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Dee Zephyr

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Everything posted by Dee Zephyr

  1. Here’s the funny part. I was driving home from work last night and was listening to SEN. Of course they had the ‘ Melbourne’ hour. A lot of Dees rang through and gave their take, some good, some bad. One of the callers was a Hawks fan and gave his opinion on Dangerstager. The caller basically referenced the pointing to the head part, “ I’m so smart and all that” and labelled Danger an arrogant individual to which the host responded “ Well that’s how smart he is and kudos to him” or something to that effect. A couple of calls later a Geelong fan rings through to complain about Max staging from the off the ball collision that resulted in a goal for us. The caller continues with his rant and goes on to label Gawn a ‘girl’ on air. The host of course does not defend Max or cut that caller off immediately but I’m glad the next two callers were Dees fans and defended our great Max while letting the host know about the bias.
  2. I believe you are correct, that’s my understanding also. The topic only reminded me of that horror ending last year. I didn’t mean to sound like I was potting our club.
  3. Haha, reminds me of last year’s finals tickets email.
  4. Terrific place value at the moment. I was thinking the same bet Macca. If he can get the front without too much work from the wide draw he could be hard to toss from the placings over the 1000m. I will put a call through to mate tomorrow and post any updates tomorrow night or Wednesday morning the latest.
  5. Thanks for that @Macca I can see it mapping out that way. Great preview....move over Gator. I had no idea about Gold Mag’s last 600m and i went to the track. That’s one serious quick sectional on the soft. Connections will be finding it hard to curb their excitement about the horse’s future.
  6. Haha, I’ll be backing him as well Macca. I’ve had a couple of flutters on him in the past, not when he’s won of course. ? In other news, El Magnificence has accepted this Wednesday at Sandown. Race 5. It’s got the Dan Zephyr syndrome, drawing barrier 16 of 16. The race is over 1000m, back in distance will probably suit the horse. Bet365 markets currently have the horse at $13.
  7. It’s a real shame Macca. The horse possesses one of the most devastating sprints I have ever seen on a racetrack. You never know though, they might try again with him. Such a unique situation in a way, I can’t recall a previous top line galloper being retired from a refusal to jump in trials.
  8. A torp is risky. A drop punt down the line could have resulted in the same thing. He sent the ball down towards our best contested mark in Gawn. What else was Trac to do when the ump clearly waved play on? There’s maybe one short risky option on that pic as pointed out earlier. I see Lloyd and Bartel were critical of Trac also in the dissecting video claiming he panicked. I don’t believe this kick cost us the game.
  9. Sounds positive. Article also touches on the Viney and Hibbo injuries. http://m.melbournefc.com.au/news/2018-07-23/brayshaw-resigning-not-far-away-mahoney.mobileapp
  10. This is from a Brayshaw article on the AFL website. Meanwhile, the Demons have penciled in their round 21 clash with Sydney as a return date for key players Jack Viney and Michael Hibberd.
  11. Chautauqua fails to jump again. I think the horse took one look, saw Winx and realised how this was going to end, hence “ Nah, I’ll stay in the barriers thanks”. ? https://www.racing.com/news/2018-07-23/chautauqua-fails-to-jump-again
  12. Yes, leaving ourselves vulnerable to a turnover doesn’t make sense. The only player I can see in that shot instructing Trac is Jesse pointing to the spot where the ball was kicked and he’s 80 metres away.
  13. Again, without knowing if there’s any options behind the kicker it’s in my opinion Trac’s ‘bomb’ was the right play in an attempt to gain a forward 50 stoppage. Apologies if the pic isn’t very clear, I count 8 Cats between Trac and the 50. I see 5 Melbourne jumpers with only 1 demanding the ball. Umpire’s arms are waving play on with Trac still possessing the ball.
  14. Maybe someone that was at the game can tell us if Trac has options behind him for a short pass to milk the clock. From the view on the TV he had no options sideways or forward for a short kick like @Dr. Gonzo posted above. If anyone is willing to sit through the last two minutes again you will see the umpire clearly signal play on before Trac kicked the ball.
  15. If they do win Geelong go 9th. Better than a kick up the backside i guess.
  16. Press Red for Ed just stated AFL headquarters are looking to move the Richmond v Collingwood next week to the Saturday night. Did I hear right? Unlikely to happen but they are seriously considering the logistics. Waffled on how good the build up would be for the night game and it would attract 98k plus. Surely they can’t do this.
  17. Well done Blues. You managed to lower Hawthorn’s percentage by 0.7 that quarter.
  18. 1. The versatility of Harmes. A 22 yr old asked to play on a captain in the first half and then moved to Dangerflop. Daunting for a young kid and did it brilliantly. 2. Petracca’s game. Strong all night, getting better each week over the last month and would love to see him in a final. 3. I’m still breathing.
  19. I don’t know why but I just watched the last minute and Vince definitely did not spoil Melksham. Melksham completely missed the mark, if anything, Vince could have marked the ball himself. Pity because I thought Vince was good last night.
  20. .....an Irish player kicking the winning goal after the siren last night.
  21. Seriously! Go drive the team bus home or better yet, tell my 10yr old son to stop crying. Everyone is entitled to an opinion.....CHAP!!!
  22. Nice one Wadda...funny how my BB was the only one to miss.....ah those odds of $114.
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