocking, but let's put it in perspective.

The fact we were ahead of North doesn't mean we can sustain it for 4 quarters. Saints were beating Hawks by 5 goals at quarter time 2 weeks ago. For that matter, we are out-performing North, so Brad Scott should go?

The week after North smashed us for 3 quarters they handed Brisbane their first win of the season. Not good... For us..

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BS. No game is irrelevant. Wheres the passion, wheres the hardness every player who is out there should have this irrespective of the injuries. Even when we did have a near full team against the Hawks and WC we got smashed.

Think back to our game against Essendon at Docklands in the NAB Cup. I was nervous about the 2011 season after that game and it seems my fears have been realised.

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The week after North smashed us for 3 quarters they handed Brisbane their first win of the season. Not good... For us..

Tre - we had injuries for North. The other thing is, Brisbane have been thereabouts all year. But that was a bad loss for North. Sack Scott?

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I don't think Dean's the man beyond 2011 but I didn't form that view on tonights performance. So many first 22 players out, hard to get a gauge on it.

It's the start of the season that will hurt Bails. When everyone was available we were still ordinary. It's hard to argue that it's all about personnel when we haven't performed when they were in the team.

Tonight wasn't pathetic, but it wasn't good either.

Yeah but exactly that, we didn't have our side at full strength under Baily for long enough as a young group to get some form and momentum. Look at us against the Crows and it wasn't until after that game that we started to get a mountain of injuries. If we had have kept a full side, we still would have seen ups and downs but there surely would have been a vast improvement. Tonights game was so bad to watch because we were forced to clog the game up to prevent a WC V Dogs like embarrassment.

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Guest oldman emubitter

done....... on what again??

bailey will not take this team to the finals within the next 2 years

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It's actually sad how deluded you are.

If we had played an open game, we would have been eaten alive. Their strength is small forwards and goal kicking midfielders, and we were missing Davey, Bartram, Grimes, Tapscott and Garland. That means we lost our creative kicks off the half back line, and our shut down players.

The fact of the matter is, at half time we were 16 points down, and 2 of their goals came from shocking turnovers by depth players that are only playing because of injuries.

I'm not saying Bailey did everything right, because IMO he didn't (Watts is not a backman), but if you think playing Petterd the Pretender and Jurrah the Weak in position would have helped, you need to have another look.

I'm sorry, but pushing them up the ground is never going to achieve more than having them just hang around the forward line.

At least there would have been someone to kick to.

And there was a press. Every time the ball ended Carlton's F50, our entire forward like would push up. I took especial notice of it, and we've done it in every single game this year, EXCEPT the Adelaide one...

We were never in a position to win the game because there was no way we could progress the ball forward.

And those two goals were initiated by players under pressure because the ball kept getting kicked into the forward like. Take a look at the inside 50s. When you have the ball going into your defensive area that many times, players are going to make mistakes.

I mean, what's you point? We play defensive to lose by 50 points, instead of playing offensive and actually having someone to kick to?

And Petterd can kick goals. His frustration tonight was evident. I noticed him get angry at being told to push up the ground because the Carlton supporters near me couldn't believe he was so free. Two minutes later Carlton kicked a goal because when we kicked it out, we kicked it directly to a Carlton player, in the exact spot Petterd was in earlier.

Edited by Cudi_420
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It's just a combination of too much passion and too much beer and I apologize for the offensive language. I'm just sooooo frustrated! And for people to call for Bailys head after this, when we had half our side out gets to me! Look at Worsfold last year, he had to go didn't he, now he is GOD!

Deemort I'm not call for DB's head just after one game its been coming for a while and i'm not the only one calling for him to be sacked. Would it not be better to get (for example) Viney in like I've said before who will bring some spark/passion/hardness to the team while we look for a new head coach instead of having to put up with this?

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like it or not we played like :


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I know we are better the NM but the pr^cks keep beating us and we should have won against the saints too. DB just doesnt seem to get the best out of the players consistenly enough. Its time for a change get Viney in and he will bring back the passion and hardness until the end of the season while looking for a new head coach. What do we have to lose?

Exactly what Richmond did wrong for 20 years, kept blaiming and changing the coach prematurely, and had to keep restarting. I'm still not sold on Baily but he needs a year with a close to full list to be judged fairly I'd say.

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I'm sorry, but pushing them up the ground is never going to achieve more than having them just hang around the forward line.

At least there would have been someone to kick to.

And there was a press. Every time the ball ended Carlton's F50, our entire forward like would push up. I took especial notice of it, and we've done it in every single game this year, EXCEPT the Adelaide one...

We were never in a position to win the game because there was no way we could progress the ball forward.

And those two goals were initiated by players under pressure because the ball kept getting kicked into the forward like. Take a look at the inside 50s. When you have the ball going into your defensive area that many times, players are going to make mistakes.

I mean, what's you point? We play defensive to lose by 50 points, instead of playing offensive and actually having someone to kick to?

And Petterd can kick goals. His frustration tonight was evident. I noticed him get angry at being told to push up the ground because the Carlton supporters near me couldn't believe he was so free. Two minutes later Carlton kicked a goal because when we kicked it out, we kicked it directly to a Carlton player, in the exact spot Petterd was in earlier.

