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Posts posted by IRW

  1. For those that don't get this: Hannabal was BH's best friend until they fell out.

    They thought along similar lines but there is only so much one can take of 'themselves' before it gets old...

    so much to learn..so little time.

    Is Ology ever going to be reborn?

  2. Yes, it's ironic that you mention the boxing coach dude that worked with Jobe, when the only notable contest Jack has won was against the boxing coach dude's student.

    Isn't it? Strength and aggression are needed, he has neither. Courage and determination are also needed. You can split hairs over whether or not these are skills, but they are what's needed for Jack to get anywhere near the player we need him to be.

    So I pretty much agree with your initial points, and see some comparisons between a fat and lazy Jobe and a timid and somewhat lazy Watts. One flicked a switch, let's see what the other does. (Please avoid quoting for pun value)

    fair enough, inretrospect I was just being defensive..

    Its not ironic but amusing that Jacks intro to MFC was getting the crepe punched out of him at Beamers camp...the sort of thing that Riley implied wasnt really the point of the exercise...he kept stressing repeat efforts and the attitude to play that way

  3. Ayres jumped out for mine as a hhmmm I wonder too. He has been saying for 2-3 years he would like another chance and it is amazing he has not been given a chance especially by the likes of a GWS who I think would really benefit from some one of his stature and his recent coaching record at Port Melb.

    yep he makes no secret of his ambition, but he also told me he'd be good to go at MFC.

    I reckon like some other guys,Royal being one, his cards are marked for the big jobs.

    Not necessarily Assistants gigs though

  4. You'd hope so, the shake up of whatever combination of factors led to us having surely the worst midfield in the comp needs to be completed, and fast before our back line collectively neck themselves

    Could do a lot worse than Ayres, thats for sure. Last time our midfield was good was under Ratts, I too would welcome him in a heartbeat

    ah a midfield of Thompson, Johnson,Beamer and Sylvia,mixing it up with a defensive small forward called Davey....those were the days. Possibly Whiteys last good year as well.
  5. When I look back on Jobe back in 2005/06, reminds me of Gysberts.

    Pulling the "finger out" (as his father told him) and working with this Riley character and Greg Williams transformed him in body and mind.

    This Riley Character will only be of use to Jack Watts if Jack seeks him out.

    He must be ready for it in his own head.

    But i hope someone has suggested a similar idea to Jack.

    The mongrel is what he is lacking in. Not completely, but he would benefit from some "tweaking"

    yep fair enough, but given that suggestion that Carey would be good for Watts I cant help but think Riley would be much more useful.

    Of course its up to Jack, but I reckon he misread his 'needs' when he went to Malthouse for help.

  6. Quite ironic then that the only pivotal contest Jack has won was against Jobe in the dying minutes of our only true win this season.


    Rileys point was that the essence of competetive elite contact sport was repeated efforts and collision football.

    Jack has the skills to beat most anyone at at given contest,that isnt in dispute.

    fwiw Tappy impressed me with his endeavour in the dying moments of that game more than Jack. Watching him I turned to my friend and 'called' the game.

  7. I heard the boxing coach dude who worked with Jobe Watson interviewed yesterday.

    He was talking about AFL being a contact sport where repeated and resilient under pressure 2nd and 3rd efforts are the difference between players;not their speed or skills and that is what he had taught Watson.

    Every time he said Jobe I thought Watts.

    I think he's called Riley...whatever...just get him to work with Jack immediately

  8. I would imagine its unlikely that Ratten would want the job at Melboure, but I'd have him in "in a heartbeat' myself ,as the saying goes.

    He's got 'assistant' written all over him.

    I know ,because he's told me, that Ayres would like another AFL job and I reckon he's more likely to get an assistants gig than he is a big one.

    Good record at Port Melbourne,stand alone club.

    Worth a try I think,but who knows what Neeld thinks...maybe Ayres is too hard arsed and just one of them around the place is enough.

    Surely mfc ARE looking for a new midfield coach...I mean really

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  9. If you've ever had to sit next to Hawks fans you'd understand why everyone should barrack for the Swans.

    Round 22 at the G they were abusing their own team for not winning by enough.

    Saturday they were calling for Buddy to be dropped....until he kicked the goal that seemed to seal it of course,then they just whined about the umpires.

    I think they honestly believe that the games are won by supporters, not the players.

    Having said that I confess to admiring Gibson, Sewell and Mitchell,while Buddy and Cyril are seriously exciting.

  10. Are you deliberately ignoring that if Hawthorn kicked as accurately as Adelaide did, then the hawks win by 8-10 goals? Is this one of those situations where the reality just doesn't suit you so you will just spend time ignoring it and speaking in strident tones?

