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Posts posted by IRW

  1. I suppose you could say he motivated them to go hard for one quarter but frankly it left me .......well .....unimpressed would be being polite. I reckon if thats his style and I was a free agent I would be considering my options. Todays Age article comparing relative stats from last year and rankings with regards the other teams give a certain clarity to my 22 round googles.....Still the jury is out until 2014 I guess,assuming tbe Board thinks the same way and there isnt a mass exodus of coaching Asistants to greener pastures,or Blue..r fields perhaps

  2. Well that is the big question isnt it? The story around is that Stef has a bad attitude to being told to change his game and only god knows what is needed to get Watts realise he doesnt get to pick and choose his contests at this level.....offer Watts and a first round pick to Essendon for Gumbleton and let the Golden Boy sort out Jesus I reckon. ......hang on to Martin for another year and see how he goes

  3. Yeah. I was never sold on Cloke but we really need a player to fill that CHF gap. No one on our list has been able to do it with either consistency or authority. And, as we have seen, if Clarke goes down, we are snookered. Tippett?

    Gumbleton would be the perfect fit,he's out of contract as well and offering him 'overs' to make it happen still wouldnt be huge

  4. It seems that Cloke has never been a part of our plans despite all the media and Demonland speculation.

    I find it extraordinary that the "big boys" on here spent 300+ posts trying to work this out.

    Even the media 'speculation' was more of a name check


  5. Well, it doesn't mean we can't have a crack.

    We got Mitch Clark, so who knows...

    Bet you MFC wouldnt get him if he'd watched them play in 2012 first.

    How about buildng a team with what they've got,the early draftpicks, plus one or two promising young imports to grow along with the list.

    Its crazy I know, but it just might work

  6. "needs to be punished" . Is dropping him enough? Perhaps some time in the stocks? Or, perhaps you could give him a jolly good flogging RR?

    Needs to be punished...ye gods is this bloke serious or is he just having a lend of you all?

    Mind you it was only a few weeks ago that Coach Neeld said "if they BEHAVE they'll be here next year"!!

    He may not be a drill seargent but he might be getting them to line up outside the meeting room and wait for the Teacher to arrive

    Could be the blokes with an VCE score over 90 like Watts and Martin dont rspond to that kind of treatment

  7. I think I lean towards shopping him around now, this coaching panel and recruiting staff (do we have any?) had nothing to do with drafting Watts, so it won't be seen as a fail for their past efforts. It'd be a gamble to see what they could get in return though. I don't see it happening, but I think I'd be all for it.


    I imagine its unlikely that they will actively shop him around;after all the coach has consistently said that Jack is doing all that is asked of him. . But if a big ticket deal required a player trade to top up a draft pick concession to get the deal done...........???? Everyone has their price and currently Jack isnt anywhere near making Leigh Mathews eat his words
  8. he was probably using the notes handed down to him from Brad :o

    Looks like we'll have to agree to disagree on this one. Brad was usually awful but I reckon he showed something on Sunday. The awful truth is that there is no Brad Murphy in the approved MFC speakers list.....I reckon Jonesy would be ok if they gave him a regular gig, a surfing analogy would go a long way
  9. What could he have said? Well Greeny said"I wish I could have been better".....poignant honest and straight up. It made me thank Brad for doing his best. He was never very smooth in front of the cameras but I think that shows what happens when you realise that stepping off the reality bus and into real life allows you to be honest.... Stuff the outdated garbage and geriatrics that Neil Craig keeps recyclicing....get Sally McClennan in to teach them some personal pride, how to focus on the job at hand and talk from the heart.

  10. That park footy comment really got under your skin aye!

    It's alright IRW, you're going okay. The transition from twos to ones can be hard but you're making a good fist of it. I rate your stance on Watts.


    I worry that you guys are serious sometimes..

    .As far as I can see only Daisy cutter and Biffen have any sense that this is just a chat room for wannabe AFL footballers...(apologies for the posters on here who get around the park and in 'lesser leagues' for the pure pleasure of it)..

    Anyway carry on....,though I have to say I got ribbed on Ology for my rapid post count although I was semi retired.

    Do any of you guys actually have jobs?

    If so, do your employers know what you spend our time on?

    If you're students then let me recommend the the idea of mixing it with with other students from a variety of backgrounds...its great for your education.

    • Like 1
  11. Gee these polls are fun arnt they? A Demonland institution I guess. How about a poll "Do you prefer park footy or Really Serious Big Boys blogging aka Ology vs Land. Appearing for Ology in the blue corner....I give you Bluey. And for Land in the red corner...its Range Rover. Hard to pick a winner I reckon Me ? I'm in old Blueys corner but I'm going to the G on Friday night to watch real footy and to see how N.N stacks up against Buddy.......I already know how Jack would go.

