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Dappa Dan

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I don't mind Gridiron but not wanting to score a TD due to tactics is not quite right IMO .

That guy woulda dreamt all his life about scoring a TD in a Superbowl , no wonder he couldn't quite stop himself .

Not 1 for his highlight reel tho' .

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Wow ! What a finish ! Giants do it again . Eli 2 Peyton 1 .

Great finish , tense as . That sidelines catch by Manningham will go down in folklore ( and a great throw by Manning )

Fantastic contest . Pats had their chances but the New York Giants were just too good .

Eli elite ? The debate will go on but his 4th quarter performances are something special .

Another great season !

No matter how hard I try, I can't get into the game. Spent some time in the States where they are all fanatical, made no difference.

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God this is awful.... My worst nightmare, quite literally, in the NFL world.

I hadn't factored in a divisional arch rival winning the Superbowl . Pain equally shared in the end Dappa !

Although the dates haven't been set , here is next seasons opponents for each team ........................



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  • 4 weeks later...

So where is Peyton gonna end up ? Apparently there's 12 teams after him . Perhaps more !

And he says he'll make a decision in a week .

My tip - Denver . Reckon Elway will get him across the line . It's just a guess though .


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Hey, i just discovered this nfl thread! I live in Seattle, (long way from the MCG)! so, im a seahawks fan. I, along with many in this city are hoping manning will end up in Seattle. State of the art training facilities, good structure as an organisation, and most of all, the hawks are in need of a quarterback of Mannings stature. They have built a team around the need for a quarterback, jackson was a complete fail, and if nothing comes of a new one, we will possibly be stuck with him again. Seahawks are looking at the top 4 or 5 teams that will possibly have a good shot at Manning. The question is at the moment, as Mannings visiting his possible teams, is if he will do any sort of throwing at all? Obviously this is crucial after his surgery. But at the same time the rumour is he wont be, and be more looking at facilities, team structure etc and how he will fit and possibly win another superbowl. Miami by the looks of it are also rumored to be high on his list, he owns a house there and maybe hes looking to locate there?

Denver will be interesting, Tewbow will not at all be happy at loosing his starting spot, especially after taking a horrible denver (before he came in) to a great season and to the play offs for the first time in 6 seasons! but thats business i suppose!

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  • 2 weeks later...

What are the Jets doing?

Playing the Wildcat offence every now and again can work great...

But not when the QB you are using is a pseudo-hero for a certain section of all NFL clubs (those that think NY is a city of sin, oddly enough) and when he comes on the field the 'Starting QB' is 'sputtering'...

What happens when it works a few times?

Mark Sanchez will become as unpopular as you think his last name should make him...

If I can use 'Tebow' as a verb, and I think I can - The Jets are about to get royally Tebowed in the groin at some point next season, and they won't easily un-Tebow themselves.

Always trust The Elway.

He knows what's best...

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What are the Jets doing?

Playing the Wildcat offence every now and again can work great...

But not when the QB you are using is a pseudo-hero for a certain section of all NFL clubs (those that think NY is a city of sin, oddly enough) and when he comes on the field the 'Starting QB' is 'sputtering'...

What happens when it works a few times?

Mark Sanchez will become as unpopular as you think his last name should make him...

If I can use 'Tebow' as a verb, and I think I can - The Jets are about to get royally Tebowed in the groin at some point next season, and they won't easily un-Tebow themselves.

Always trust The Elway.

He knows what's best...

Yeah , it's an odd move but then again we are talking about Rex Ryan . He thrives on confrontation .

To me it looks like if Sanchez has one poor game , he'll be replaced . Same treatment for Tebow . Rex wants to keep his options open but he probably won't be happy with either . Sanchez doesn't like running with the ball and Tebow does so the contrast is there . Sanchez throws better but he's no A grader .

Just another strange Rex decision . And the New Yorkers will boo Tebow at their 1st opportunity . Heard Tony Kornheiser use the term "Tim-sanity" today . This has all the hallmarks of turning into a circus . Good for us viewers though .


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Yeah , it's an odd move but then again we are talking about Rex Ryan . He thrives on confrontation .

To me it looks like if Sanchez has one poor game , he'll be replaced . Same treatment for Tebow . Rex wants to keep his options open but he probably won't be happy with either . Sanchez doesn't like running with the ball and Tebow does so the contrast is there . Sanchez throws better but he's no A grader .

Just another strange Rex decision . And the New Yorkers will boo Tebow at their 1st opportunity . Heard Tony Kornheiser use the term "Tim-sanity" today . This has all the hallmarks of turning into a circus . Good for us viewers though .


Should have gone to the Jags...