    As for Craig, well, it was him who got them fit, got them ready and stated that it was a team with more talent than he had seen before. But you'll spit on everything he built and crown the blow-in as a champ. FMD.

    Its difficult to understand why they got rid of Craig then isnt it?

    I acknowledged the kicking, and that the Hawks are the better side, its just that Craig wouldnt have got thenm to the Prelim.

    Yesterdays coach

  11. jack watts and wayne carey would be a good mix.

    . I have my doubts about Jack, but no doubts about his intelligence and I dont think he'd respond to a guy who reckoned his after game party trick was to break a scotch tumbler on his head,no matter how good a footballer he used to be. It reads like the bloke cant do anything useful with himself so he wants to go back to his glory days. Wouldnt have him around the place in a million seasons unless he goes back to the Roos and works wonders with them first. Maybe he could go into Real Estate with Dennis Pagan or get a job as muscle for any of his crim mates who are still alive
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  12. recruiting & Development is what it comes down to.

    Yep I figured that was obvious but apparantly every time there is a top team with certain characteristics.....game plan ,culture, coach ,leg speed ,kicking skills ,aggression,big gym program,high alttitude blah blah blah..everyone reckons thats the answer.

    What you said while developing the player skills you inherited as a coach into an appropriate game plan would seem to be the answer.

  13. It apparantly didnt stop Hawthorn employinga kicking coach with "flight simulatoer" facilities to record and analyse the kicking technique of its list (Saturdays Age I think) and I'd argue that Watts has shown remarkable resistance to being taught the physical side of the game or how to develop an unquestioning aptitude for 'the contest' involved in elite sport.

    Footscray was the last team to be characterised by its kicking skills but it didnt win them a flag even though Rocket saw their strengths and built a plan around it.

    A bit of everything, a well rounded team, with a Buddy and Cyril X factor to win the game in any given 10 minute burst is what you need...and you cant plan for that.

  14. Dont Rich spend time out at Craigeburn training?

    We will have our own oval from the time Pies move into there new oval up the road.

    I'll take a stab in the dark here and suggest that Richmond go to Craigeburn at least paartly because they are resurfacing their private oval next to their private gym .

    Thats not to say that a second option for variety,whether it be Craigieburn or Casey isnt a good thing.

    We certainly are getting the windsept oval next to Punt Road all for ourselves in due course.

    I believe Collingwood cant wait to get off it into a private facility so they can behave like a genuinely elite outfit.

    Having said that, its clear that with help from the AFL and generous supporters (some of who post here ) there is more money being spent,wisely its assumed, while there is probably a bottomless pit labeled footy dept expenditure

  15. As long as Watts wears GPS I dont much care myself.

    Mind you having to wax with the League bozos for use of the wind swept paddock on Swan Street, and presumably all the other facilities, doesnt sound like' elite' to me, no matter how much people repeat it.

    Richmond over the road with their own dedicated and private oval seem light years ahead imo.

  16. Yep, duly noted...but, you can't install a boxing ring to build upper body strength if there isn't a high aerobic fitness capacity as a foundation.

    Yep, duly noted...but, you can't install a boxing ring to build upper body strength if there isn't a high aerobic fitness capacity as a foundation.

    I figure the coach is responsible across the board...he got them fit, as he should have, but basically removed their natural talent with an obsession with structured build ups.

    Yesterday Sandos plan let them spear it in direct to their marking targets and they relished the chance to win the game...nearly did in fact.

    It also gave the Hawks the jitters,although they already self inflicted with bad kicking in the first quarter.

    In the end the better side won, but I'd wager a Craig coached side wouldnt have even got near the Prelim.

  17. Sando on 3AW said (quote) '......I walked into a club whose players had an amazing level of fitness and running capacity..' He went on to say that they changed their training to focus on stoppages and clearances and getting to a contest.

    ok and on 774 it was noted that in fact the first thing he did was get rid of the bloody bikes and install a boxing ring.

    They should have lost by more,as all the experts here have observed, but instead, by kicking long to their forward targets and never backing down, they almost stole it.

    The siren went when they were loading up for another attack.

    By focusing on using what he had to best advantage instead of imposing a game style on the team regardless. Sando nearly stole it.

    Craig is yesterdays man which is why he's no longer the Coach.

    Hopefully his yesterdays ideas about football fitness are not taken on board without question.

    I imagine that with his very organised mind and his experience he has plenty to offer in an advisory role

  18. Just got back from the game...its amazing what you can do with a team when they dont have to spend their time with Charlie Walsh or play like robots..

    Crows just kept at it and nearly stole it.

    How pleased they must be to be rid of Neil Craig and into the new decade.

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