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Melbourne's 2000 National Draft - what a waste


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Never said we picked terribly with Thompson, he was a good get. All I've said in reference to the 2000 draft is "what a waste" (which is good for debate purposes).

Here's another topic for conversation, is Cameron Schwab responsible in some way for the draft penalties imposed in the 1999 and 2000 National Drafts?

Its not much of a debate when if you considered the basic facts that:

1. We took Thompson with with our first pick

2. The AFL took away picks 2 and 3 for salary cap breaches.

3. All sixteen clubs overlooked players like Johncock and only one club took him as a punt.

The drafting debate has been done to death and you may want to do a Search to find them.

The Cameron Schwab/ Salary Cap issue was flogged recently in a post a couple of weeks ago.

You probably had 20 responses on that thread anyway.

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Gutnick definitely did a public hatchet job on him, my understanding though is that the overpayments were made before Schwabs time, I'm happy to be corrected though, I'm not 100% certain.

Both before and for a number of years during Schwabs time. But you are right about the hatchet job.

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The 2001 AFL National Draft is fairly disappointing for MFC: - Brad Miller the shining light at Pick 55.

1. Hawthorn - Luke Hodge (Geelong U18)

2. St Kilda - Luke Ball (Sandringham U18)

3. West Coast - Chris Judd (Sandringham U18)

4. Fremantle - Graham Polak (East Fremantle)

5. St Kilda - Xavier Clarke (St Marys)

6. West Coast - Ashley Sampi (South Fremantle)

7. Kangaroos - David Hale (Broadbeach)

8. Geelong - James Bartel (Geelong U18)

9. Melbourne - Luke Molan (Geelong U18)

10. Western Bulldogs - Sam Power (Oakleigh U18)

11. Collingwood - Richard Cole (Eastern U18)

12. Adelaide - Brent Reilly (Calder U18)

13. St Kilda - Nick Del Santo (Bendigo U18)

14. Kangaroos - Ashley Watson (Bendigo U18)

15. Port Adelaide - Barry Brooks (Tasmania U18)

16. Hawthorn - Rick Ladson (Bendigo U18)

17. Geelong - James Kelly (Calder U18)

18. Essendon- Shane Harvey (Northern U18)

19. Brisbane - Jason Gram (Gippsland U18)

20. Hawthorn - Daniel Elstone (Bendigo U18)

21. St Kilda - Matt Maguire (Geelong U18)

22. West Coast - Mark Seaby (West Perth)

23. Geelong - Charlie Gardiner - Sandringham U18)

24. Geelong - Steve Johnson - Murray U18)

25. Melbourne - Steven Armstrong (Perth)

26. Melbourne - Aaron Rogers (NSW-ACT U18)

27. Collingwood - Tom Davidson (Geelong U18)

28. Sydney - Mark Powell (Murray U18)

29. Sydney - Lewis Roberts-Thomson (NSW-ACT U18)

30. Kangaroos - Rod Crowe (Sandringham U18)

31. Essendon - Joel Reynolds (Geelong U18)

32. Hawthorn - Campbell Brown (Oakleigh U18)

33. Richmond - David Rodan (Calder U18)

34. Essendon - Simon O'Keefe (Murray U18)

35. Brisbane - Jarrad Wright (Woodville-West Torrens)

36. Hawthorn - Sam Mitchell (Box Hill Hawks)

37. St Kilda - Leigh Montagna (Northern U18)

38. West Coast - Ashley Hansen (Oakleigh U18)

39. Carlton - Justin Davies (Murray U18)

40. Geelong - Gary Ablett Junior (Geelong U18) father-son rule

41. Geelong - Henry Playfair (NSW-ACT U18)

42. Western Bulldogs - Kieran McGuinness (Eastern U18)

43. Collingwood - Mark McGough (Murray U18)

44. Adelaide - Ben Finnin (Northern U18)

45. Brisbane - Nathan Clarke (Brisbane)

46. Carlton - Jarrad Waite (Murray U18) father-son rule

47. Essendon - Andrew Welsh (Calder U18)

48. Hawthorn - Simon Cox (Western Bulldogs)

49. St Kilda - Josh Houlihan (Murray U18)

50. Essendon - Paul Salmon (Hawthorn)

51. Brisbane - Pass

52. Fremantle - Andrew Browne (Claremont)

53. Sydney - Daniel Hunt (South Fremantle)

54. Kangaroos - Ben Robbins (Brisbane)

55. Melbourne - Brad Miller (Mt Gravatt)

56. Fremantle - Paul Medhurst (Claremont)

57. Western Bulldogs - Brent Colbert (Northern U18)