They are his hometown team AND they have the worst QB in the game.

But because of Sparano and Ryan like using the Wildcat at the Jets?

Yeah, every now and again they do, but they still want a QB to sit and throw it for most of the game...

He should have gone to the Jags and the owner would have structured everything around him to sell tickets, because that is the best attribute Tebow has.

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Gee the Broncos didnt really get much in the trade for Tebow either did they? Considering how big "Tebowmania" was during their playoff run this year, youd think he would have a bit more currency. I guess he preferred to be in a 'big' market, it will be interesting how big Rex handles the two QBs, I cant imagine Sanchez, hardly a popular figure with the Jets fans and media at the best of times, wouldve been to happy with the newfound competition. Im with Macca on this one, Sanchez gets the incumbency, and then after one game will be sitting it out by the big cooling fans on the sidelines while Tebow does his usual of offering nothing in the first half before running his team to victory almost singlehandedly. Noo Yoik now has the two biggest pro sport sensations of the past couple of years in the one city! A photo of the two together is surely an inevitability..

The Broncos have taken a big calculated risk shipping Tebow out and bringing in a 36 year old coming off a very serious neck injury. And signing for five years? Hmm.

The Dolphins,Texans and Jags are the big losers out of all this. All were in the hunt for his services, as were the 49ers, they still crave and do not have their 'marquee' quarterback. The Niners risked disenfranchising Alex Smith when they courted Manning, but thankfully Smith re-signed after holding talks with Miami. He is no 'star' but

he fits Harbaughs system, and with Mario Manningham and Randy Moss as upgrades at WR this year should at least have a viable target long this year that isnt a tight end.

Roll on the draft, and Luck and RG3 getting into the pro systems, cant wait to see these two start for the Colts and Skins next year!

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The Broncos have taken a big calculated risk shipping Tebow out and bringing in a 36 year old coming off a very serious neck injury. And signing for five years? Hmm.

Maybe, but Elway won as a 37 year old and a 38 year old.

And that was in the late 90s where QBs were protected but nothing like today.

Manning will get hit but he is a chance to take them to the top 2 of the AFC and from there anything is possible.

Tebow would have brought 'winning but go-nowhere' seasons for years as he learnt to throw in the pocket. And it would not have been easy to extricate themselves from Tebowmania.

I think, even if it fails, it doesn't.

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Hey, i just discovered this nfl thread! I live in Seattle

Welcome! I love this thread. And I'm PUMPED for next year. You'll get to know everyone's favourites on here. There's Texans, Packers, Hawks, and 49ers fans here among other I think. I'm Philly (Did I need to say that with my avatar?)

What are the Jets doing?

Playing the Wildcat offence every now and again can work great...

I reckon it's win/win for everyone. Firstly, the Broncos, especially Elway must have been thinking, "how the HELL do we get rid of this kid? He's in his early 20s, is a media darling, but he can't throw. What the hell am I going to do? I don't wanna run a club with a QB that takes all day to get rid of it? The only thing that'll save me here is an aging hall of famer who'll have a couple more years before we retire him and trade up for the next QB phenom. How often do they become availab.... sorry hang on... phone's ringing.... Yes? Oh hey... Sorry... Who's asking to get traded to us????!!!!"

Then consider the Jets. Rex is sitting there thinking "I can't get rid of Sanchez... he sucks... he's middle of the road, and always will be... How do I get rid of him? Jesus... it's like having Kyle Orton as your starting QB going into the season. Speaking of which... how DID the Broncos get rid of that guy?.... hmmm....."

And if it all breaks down, at least they've put a rocket up Sanchez's behind.

Gee the Broncos didnt really get much in the trade for Tebow either did they?

You're missing the point. It's not what they got. It's what they got rid of. :)

Roll on the draft, and Luck and RG3 getting into the pro systems, cant wait to see these two start for the Colts and Skins next year!

Oh jeez. The only thing I can think of that's more depressing than the Giants lucking into a superbowl win after only just sneaking past the Eagles and Cowgirls in their division. And that's the next Mike Vick (only taller and better) playing for the Skins. That basically means that every team in the NFC East now has a good or scary QB. Romo, Manning, Vick and RG3... Ye gods.

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I'm not buying the Denver hype. Obviously as a KC fan I can be accused of bias, but I'm usually very pessimistic about the Chiefs. It would take another colossal injury barrage for KC not to take the AFC West this coming season though. The Chiefs were a botched FG away from the playoffs last year without some of their best players for the entire season. Whatever your thoughts on Tebow, he took what was generally considered a rancid team at the beginning of the season to some miraculous wins, an improbable playoff berth and a stirring playoff win. Denver has obviously added a huge piece in Manning if his neck doesn't snap in half, but KC's additions for 2012 are Charles, Berry and Moeaki back from injury, Hillis, RT Winston - top 5 at a crucial position is a massive upgrade on Richardson and will help the running game immensely, Boss and Routt - this is a downgrade after KC lost Carr, but not a disgraceful #2 option behind Flowers.

