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Lee is out of the India ODI series: http://www.cricinfo.com/indvaus2009/conten...ory/432176.html

This scheduling is beyond a joke now. Why we have to play 7 ODIs now is beyond me. I think the Champions League wasn't originally meant to be directly before this series, but still, right before a home summer, having been away since basically late February, it's nonsense.

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I'm loving watching Johnson bowl lately, "tippity" rules seem to come into play.

3 overs for 34 whilst the VICTORIANATOR has 2 overs one maiden for 6 runs.

Edited by 45hotgod16
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Ridiculous comment.

Ponting's hands were tied. Hilfenhaus is terrible at ODIs. Simply terrible. Why he got a game in front of Bollinger will remain unknown I guess. Shocking call from the selectors. Hilfenhaus has never shown anything at ODI level. So outside of Hilfenhaus we had Siddle, who did OK, Johnson, who always leaks runs, and was probably injured, and Watson, who is also pathetic. Without Brett Lee and Nathan Bracken our bowling line-up has taken a massive hit. Both games we've seen it.

Don't know what the states are of our injured players, but we need Lee and Hopes back as soon as possible. Marsh opens in place of the injured Paine, the new wicketkeeper (Hartley?) will probably bat at 7. Bollinger in for Hilfenhaus. Lee in for Johnson if fit. Hopes in for Marsh. Open with Hopes or Hussey if need be.

Ponting is Part of the Selection Panel so he does take Blame.

Also when you win a toss. One should always Bat..Think he should have recalled that from his Time at the Ashes in 2005.

Ponting is a fine Batsman, but a very dull & unimaginative Captain.

Edited by why you little
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I'm loving watching Johnson bowl lately, "tippity" rules seem to come into play.

3 overs for 34 whilst the VICTORIANATOR has 2 overs one maiden for 6 runs.

Johnson was rubbish. I don't understand why Siddle only bowled 5 overs, whereas Ponting kept bringing Johnson back on.

Good bowling performances from Bollinger and Watson (who surprised me with his ability to get the ball to hit the pitch). I'll bet there were a few nervous Aussies when Harbhajan got going though.

Also when you win a toss. One should always Bat..Think he should have recalled that from his Time at the Ashes in 2005.

More crap.

In Tests yes. But in ODIs, the pitch doesn't always break down to the extent that there's a definite advantage to batting first. Add to that the fact that bowling in the second innnings can be difficult if there's dew around (which there has been), and there becomes a case for bowling first.

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Johnson was rubbish. I don't understand why Siddle only bowled 5 overs, whereas Ponting kept bringing Johnson back on.

Good bowling performances from Bollinger and Watson (who surprised me with his ability to get the ball to hit the pitch). I'll bet there were a few nervous Aussies when Harbhajan got going though.

More crap.

In Tests yes. But in ODIs, the pitch doesn't always break down to the extent that there's a definite advantage to batting first. Add to that the fact that bowling in the second innnings can be difficult if there's dew around (which there has been), and there becomes a case for bowling first.

I have been involved in cricket for over 35 years so i don't just write crap. How often does the chasing side win on a dodgy pitch?? One day or test??? Not Fackin often.

.The Australian XI was lucky for years because of McGrath, Warne & Gilchrist but now they do not exist, As Always seems to happen not enough planning was done for this post period by the selectors or the captain.

Hayden played a year too long, which only makes the rebuild that much tougher

Ponting is a very "stiff" captain when the team is bowling & i will be happy to see the end of his tenure when it happens. (and no i don't think Michael Clarke is the answer, but that is another story. Once a back is gone, they never return).

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Also when you win a toss. One should always Bat..Think he should have recalled that from his Time at the Ashes in 2005.

Its an issue in 5 day cricket where the state of the wicket can change over that period and ideally in most cases batting first gives you the ability to get best use of the wicket.

Its not so much issue an issue in one day forms of cricket. Titan has covered it.

I have been involved in cricket for over 35 years so i don't just write crap.

Is that as invaluable as your media experience? I dont see what relevance your stated involvement in cricket has to the discussion. It does not lend any further credibility to your comments.

How often does the chasing side win on a dodgy pitch?? One day or test??? Not Fackin often.

How often is the pitch the difference between one side and another in one day cricket? Not facking ever. There is a huge difference between batting last in a Test match and a one day game. Ever considered that in 35 years?

The Australian XI was lucky for years because of McGrath, Warne & Gilchrist but now they do not exist, As Always seems to happen not enough planning was done for this post period by the selectors or the captain.

Geez, how could the selectors and Ponting not dug replacements for the greatest spinner ever, one of the best quicks and arguably the greatest keeper batsmen ever? Geez it should be a sinch... :rolleyes:

35 years would have least taught you that Warne is a freak and a once in a couple of lifetimes bowler. They would never have replaced one of those greats let alone 3 greats in a short period of time and possibly ever.

