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Straight Sets Simon

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Everything posted by Straight Sets Simon

  1. I liked it at the time but looking back it was a mess. We should never have changed from this one: At the very least we should have just tweaked it like we did for this clash jumper that lasted about five minutes:
  2. Posting photos and videos on social media doesn't cost anything (besides the time of staff you are already paying) and it is quick and easy to do.
  3. Gerard Whateley is the best thing that has happened to SEN, it's just a shame that the rest of the station is trash.
  4. Either get rid of them or give the opposition a free kick a 50 metre penalty if they are on the ground for more than 45 seconds at a time.
  5. 1) We can't unless the AFL say clubs can. 2) No we shouldn't anyway. 3) Excessive sponsor logos cheapen the club's brand dramatically
  6. I'm not totally keen on a royal blue clash, I'd prefer a predominately red one but it's better than white.
  7. It is great they got them deal done before the start of the season, the issue just is the lost merchandise revenue by having the deal done so late.
  8. Breast Cancer Network of Australia, the pink jumper.
  9. Welcome to the Melbourne Football Club, Zurich. https://twitter.com/melbournefc/status/955195694482046977
  10. https://twitter.com/melbournefc/status/955193808190230528
  11. From DEMONS22 at BigFooty: "I have been advised that Melbourne will have the Red Back Clash, A Royal Blue Clash, BCNA, Anzac, Indigenous & Standard Home. New Front Sponsor to be announced shortly, back sponsor to remain ISelect."
  12. Rumours on BigFooty (take it with a grain of salt) that Lexus is to be announced as our new co-sponsor soon.
  13. I like the look of no sponsors but when there is supposed to be a sponsor and then there isn't one it looks tacky on the front of a jumper. On the back it looks great.
  14. The big problem is that stock for the replica jumpers will be outdated with old sponsor logos, or even have no logo at all. It doesn't sound like a big deal, but a lot of people want to buy the exact same jumpers the players use so a lot of sales in merchandise will be lost.
  15. The Ghan was brilliant.
  16. It's fairly terrible that we are going into another season looking for a sponsor. The worst part is the players will have those cheap and nasty looking iron logos on the jumpers.
  17. Dr Turf is by far the best SEN presenter. Either way, my life is so much better since I stopped listening to SEN.
  18. I cannot believe anyone allows their kids to support other teams.
  19. The only good thing to come out of us missing the finals was I stopped listening to the radio (which included a lot of SEN) and started listening to podcasts. This morning on the way to work I turned on SEN for a brief minute and heard Danny Frawley talking about Collingwood's injury problems. It's December. As for Craig Hutchison, the sight and sound of him makes my skin crawl, I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him. Crocmedia fined $24,000 for exploiting young workers He's the kind of person that would commercialise every aspect of the AFL (even more so than is done now) just to make a quick buck even if that commercialisation would in the long-run ruin what it is that people love about the game.
  20. In bold is a key point, it's less and less about exposure and more about having direct access to customers and stakeholders.
  21. They aren’t marketing to end-users.
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