Youth is on KC's side. The one thing that is not, is that it's a quarterback's league. Cassel is not an elite QB, nor in the top 16 QBs, and that's being generous. We won't be going anywhere serious until that's solved, but the team is set to be amongst the playoff action for a while, provided the front office's notorious stinginess doesn't allow for regression. Bear in mind also that KC and Denver have 12 common opponents next season, play each other twice, but then KC plays games against Indy and Miami, while Denver plays New England and Houston.

Didn't want to turn this into a parochial post, but on re-reading it is a bit! Whatever happens, I don't see whoever comes out of the West reaching the AFC Championship game - that's a big step from where these teams are coming from.

Bring on the next season though. Can't wait.

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I'm not buying the Denver hype. Obviously as a KC fan I can be accused of bias, but I'm usually very pessimistic about the Chiefs. It would take another colossal injury barrage for KC not to take the AFC West this coming season though. The Chiefs were a botched FG away from the playoffs last year without some of their best players for the entire season. Whatever your thoughts on Tebow, he took what was generally considered a rancid team at the beginning of the season to some miraculous wins, an improbable playoff berth and a stirring playoff win. Denver has obviously added a huge piece in Manning if his neck doesn't snap in half, but KC's additions for 2012 are Charles, Berry and Moeaki back from injury, Hillis, RT Winston - top 5 at a crucial position is a massive upgrade on Richardson and will help the running game immensely, Boss and Routt - this is a downgrade after KC lost Carr, but not a disgraceful #2 option behind Flowers.

Youth is on KC's side. The one thing that is not, is that it's a quarterback's league. Cassel is not an elite QB, nor in the top 16 QBs, and that's being generous. We won't be going anywhere serious until that's solved, but the team is set to be amongst the playoff action for a while, provided the front office's notorious stinginess doesn't allow for regression. Bear in mind also that KC and Denver have 12 common opponents next season, play each other twice, but then KC plays games against Indy and Miami, while Denver plays New England and Houston.

Didn't want to turn this into a parochial post, but on re-reading it is a bit! Whatever happens, I don't see whoever comes out of the West reaching the AFC Championship game - that's a big step from where these teams are coming from.

Bring on the next season though. Can't wait.

New coach though... That's a bit of a worry. I remember two seasons ago they came out of nowhere to make the playoffs... But I dunno... I find it hard to EVER go past Rivers. There's no way they were supposed to go as bad this last year as they did. Somehow he went from a top 5 QB to somewhere near the middle. Makes no sense, and I expect him to hit back HARD this coming season. And while they're third in line, I don't think the Raiders can be dismissed. Funny that the team that won the division is the one I'm just confused about. Not sure if they're going to do anything in 6 months. They shouldn't have won anything this last season.

Just on Rivers... The top 5 QBs is something I always watch with interest. This last season you'd have to say the top 5 were Rodgers, Brees, Brady, Stafford and Eli... with maybe one of Big Ben or maybe Romo if you like skirts and handbags. :)

The season before it was Peyton, Brees, Brady, Vick and Rivers. This coming season it could be one of sooooooo many. I'm relatively new to the NFL, so I wonder if the top 5 changes that much fromyear to year... but coming into this year, obviously the big 3 stay in Rodgers, Brees and Brady... But who after that?

I look forward to running it by the group here to see who has it right. For mine, there's another 5-8 serious contenders to jump into the top 5. I reckon P. Manning, Romo, Ryan, Rothlisberger, Rivers, Vick, and even Newton could come into it... with a few other names I like but not THAT much, like Smith. I don't rate Eli as highly as he played this year, and I think Stafford is a little too young to be called as reliable as some of the older guys who had sore luck this year. So I'm going for Vick and Rivers to slide back where they belong in the top 5. :)

But then Im biased.

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New coach though... That's a bit of a worry. I remember two seasons ago they came out of nowhere to make the playoffs... But I dunno... I find it hard to EVER go past Rivers. There's no way they were supposed to go as bad this last year as they did. Somehow he went from a top 5 QB to somewhere near the middle. Makes no sense, and I expect him to hit back HARD this coming season. And while they're third in line, I don't think the Raiders can be dismissed. Funny that the team that won the division is the one I'm just confused about. Not sure if they're going to do anything in 6 months. They shouldn't have won anything this last season.