Hayden played a year too long, which only makes the rebuild that much tougher

No. On one hand you whinge about no planning over Warne, Gilly and McGrath (include Langer as well) then you complain that Hayden played too long. Given the holes left by the absence of 3 and 4 greats the rebuild was a massive task anyway. This coupled with injuries and demise of Lee and McGill only made the planning more fraught. The retention of Hayden was necessary at the time to bolster the batting Hayden was batting capably up to six months before he retired. When he was cut that brought in Phil Hughes. It won them the unwinnable series. Well done selectors

Ponting is a very "stiff" captain when the team is bowling & i will be happy to see the end of his tenure when it happens. (and no i don't think Michael Clarke is the answer, but that is another story. Once a back is gone, they never return).

Great another whinge without an alternative. And I cant think of a captain who is not "stiff" when his bowling attack is unproven, unreliable and at times not up to it.

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Its not so much issue an issue in one day forms of cricket. Titan has covered it.

How often is the pitch the difference between one side and another in one day cricket? Not facking ever. There is a huge difference between batting last in a Test match and a one day game. Ever considered that in 35 years?

Once again RR has to put his 5 cents in, he sits & waits to attack!!

It does make a difference Batting second in a ODI, granted not so much in a 20/20 but definately in a 50 over game. That being Changing light conditions with a white ball coupled with increased moisture in the air can make (and does) make batting very Different in a one day game.

The Position with the Australian Opening Bat Position at present is a complete mess, to say nothing of the use of spin bowlers.

Guys are Given one match Maybe two & then thrown aside. (Chris Rodgers, Phil Jaques are not even given a chance) Meanwhile M Hussey & Ponting for that matter will be 35 next year going into another Ashes campaign...shaky. Ponting will probably survive but hussey won't.

So why is M Hussey playing in India now???

That Pom Side was Ordinary at Best this year & we got pants, partly because players were not given a chance to settle in. Hayden playing beyond his time did not help the situation either.

I am well aware that SK was a freak & we were spoilt for a good 15 years, i just don't think enough was done by the selectors in that time to be ready for the shift in personel

Say what you like i really don't care, but its Basic cricket Knowledge that when you win a toss YOU BAT in either format of the game.

How many other captains have lost the ashes twice..Ponting & who else...

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It does make a difference Batting second in a ODI, granted not so much in a 20/20 but definately in a 50 over game. That being Changing light conditions with a white ball coupled with increased moisture in the air can make (and does) make batting very Different in a one day game.

The conditions cancel each other out because the moisture in the air also causes moisture on the ball which destroys the laquer on the ball. The conditions vary between countries but there is not the same "bat first" mentality in ODI as there is in Tests.

The Position with the Australian Opening Bat Position at present is a complete mess, to say nothing of the use of spin bowlers.

Guys are Given one match Maybe two & then thrown aside. (Chris Rodgers, Phil Jaques are not even given a chance) Meanwhile M Hussey & Ponting for that matter will be 35 next year going into another Ashes campaign...shaky. Ponting will probably survive but hussey won't.

So why is M Hussey playing in India now???

Katich has sealed one of the opening positions and come out of the Ashes OK. Hughes is young but a wonderful talent with a couple of tchnique problems. They should have taken an extra batsman to the Ashes and piffed McDonald.

I am no fan of Hussey's but given the injuries to Clarke and Ferguson and co and the lack of ready replacements, it only highlights the Australian predicament

That Pom Side was Ordinary at Best this year & we got pants, partly because players were not given a chance to settle in. Hayden playing beyond his time did not help the situation either.

Wrong again.

The Ashes side we took to England was arguably the weakest and most inexperienced side to tour in the past 50 years. The bowling attack was green and relying on a bowler who is brilliant but terribly inconsistent.

Hughes replaced Hayden but was man of the series leading into the Ashes. Go figure.

I am well aware that SK was a freak & we were spoilt for a good 15 years, i just don't think enough was done by the selectors in that time to be ready for the shift in personel

What could have been possibly done? Give specifics not bloated theories. The era of Warne shadowed the fact that aside from McGill there wasn't a competent spin bowler with the talent to cut it at Test level. Post Warne only established the truth of the situation.

Say what you like i really don't care, but its Basic cricket Knowledge that when you win a toss YOU BAT in either format of the game.

35 years wasted....

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Zimbabwe all out for 44 in a one day match vs Bangladesh. now that is embarassing

Its another celebration of the malaise that is international cricket managed by the ICC.

To think a game involving either or both teams is accredited as a first class match is the embarrassment

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The Position with the Australian Opening Bat Position at present is a complete mess, to say nothing of the use of spin bowlers.

I'll agree with that. Our choice of opening batsmen in ODIs seems to be slightly haphazard. We've had something like 8 different opening partnerships since January. Should be Watson and Haddin IMO.