58. Collingwood - Dane Swan (Calder U18)

59. Adelaide - Jacob Schuback (Gippsland U18)

60. Sydney - Adam Schneider (NSW-ACT U18)

61. Kangaroos - Mick Martyn (Kangaroos)

62. Port Adelaide - Damon White (Perth)

63. Richmond - Adam L. Houlihan (Geelong)

64. Essendon - Daniel McAlister (Essendon)

65. Brisbane - Pass

66. Fremantle - Pass

67. St Kilda - Pass

68. Richmond - Chris Hyde (Richmond)

69. Geelong - Matthew McCarthy (Old Xaverians)

70. Melbourne - Pass

71. Western Bulldogs - Brian Harris (Woodville-West Torrens)

72. Collingwood - Tristen Walker (Claremont)

73. Adelaide - Pass

74. Sydney - Ricky Mott (South Fremantle)

75. Carlton - Sam Cranage (Carlton)

76. Port Adelaide - Jared Poulton (Port Adelaide)

77. Richmond - Martin McGrath (South Fremantle)

78. Essendon - Pass

79. St Kilda - Pass

80. Kangaroos - Hugh Foott (Bendigo U18)

81. Geelong - David Johnson (Essendon Reserves)

82. Melbourne - Pass

83. Western Bulldogs - Aaron James (Richmond)

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The drafting debate has been done to death and you may want to do a Search to find them.

Found them. Drafting debate hasn't even started. You may as well go on holiday until late November RR.

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High Tower. I think Rhinos point is that yuo dont need to repost everything that has been discussed before. bring those threads up. read them from start to finish, and if you think that something hasnt been said, post onj the end.

this is a waste of a thread.

oh and his other point is that you dont need to post so freakin much. its about quality not quantity, and as much as you may enjoy this site, posting every second post in a thread is a waste of time. replying to your own posts are a waste of time. slow down a bit, and make you post worthwhile.

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this is a waste of a thread.

oh and his other point is that you dont need to post so freakin much. its about quality not quantity, and as much as you may enjoy this site, posting every second post in a thread is a waste of time. replying to your own posts are a waste of time. slow down a bit, and make you post worthwhile.

What did he leave a message after leaving to go on holiday? He could of messaged me.

There are plenty of other threads that have been re-hashed, sorry I wasn't around back in 2005/06!

When have I replied to my own posts? :wacko:

"oh and his other point is that you dont need to post so freakin much." -What?

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replying to your own posts are a waste of time.

Indeed. Not sure if you've participated on many messageboards before H_T, but it's generally considered poor form to reply to your own posts. If you make a post and then want to add to it before anyone else has replied, try the edit button :)

A humourous look at posting etiquette:


Deanox would refer you to the bit about posting in an existing thread versus creating your own ;)

Gee, thanks for the break down in statistics. That means didly squat I'm afraid.


So what are you telling me deanox?

...that your comment about RR's posting is off the mark, considering he only posts 20% as much as you p/day.

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Indeed. Not sure if you've participated on many messageboards before H_T, but it's generally considered poor form to reply to your own posts. If you make a post and then want to add to it before anyone else has replied, try the edit button :)

Give me an example then of me replying to my own posts. I've only added replies to other posts (pretty sure)- by adding a comment and reply to other posters. I don't recall replying to my own posts. I will reply to others who have commented on my Topics I put up.

And yes the edit button has been used before anyone else has replied.

...that your comment about RR's posting is off the mark, considering he only posts 20% as much as you p/day.

What comment is off the mark?