Just on Rivers... The top 5 QBs is something I always watch with interest. This last season you'd have to say the top 5 were Rodgers, Brees, Brady, Stafford and Eli... with maybe one of Big Ben or maybe Romo if you like skirts and handbags. :)

The season before it was Peyton, Brees, Brady, Vick and Rivers. This coming season it could be one of sooooooo many. I'm relatively new to the NFL, so I wonder if the top 5 changes that much fromyear to year... but coming into this year, obviously the big 3 stay in Rodgers, Brees and Brady... But who after that?

I look forward to running it by the group here to see who has it right. For mine, there's another 5-8 serious contenders to jump into the top 5. I reckon P. Manning, Romo, Ryan, Rothlisberger, Rivers, Vick, and even Newton could come into it... with a few other names I like but not THAT much, like Smith. I don't rate Eli as highly as he played this year, and I think Stafford is a little too young to be called as reliable as some of the older guys who had sore luck this year. So I'm going for Vick and Rivers to slide back where they belong in the top 5. :)

But then Im biased.

Thanks for the reply. The coaching change is actually fantastic for KC. Not necessarily because Romeo is the head coach (though the players seem to love him and we'll be much better defensively with him at the helm) but because Haley's out. Poor relationships with the players and the front office - his firing was long overdue. Crennel's a good fit for right now - comes from within the organisation and coached the last 3 games of last season, so there's no familiarity issues.

Agree with what you say on the unpredictability of the AFC West. Who could have picked Denver to win it last year or KC the year before? Not me! Maybe it will be another surprise. While I like Rivers, he wasn't great for stretches of last season, and San Diego's days of dominating the West are done for now. They've had some FA losses this offseason too. It wouldn't be staggering if they took the division though.

On your QBs, I like the top 5 and I don't see many changes there. Romo has proven time and time again that he is not up to it when it counts. Highly overrated in my opinion. Big Ben's not at Brady's level (who is?), but I've grown to appreciate a QB like that who can just take a physical pounding week after week and still stand there and take a hit from defenders. Stafford-Megatron combo is gold. Knowing Detroit, they'll find ways to implode, but they have some exciting pieces. Playing in the same division as GB and Chicago gives them little room for error though, and it wouldn't take a complete failure for them to miss the playoffs.

Just a quick question: do any of you buy the NFL's equivalent of the NBA League Pass or NHL Gamecenter? I've got League Pass and I can watch any game, regular season or playoffs, though I just use it to watch my team's games. OneHD's NFL coverage is excellent, though there usually aren't many Chiefs games on. Cost me just under $200. Just wondering how people have found the NFL's equivalent to be.

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Hype is hype but it doesn't change the fact that Denver swapped Tim Tebow for Peyton Manning...

Ridiculous upgrade.

And, DD, Ryan is playing a dumb game if he is trying to move on Sanchez - they just extended him - 3 years, $41m...

They are going to do the Tebow Wildcat in close games and when it wins them one game, Sanchez will become the most expensive back-up QB in history...

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  • 3 weeks later...

And, DD, Ryan is playing a dumb game if he is trying to move on Sanchez - they just extended him - 3 years, $41m...

They are going to do the Tebow Wildcat in close games and when it wins them one game, Sanchez will become the most expensive back-up QB in history...

Yeah the Jets decision making makes no sense to me either......

I don't have much time for Tebow and for my money Sanchez is by far the better quarterback (he can throw the ball afterall).

But the insanity of "Tebow-Time" being ramped up even further on the massive New York stage makes Sanchez's position simply appalling and possible untenable.

One mistake, or slip in form ala last season, which was pretty damn poor especially given the previous years, and his world will cave in on him.a

And I'm not sure how tough he is yet, despite his handling the very insane Santonio Holmes and getting them to two Disional Playoff games.

Then again if he ever want to move back to California, my 9ers will be needing a new QB in due course ;) !!!

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Hype is hype but it doesn't change the fact that Denver swapped Tim Tebow for Peyton Manning...

Ridiculous upgrade.

As for the Denver situation. I find the sheer size and scale of Mannings contract to be completely extreme, but then again it is Peyton Manning......

But at what 37 years old next season, three serious neck surgeries, and a year out of the game, that is a lot of faith ($$) being taken on the fact that he won't break down again, and possibly permanently.

However with Denver being run by John Elway, one of the most beautifully classical quarterbacks that ever graced this game, who I'd imagine would have found it torturous watching Tebow butcher the simplest plays that involved releasing the ball, and seeing the Bronco wide receivers going stir crazy from utter and complete boredom. This would not sit well with the two time Superbowl winner.