As for spinners, Hauritz is doing very well in limited overs cricket at the moment. He'll start in the First Test, but if he doesn't perform, I dare say the selectors will be keeping an eye on Krejza, who seems to me to have worked hard on bringing his economy rate down.

So why is M Hussey playing in India now???

Why is Hussey playing in India? Because he's our best batsman at the moment, that's why!

Have a look at his form. 4 ODIs, 3 50s. Continues to anchor the innings, especially when we lose a couple of quick wickets. He's doing a fine job.

His spot in the Test team is under threat, but his century at The Oval will probably keep him in in Brisbane. No runs there, and he'll likely be chopped.

That Pom Side was Ordinary at Best this year & we got pants, partly because players were not given a chance to settle in. Hayden playing beyond his time did not help the situation either.

What did Hayden playing too long have to do with it? Hughes was just coming off completely destroying the world's best bowling line-up in foreign territory. That's a pretty good formguide and preparation if you ask me.

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I see the main Problem with our cricket side being the different formats.

The ashes players should never have played in that 20/20 comp just before the ashes campaign this year. There are enough very competant cricketers in this country to have 3 distinct sides.

Mixing up test,ODI 7 20/20 is just suicidal, But i daresay Money & contracts are involved in this one.

RR i have never wasted 35 years. You may like to bat second on a pitch that has been used, good luck & be my guest. If i win a toss i will bat every time, Post whatever score & watch the pitch deteriorate. (20/20 is a gamble whatever the toss but nobody remembers those games anyway!)

But Please 20/20 tournaments as a warm up for a test series is just NQR...

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If i win a toss i will bat every time, Post whatever score & watch the pitch deteriorate.

Well, you will risk losing with that attitude.

For example, if we went to the Gabba and the conditions suited to bowl first, I would send you into bat, confident I could do some damage early on in your 1st innings by midway through the second session and have you on the ropes by stumps. Then I'd make use of a pitch that would welcome good batting on the 2nd and/or 3rd day's play. With a lead of over 400, I would be happy to see you suffer with a deteriorating pitch on the final days (4&5) for a well earned victory. Especially with my doosra and flipper to contend with. ;)

All being equal, I'm sure you would still be happy that you batted first. Despite the loss.

The crux of my post is, in Test Matches (5 day format) you analyse the pitch first and look/consider at the pitch & weather conditions. Including forecasts. It helps determine results.

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You may like to bat second on a pitch that has been used, good luck & be my guest. If i win a toss i will bat every time, Post whatever score & watch the pitch deteriorate.

I said I dont think its a given that you bat first every time in a ODI.

How much is the pitch going to deteriorate over 8 hours when it has been specifically made for a run feast? :wacko:

And there is only 4 hours in duration difference between a 20/20 and a 50 over game so if it doesnt matter for a 20/20 then the it should hardly matter for a ODI.

And the main issue with the pre Test series games is not so much the 20/20 (and its not good) but the lack of quality opposition games. Without looking at the fixture there was British Lions 3 dayer and a game against a watered down county side. It affects the start of a series but is no excuse for the player's peformance over the whole of the series.

Well then you wouldn't make a very good captain.


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Its another celebration of the malaise that is international cricket managed by the ICC.

To think a game involving either or both teams is accredited as a first class match is the embarrassment

banglas are on the up in cricket,whilst Zims r gone,ever since Streak n Flower brothers got sacked,Who was guy that tried to burn down the Zim academy btw

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banglas are on the up in cricket,whilst Zims r gone,ever since Streak n Flower brothers got sacked,Who was guy that tried to burn down the Zim academy btw

I trust you are not judging B'desh on the effort against sub club X1 from Zimbabwe. They are a third rate country that was given first class status a generation before it should have.

Zimbabwe cricket mirrors the country itself. An appalling tragedy being destroyed by Mugabe and his goons.

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Well, you will risk losing with that attitude.

For example, if we went to the Gabba and the conditions suited to bowl first, I would send you into bat, confident I could do some damage early on in your 1st innings by midway through the second session and have you on the ropes by stumps. Then I'd make use of a pitch that would welcome good batting on the 2nd and/or 3rd day's play. With a lead of over 400, I would be happy to see you suffer with a deteriorating pitch on the final days (4&5) for a well earned victory. Especially with my doosra and flipper to contend with. ;)

All being equal, I'm sure you would still be happy that you batted first. Despite the loss.

The crux of my post is, in Test Matches (5 day format) you analyse the pitch first and look/consider at the pitch & weather conditions. Including forecasts. It helps determine results.

The Gabba is an interesting prospect i grant you that one. Even the Queensland Bulls do not have a clue how to play it. apparently they had a big "Get Together" Meeting about that exact problem last week....

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