  12. Give the guy (and us) a break. You don't go from being second quickest at the draft camp to all kinds of slow in a couple of years without very good reason. There would be a physical reason behind this, perhaps OP or the heavy training loads. Once he has resolved this physical issue, whatever it is, those questioning him now will feel pretty silly.

    Was he the second quickest, or is he a marathon runner?

    They are different things, though no one on here seems to care about such details.

  13. Today was a clear demonstration of how we are under sized and not equipped to play the game as it is now played.

    A real condemnation of Dean Bailey.

    To their credit the boys showed some flair and skill early but could not compete all day against those big bodied forwards and midfielders.

    Er Bails was coaching the opposition (he's their innovations coach) .Adelaide has 'innovated' an attacking free flowing game, or in other words has learnt a "new game plan" from the boring regimented rubbish that their previous coach (who now coaches at MFC) inflicted on them the last few years. Geez dont they seem to enjoy it

    Bails will get to continue his innovating against Freo in the Finals....two teams with "new game plans" going at it hammer and tongs....unless of course they get knocked out by the Kangas, and their free flowing Bailesque game, before they meet.

    Trust me on this one...Bails might have had flaws but this rubbish isnt his fault.

    • Like 1
  14. Getting 200 rich guys and asking them to show off pledging money to us over an extravagant dinner-I cant think of a better way to raise coin quickly.

    Do you think VisyCarton and GTV Collingwood or The Cats haven't benefited from some whale fat to even be in the position they are in.

    I didnt make myself clear...of course thats the way footy clubs raise money....and well done to those who kick in for their passion.............but saying that's the only way they can get top players to the club is talking the club down from a PR perspective

    But its no biggy.....I cant believe the criticsm on this thread....its made Blueys offering look sane

  15. No outs as yet. Bate, Nicho and the Gys all included....

    They'll need 3 extra to even get close, though I doubt Bater wil be much help.

    Goodbye Green and Red..

    Personally I think Green deserves more genuine respect than he's been given over the years.

    He was never soft,just valued smooth over rough

    • Like 1
  16. McLardy promoting the dinner to assist the club to land a big fish is embarrasing.

    Its taken over 100 posts for someone to nail the problem here.

    Its no criticism of the enthusiastic generosity of supporters to point out the flaw in the marketing. camaign

    Don may be a very organised President, but he needs to get better advice on his PR role

    • Like 1
  17. Hey Bluey ,

    How can you knock someone for giving to the Club FFS?

    You might find other causes more worthy but dont knock other "patrons" that have kept the ship afloat (paricularly in the last 30 years).

    Besides-some of our members cant help it that they are filthy rich - they were born that way!

    and those that made thier own money and gave it away-Thank you as well .

    You clearly dont understand the subtlety in Blueys' posting persona...he says he gives money to the RSPCA but spends a lot of his time kicking his dog...cares for boat people but lives at Point Lonsdale (lighthouse) where his radiant charm scares any refos so much they head across the ditch to take their chances with earthquakes and the Haka.

    Mind you there is also a rumour that he secretly sponsors Cale Mortons extra weight sessions.

    He'll be putting this series of responses down as a success. The only way to shut him up will be a 22 zip home and away,straight through to the granny and he'll still give her an uppercup........"worst premiership win ...ever"

    • Like 1
  18. Lets face it Dunn is a grub.

    He invents opportunities to pointlessly push blokes after the action is over,he backs into marking contests with the intention of drawing a free kick; he stages for frees constantly and really obviously as well.He causes trouble that he cant back up with performance.

    Thats sort of ok if you're really good to boot, but this is Dunne we're talking about and he just aint that good.

    The only reason people hate Milne is because he's good....Unfortunately Dunn isnt good enough to even hate.

    He can give it a roost though and in a crepe team with a burgeoning coaching dept he might be worth another year.

  19. I'm def jealous. Must be wierd to follow them now after following them then.

    It helps if you go overseas,sit in a Himalyan hermitage,sail around the Pacific and come back for the Northey years ...a bit of Daniher and it just feels frustrating, but not the end of the world as we now it.

    The 186, Jimmys' death, the 'tanking' and the new coachs' slash and burn dont help though.

    I feel selfish saying "be patient."

    I still think its all about the relatuionship between Neeld and the Board and there is no way Cloke is coming to the oval next to Punt Road in 2013...either of them

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