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Give me an example then of me replying to my own posts. I've only added replies to other posts (pretty sure)- by adding a comment and reply to other posters. I don't recall replying to my own posts.

When have I replied to my own posts? :wacko:

How about this morning? ;)

Post #29 in this thread is but one example of posting straight after your own post.

What comment is off the mark?

I'm fairly sure I read a comment by you regarding RR's posting that prompted deanox's posts p/day comparison, but it seems to have disappeared.


NB: Not trying to take a shot at you.

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How about this morning? ;)

Post #29 in this thread is but one example of posting straight after your own post.

I'm fairly sure I read a comment by you regarding RR's posting that prompted deanox's posts p/day comparison, but it seems to have disappeared.


NB: Not trying to take a shot at you.

Ok you got me in relation to this mornings topic "Bugger the Filth" and yes I probably should of edited and included it. I will put my hand up for that.

With regards to Post #29. Post #29 was in reply to RR. Post #28 was a list of the National Draft (information for the reader).

Is that so much "poor form?"

I deleted "And he can talk" and replaced it with "What?" Because why is it such a concern? As RR often responds anyway. Even though I understand his p/day comparison. (which mind you, does not mean a thing) . ...Ie. I'm sure it would vary from day to day, week to week, etc - I mean who really cares?

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Stop bitching. You old moles are sounding like the squabbling kids over on Demonology.

If you find the thread repetitive ignore it.

I've never shared the info on Murphy, Lonie or Wakelin on Demonland so there is something new here even in a topic done to death.

If you have a problem with the habits of another poster PM him - leave the rest of us out of it and allow the thread to remain on track, in this case, the 2000 draft.

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Stop bitching. You old moles are sounding like the squabbling kids over on Demonology.

If you find the thread repetitive ignore it.

I've never shared the info on Murphy, Lonie or Wakelin on Demonland so there is something new here even in a topic done to death.

If you have a problem with the habits of another poster PM him - leave the rest of us out of it and allow the thread to remain on track, in this case, the 2000 draft.

TY Robbie flower! ;)

That's one thing I don't want to sound like by the sounds of it.................Fortunately the registration has been down for sometime over there which will prevent me from squabbling...Sorry you had to read that crap...back to the footy.

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I all honesty the 2000 draft is just about the weakest I've seen as far as the top 20 goes.

Half of them were gone in 3 years (Livingston, Angwin etc).

After Thompson, Kerr and Petrie are the only 2 who get close to being on the same playing level.

You also tend to have later draft picks after coming second in case no one had noticed

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That's an interesting take on the two forums - it's usually the other way around ;)

*Warning off topic comment iminent*

Demonology carries a fair reputation, much comes from the old Gutnick vs [insert faceless old school tie identity] days. The debates where highly abrasive (love that term, thanks nash) and mostly of a personal insulting nature. It ways a dark time in the clubs history and demonology was the battleground of many egos (myself included i guess). I became frustrated with the place and moved DH over here where the level of discussion has always been more civil.

This place has it's problems but as far as public forums go it's probably one of the best around.

I'm not sure if demonology is still the same, I never visit anymore, I suppose it depeneds if the same posters still lurk there.

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1. Hawthorn - Luke Hodge (Geelong U18)

2. St Kilda - Luke Ball (Sandringham U18)

3. West Coast - Chris Judd (Sandringham U18)

4. Fremantle - Graham Polak (East Fremantle)

5. St Kilda - Xavier Clarke (St Marys)

6. West Coast - Ashley Sampi (South Fremantle)

7. Kangaroos - David Hale (Broadbeach)

8. Geelong - James Bartel (Geelong U18)

9. Melbourne

If you added Waite and Ablett (father-sons) Melbourne could have picked up a champion. Shows how the father-sons can distort the draft. FWIIW My guess would be that Ablett would be a Hawk WCE would have picked up Ball or Hodge at 3 and probably got Judd at 6. Geelong probably would have Waite at 8 (based on Fremantle picking local and the Kangas needing a ruckman badly and the Saints picking Clarke still at 5) and Melbourne could have picked Bartel at 9....

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