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Robot Devil

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Everything posted by Robot Devil

  1. I have decided that anything I say about todays game will be only hurting myself. See you next week....
  2. Probably whether to jump with or without a parachute...
  3. Can we try Man on Man for just one game? I mean really, who would it hurt. At least we would know what would happen.
  4. Gettin' real tired of hearing "Opposition player X is unmarked and has the ball in the goalsquare. ".
  5. What I want to know is how can a Richmond player duck his head and headbutt one of our players in the nuts and get a free kick for high contact?
  6. My understanding is that it is only paid to other teams.
  7. Steady on mate... Just throw your TV through the window like a normal person.
  8. I'm gonna take a guess and say it it is so the game finished at 5pm, which in the old days gave you one hour at the pub after the match before closing time.
  9. Did anyone's numbers come up?
  10. I imagine before the presser started they asked him if being Vice Captain was worth the price of fronting up to explain what happened. I probably would have laughed too...
  11. I'm assuming we played the role of tackling dummies for the Storm.
  12. I was like that a few weeks ago. Bordering on violent. The next stage is easier. I feel nothing.
  13. My mother and I are staying til the end just to see what happens. So there will be 2.
  14. I sure picked a bad week to quit smoking...
  15. I'd just like to thank my mother for coming to the football with me today.
  16. I think I hate Channel 7. Dogs lose by 70 and the Eagles are "too good" We lose by 61 and are "thrashed"
  17. Let's all appreciate the umpires shall we?
  18. Too busy filling us in on Hampson's love life. Seriously, this sucks.
  19. And it should have been a loose ball in our forward 50. Instead a free to Carlton. Umpire appreciation. Bruce has been pissing in their pockets all day too. Then Noddy dog Watson chimes in with a few platitudes.
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