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Older demon

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Everything posted by Older demon

  1. Good point I forgot about Watts wage coming off our cap.
  2. I read the article differently. Not much substance on who we target but the key message is we have money in the bank to protect and re-sign our guns in Oliver etc who we know other clubs will come after with million dollar offers. An earlier post was spot on Shiel, Scully and Lobb going eased about 2 mill. of the GWS salary cap. With only Jones nearing the end age wise I doubt his retirement will free up a lot in our cap.
  3. I am MCC and MFC and have been for 18 years since I got my MCC membership. True you don't get much other than an ever-diminishing sized scarf and some stickers and a fridge magnet with the draw on it. Oh and MFC members get 10% of merchandise (maybe to get a bigger warmer scarf). I treat it for what it is a donation to my footy club and admission to the AGM. I do believe though that of the MCC members we have the highest percentage of any club and for each game, we attend the club used to get a kickback from the MCC as part of the gate takings. Not sure if that is still the case. Our donation also helps boost the membership numbers which is the KPI used by all clubs to attract sponsors, deals and show relevance to the AFL.
  4. Great news and awesome result. Future mens and womens team players maybe.
  5. No it is a statement that as we played finals and our season went 3 weeks longer than we are used to. Non-finalists returned to training earlier than us and with postseason surgery delayed till after the prelim our prep has been delayed relative to other years
  6. No it isn't American culture. It is a modification of the Barmy Army Chant. We are the army, the barmy barmy army, where do we come from. etc the mighty mighty England. Funny enough the poms are doing quite badly in the Caribbean.
  7. Thank you for the reports. I was told by someone that Leigh Fisher and Razor Ray were heading down to Gopschs paddock for the match simulation and practise with the new rule interpretation. With a mention of our cutting edge tech were the drills designed to get players and umpires on the same page with the new rules?
  8. Some gent keeps pestering SEN asking Gary to read out his sms. He is adamant the other club is Sydney. Is this some who reads or contributes to Demonland? C'mon fess up if you are bombarding SEN
  9. Consider a different scenario, Neale decides he doesn't want to go to Brisbane if Beams isn't going to be there. There goes Pick 5 to the Dockers and dare I say their bargaining power for Hogan. All deals off and we have to promise next years draft to get May
  10. Back on the subject. I can see why the club would want to get Hogan to sign onto a longer contract BUT as we have seen this trade period contracts aren't worth the paper they are printed on. McGovern signs on for 3 years and wants out after 1, Hanneberry has 3 years left on a 5-year deal and good coin and Preuss has 2 years to run on a 3-year deal. All 3 will be at a new club next year and last year Watts had 2 years of his deal to go. I admire players that honour their contracts and clubs that do likewise. They are hardly adhered too and today news that Freo wont to get out of the Bennel contract.
  11. Re Jessie's foot injury. I know one of the professional's at the club who were looking after his foot. Let me put to rest those who think he was faking, he very definitely had a crack in the Navicular bone. The club was grateful that it was early on and not a full fracture requiring surgery. Seriously some of the conjecture and conspiracy theories stated are way out of line.
  12. It was mentioned that GWS get pick 5 and hand over Lobb and 14. Has anyone done the points calculation on this trade. I ask because is what is 6 and 14 worth to us especially if pick 14 isn't enough for May? Would GC want pick 6 for May ? What would Freemantle's first round pick next year be worth? Would that be more attractive to GC than pick 14. So pick 6 this year and next years first round for Hogan.
  13. Well surprise surprise. I play golf with his uncle who told me weeks ago the family were really keen to see Dylan return home. he spun the story about Dylan being a Caulfield Grammarian, who idolised Judd and barracked for Carlton. He said he didn't know who was the preferred club but as a staunch Bombers fan, he sincerely hoped that Dylan would choose the Dons. We looks like my golf mate got his wish, and I will be asking lots of questions this Friday.
  14. The last story I think in the Age was that Jessie had his medical and they were assessing his foot injury. Is this a deja vu moment like Trengrove and Richmond? And now Gaff has stunned everybody and stayed out west, the West Coast would not be able to afford Jessie.
  15. I was lucky enough to talk Jake at a function pre GWS game and I asked about his knee and rehab. Fascinating insight as he will follow Trac and do the rehab training at the same facility but didn't do anything like it when he tore is ACL in the TAC cup. He had more trouble with his back and hamstrings which where tended to rather than the knee. I wish him well.
  16. Consider this option then. Freo I expect will not give up pick 5 & 6 (after GC compensation for Lynch) and I hope MFC say no deal, go away. Rightly so, no compromise and no deal and Jessie can be part of finals glory. Hogans manager cleverly requests a 1 year extension till 2020 which takes Jessie into restricted free agency and then he can accept the mega deal which MFC wont match and take compensation. Hogan will have done his 8 years of service is still only 25 and gets the contract of a lifetime. I don't think at this stage we will have a million dollar a year player yet, as we try to keep our list together and share the money . If we need another backman play Hogan at CHB where he made all Australian in the under 18's. GC will not let May go cheap and he is a free agent next year anyway and will be hunting dollars. We get Kolajazz for a third rounder
  17. For those who believe it will all be fixed if Jessie signs on look no further than Mitch McGovern. Is at the end of the first year of a 3 year deal and wants out and will most likely get to his destination club. The only advantage is the club has currency and that is why MFC may well be best served now rather than at the end of 2019. All will be revealed eventually
  18. Interesting timing with the changeover of CEO. I know Mahoney is doing the negotiating but the CEO crunches the numbers and who has the final say Peter or Gary?
  19. The Brownlow has always been an umpires votes and was fine when there was only 1 umpire. Then we went to 2 umps and one year they both voted and the vote tally was huge so they decided that the umpires would concur and give one set of votes. The flaw in the system is now 3 umpires have to compromise and pick a consensus 3,2,1 and given they cannot often agree on a correct umpiring decision it is no surprise they get some wrong. Now it is a midfielder award
  20. One for the trade thread. How good was Whitfield this year? I could see him owning one side of the G running from halfback or wingplaying only on the members side in red & blue.
  21. I am so pleased for Gus. Taken at pick 3 and now showing his worth in a breakout year. Now for the guy taken at pick 2 to show us his worth, I talking about you Trac.
  22. Well done to Gus, Max & Clarrie the engine room. Two players in the top 4
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