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Everything posted by Sydee

  1. I would hazard a guess that we seriously are - not looking like a great investment at this early stage, is it! There are some serious questions being asked with good reason
  2. Why do they need to be played at all if they contribute nothing - why is Weideman gifted games when people cry out for others who contribute just as much to be dumped The guy is a protected species - we are so devoid of list depth we continue to have to cling onto the hope that he will turn the corner and become an AFL player - well guess what there are no guarantees it will ever happen - meanwhile we play one short each week while he racks up games Does anyone really think that West Coast, Collingwood or Richmond would continually gift games to players that don't contribute week after week - NO is the answer Not sure about you but I'm not sure there is any morale left to lose - and I don't see playing guys week after week that contribute zero is great for team morale either
  3. Leaving at a very low point - hardly great timing
  4. Well, they certainly won't be rating him one little bit on his form this year - breakout game coming up from him against the Hawks perhaps
  5. My comment was in response to your statement below "last year he was a good third tall when we had Hogan. He struggles as a first or second tall and played above his ability in the finals, as Did Tmac. " I was not a fan of the Hogan trade and like many are totally underwhelmed by what May brings to the table - hope I'm proved wrong in time - not sure I believe people can play "above themselves" btw - you can play or you can't - no doubt you can play below your ability and we have the majority of our team firmly in that camp atm You said he was a good third tall when we had Hogan - the reality is that his only two AFL games where he looked like he could potentially make it as a player Hogan was in the stands and it was him and TMac as the talls - stuffed if I know how we won either of those games now based on what we are seeing week to week
  6. Hogan was sitting in the stands for those two finals texting his mates in Perth from memory
  7. Huh ? He's the third tall in ability who are the other two ? Pretty sure at the start of the season he was being touted as our second key tall behind TMac - we all know how successful that's been for us He got lucky in two finals and everyone instantly thinks he's a champion in the making - before those games his body of work was incredibly underwhelming and that form line continues into this season Please don't say Preuss is our future as a tall forward target the guy is playing there because he doesn't have the ability or the fitness to ruck a large portion of the game plus our other so-called tall forwards have been a complete waste of space so far this year
  8. I find it amazing that any of our so-called footballers would call for a trade at the end of the year based on the team performing like crud - aren't they all individually and collectively responsible for their cr@p performances If this is the reason they want out I say F%^k off out we don't won't pathetic excuse makers anymore at MFC - what we do want is people who can actually perform gameday - Sam is certainly not going close to ticking that box irrespective of the less than perfect delivery inside 50 Time for Sam and many others to prove why they deserve to be an AFL list at all not just ours
  9. Haven't seen any accountability around here lately - don't hold your breath
  10. we are hard as nails - WTF? can't even get through the warm-up
  11. The ferrals can smell an easy kill and have come in numbers
  12. Hey BBO fantastic effort to be so optimistic I almost felt a glimmer of hope - then looked at their forward 6 and our back 6 again and felt rather ill
  13. Not comforting that we are bringing in our big guns in the hour of need
  14. Blew the cobwebs off - Should be lightning quick after a 4-day turnaround
  15. Looking at their forward line vs our named back 6 (excluding Salem who can play) this could get incredibly ugly
  16. I hope Sg and the whole team sit down and watch Jimmy Bartels summary of where things are going wrong in Access all Areas. To be honest, never watch them and only did because I was interested in the highlights of McKay - oh how I wish Weideman was showing as much promise Anyway I think these guys nailed it As a collective team we simply allow opposition players too much space and basically hope somehow to win back possession and then get the easy possession on the turnover - teams with half decent skills have worked it out and cut us to ribbons - North play a similar game style and are cr@p too. We need to try manning up a lot closer and stop playing zone defence because it just isn't working The other points highlighted were that we constantly commit too many numbers around a contest and then when the ball gets free the opposition have players free and away they go Our forward fifty entries are abysmal - high kicks sitting on top of our taller forwards heads which make it dead easy to spoil - worse is that fact we don't have crumbers and invariably the opposition do and clear the ball far too easily - this is shown up week after week by our disproportionate inside 50 count but terrible conversion rate Until we start dealing with these issues we are in for some ugly defeats These are the reasons we are dead easy to play against and it needs to stop now !
  17. Don't hold your breath - according to SG "our brand" is still perfectly fine we are just too easy to play against atm - well that isn't good is it ! I agree we are pedestrian in the speed department, generally have poor skills which get highlighted more in the wet and not a single forward that opposition backs would be concerned about kicking multiple goals
  18. He’s gonna love the game this week
  19. You make it sound like we have plummeted from a place we were firmly entrenched in Hah this club has been the laughing stock of the competition for decades - they are back in familiar territory - it’s what they do so well
  20. My main question is how good is our list ? At the start of the year champion data rated it as #1 I think At the time I thought that was a huge stretch of the imagination and really based on what exactly ?? I look through this team and see a few decent players but the vast majority just seem massively overrated
  21. Seriously embarrassing - WTF - an email ! nobody in their right mind wants an email from these plodders I cringe when I recall interviews before the season started they genuinely thought they were a shoe in to make finals and be a serious threat - DEElusional so far off the pace it’s not funny with no real light at the end of the tunnel Business as usual at MFC - brief glimmers of hope always quashed mercilessly - it’s been this way for 50 + years - can’t see it ever changing
  22. We haven’t drafted in anything that noteworthy because we have continued to give away our top picks for players that can’t get out on the park I still think May was a ridiculous trade if they really thought he was adding more than Hogan - as for KK I’ve said from the outset it’s a total mystery why they thought he would add anything , not quick , not hard at it and can’t get himself on the field - List clogger The only thing that surprised me about yesterday’s loss was the fact that most so called experts picked out spuds to win - I had $100 on the saints to win 1-39 of course our spuds screwed that up as well by losing by 40 hopefully this year we don’t throw our top 2 or 3 draft pick at someone for another bench warmer
  23. Have they been rushed ? I don’t think so what are they getting paid for ? When they are fit to play they play FMD they are not going to make any difference anyway - we are so far off the pace it’s not funny
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