By pushing them up, we robbed Carlton of the overlap. You know how in other games we have been accused of giving away soft goals over the back? Well Carlton's number one in the league for scoring that way, and we didn't let them do it because we pushed up. It worked well for 2.5 quarters. There was no way to play the game tonight that would have resulted in a different outcome.

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Yeah but exactly that, we didn't have our side at full strength under Baily for long enough as a young group to get some form and momentum. Look at us against the Crows and it wasn't until after that game that we started to get a mountain of injuries. If we had have kept a full side, we still would have seen ups and downs but there surely would have been a vast improvement. Tonights game was so bad to watch because we were forced to clog the game up to prevent a WC V Dogs like embarrassment.

We had an entire preseason to prepare. There's no excuse for our start to the season.

SURELY there would have been a vast improvement injury free? What do you base that on? We've thumped interstate teams at the G for a few seasons now, the margin may have been higher than usual but that wasn't exactly a break-through performance.

But tonight didn't hurt his chances of coaching next year, but they certainly didn't help them.

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Exactly what Richmond did wrong for 20 years, kept blaiming and changing the coach prematurely, and had to keep restarting. I'm still not sold on Baily but he needs a year with a close to full list to be judged fairly I'd say.

You must be a very very very patient person. Our situation is very similar to Ess last year. If Knights had stayed on as coach there would have been a HUGE back lash from supporters. i would think that would be the case if DB stays next season.

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Deemort I'm not call for DB's head just after one game its been coming for a while and i'm not the only one calling for him to be sacked. Would it not be better to get (for example) Viney in like I've said before who will bring some spark/passion/hardness to the team while we look for a new head coach instead of having to put up with this?

I for one would be excited by Viney taking the raines but I fear its just a "Grass is greener on the other side" thing. Have this years poor results been because mainly because of Baily or should we hold off and see how he goes with a full list in the second half of the year?

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Those who say our forward structure was all wrong are 100% correct but i don't know if its Bailey or just the spuds up there. Firstly Bate and Newton are just awful and can't play to position or do anything. I watched Bate often for minutes at a time (due to the horrible level of the game) and it was actually hilarious, he has no F***ing idea about anything and would let a man standing infront of him stop him from leading. Then you have Jurrah and Pettard who instead of lead or move at all just stick there arms up and tell them to kick it straight to them, and when this is done they give a half hearted effort. Plus when Maric, Jetta and anyone else thrown up there does nothing then any structure put in place by the coach is useless. Our Forwards just aren't interested. So we need to bring in Howe and Cook and tell them to work their ass off.

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You must be a very very very patient person. Our situation is very similar to Ess last year. If Knights had stayed on as coach there would have been a HUGE back lash from supporters. i would think that would be the case if DB stays next season.

Worsfold was in the same boat last year and his list is way way ahead of ours in development. He has turned it around because he stuck to what he thought was best for the club. Now its paying off. I'm not patient at all, I spent all night punching my seat aswell and am sick of being so uncompetitive. Just don't know if Bailys the reason we suck so bad, maybe, maybe not.

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Bailey has lost the players respect. Viney, who may not even be able to coach, would at least not play anyone who doesn't show some form of hardness. There is no point having great skills if you are not hard at the pill. I reckon he would put the fear of god into our poor little petals at the moment. What is it gunna take to try something a bit left of centre? Or do we just go through the rest of the season playing like butterflies on a romp to the syrup pond.

Dean Bailey, grow a set and walk whilst you still have a few left who reckon you can coach............the majority now don't think you can.

To those who said I was an idiot for potting Bailey last year and the year before....................Ha Ha Ha. Wishful thinking fools.

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Those who say our forward structure was all wrong are 100% correct but i don't know if its Bailey or just the spuds up there. Firstly Bate and Newton are just awful and can't play to position or do anything. I watched Bate often for minutes at a time (due to the horrible level of the game) and it was actually hilarious, he has no F***ing idea about anything and would let a man standing infront of him stop him from leading. Then you have Jurrah and Pettard who instead of lead or move at all just stick there arms up and tell them to kick it straight to them, and when this is done they give a half hearted effort. Plus when Maric, Jetta and anyone else thrown up there does nothing then any structure put in place by the coach is useless. Our Forwards just aren't interested. So we need to bring in Howe and Cook and tell them to work their ass off.

I'm all for this Cook and Howe have been playing well, we are at rock bottom with injuries and confidence and I for one would rather see Howe and Cook have a crack than see Bate and Newton continually earn a jumper due to a lack of depth.

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I'm all for this Cook and Howe have been playing well, we are at rock bottom with injuries and confidence and I for one would rather see Howe and Cook have a crack than see Bate and Newton continually earn a jumper due to a lack of depth.

Absolutely, but not if they're not ready.

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I for one would be excited by Viney taking the raines but I fear its just a "Grass is greener on the other side" thing. Have this years poor results been because mainly because of Baily or should we hold off and see how he goes with a full list in the second half of the year?

Understand what u r saying but even the commentators are saying our game plan is not up to scratch. Tom Harley said on Fox that the Dees are the only side playing the defensive game plan and not the press. Others such as Paul Roos, G Healy and M Mclure to name a few have said the same thing. All these guy are not journos they are past footy players. There has to be something in it other wise no one would be commenting on it every blood week. Grass is greener maybe, maybe not but sh^t it would be nice to try instead of putting up with this (and no doubt having the same conversation next week and the week after)

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