Tebow played as well as he could and was kept in most games by a truly outstanding defensive unit, but he is not a good QB, and certainly not in the fashion of an Elway.

Manning is a risk because of his health and age (two very important things) but his skill and class is never questioned and he may just fit with what Denver want out of their offence.

That being said not a pick up without a huge amount of risk, but I guess they genuinely believe the potential rewards are greater. We'll see!!!

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Agree with what you say on the unpredictability of the AFC West. Who could have picked Denver to win it last year or KC the year before? Not me! Maybe it will be another surprise. While I like Rivers, he wasn't great for stretches of last season, and San Diego's days of dominating the West are done for now. They've had some FA losses this offseason too. It wouldn't be staggering if they took the division though.

Behind Rivers certainly. And yeah, it's one of the more fun divisions to follow I reckon. The one thing I hate about following the Birds is the every-year strength of their division. Giants and Cowboys are rarely weak sides. Philly have been ok under Reid, and now the weakest team in the division are getting a taller better Mike Vick... It's not a stretch to say that the Eagles are now more or less the ugly step-children of their division, particularly if Washington get a few early wins. You don't have that problem.

On your QBs, I like the top 5 and I don't see many changes there. Romo has proven time and time again that he is not up to it when it counts. Highly overrated in my opinion. Big Ben's not at Brady's level (who is?), but I've grown to appreciate a QB like that who can just take a physical pounding week after week and still stand there and take a hit from defenders. Stafford-Megatron combo is gold. Knowing Detroit, they'll find ways to implode, but they have some exciting pieces. Playing in the same division as GB and Chicago gives them little room for error though, and it wouldn't take a complete failure for them to miss the playoffs.

I like it.

Just a quick question: do any of you buy the NFL's equivalent of the NBA League Pass or NHL Gamecenter? I've got League Pass and I can watch any game, regular season or playoffs, though I just use it to watch my team's games. OneHD's NFL coverage is excellent, though there usually aren't many Chiefs games on. Cost me just under $200. Just wondering how people have found the NFL's equivalent to be.

You should think about Foxtel. They get an amazing amount of football. Particularly if you like College, which I don't. As for gamecentre... I didn't get it this last season, but I will now. I used the streaming radio coverage, because the Eagles home commentator is awesome. I think a good net connection is a must for NFL fans, particularly on game day. There's SOOO mch football on each Sunday.

Hype is hype but it doesn't change the fact that Denver swapped Tim Tebow for Peyton Manning...

Ridiculous upgrade.

? Awesome upgrade I thought. Peyton is one of the best players the game's ever seen. He and Brady have owned the comp for years. Yeah he's old, but it's the NFL. They're not youth obsessed like we are. They really have it right over there, in that rebuilding doesn't take 5 years. It can take 3 if you do it right, particularly if you draft a decent young QB you can deveop. Tebow was going nowhere. Everyone knows it.

And, DD, Ryan is playing a dumb game if he is trying to move on Sanchez - they just extended him - 3 years, $41m...

They are going to do the Tebow Wildcat in close games and when it wins them one game, Sanchez will become the most expensive back-up QB in history...

And we'll have another team limp into the playoffs on a wildcard. As for Sanchez, 3 years, 41 Mil... That's nothing compared to the big names who are all on 5 years, 70+ mil. Vick is on 100+... And no-one thinks he'l be running that place for more than 3 of those years. Contracts are about as permanent as the weather. I reckon Rex is patching up holes for a season or two... But you can bet if he had a chance to get RG3 or Luck in a draft one year, that would be bye-bye to both Tebow and Sanchez instantly...

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If you like NBA, sure. I freakin' hate the sport. I like basebal a bit, but I just can't get to liking basketball in general. Rather like soccer for me.

I'm going to definitely get gamepass this year. We won't get to use it live, if we're being honest, but I like waking up, refusing to watch replays or check news, and then watching it later in my own time.

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Anyone else follow the draft?

Pantaloons, your boys did very, very well. Poe is a player who will either boom or bust. My boys took a DT too, one pick after you, so I'll watch Poe and Cox's careers with interest... I can say all I like that Cox was the Eagles first choice, and that may be true, but I would have loved Poe, personally. Obviously Poe is a nose tackle, and Cox is more mobile... both belong in their specific schemes.... but still.

Colts did brilliantly, getting Luck and all his mates from College. Bengals did well too, getting receivers. Cowgirls got the best CB.

Poor old Seahawks and Browns look like they stuffed it. Having said that, the Browns first pick is going to be pretty damn good...

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