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Posts posted by IRW

  1. 1 DRAFT some muscle and aggression.

    2 Start recognising and respecting the skills the cuurent list have instead of trying reinvent them as players they just cant be (if they still arent good enough then there will be turnover again next year)

    3 TARGETED fitness work again

    4 Take a lead from the Hawks kicking coach and 'teach' them to kick...it didnt just happen over there by magic you know.

    5 In all practise game play Watts up forward double teamed with Tom Mac and Chip/Riv

    .....Play him 'wherever' during the season, but let him know its 'get into it' or 'get out'

  2. Rolls Royce skills, Garry Lyon called it one day when he wrote an article about trapper not doing the work to put on extra bulk to protect himself

    I believe his first nick name was 'Roller' because of the way he moved and the purr..fect skills.

    Trust Garry to use something that is already currency;but the only other bloke who floated free down the flank and goaled like Trav did was LJ and he didnt do it from 60 out.

  3. Trav had more time ans space than the starship enterprise

    His game against the Crows in that 2002 final was as magnificent a performance as I have ever seen

    The only player I've seen who could stand still in the middle of a pack and not get tackled...the cloak of invisibility.

    Flash and Watts could learn something from his ability to find options and set up play at a greater range than 25 metres as well.

    However, I reckon it was really just one quarter against the Crows and then he took himself off coz he was spent.

    If he'd trained harder MFC would have won.

  4. Watts ..forward or back?

    I just wish he"d do either because, as Macca observed, currently he just goes sideways about 30 metres which does nothing to advance the team, but given he's usually 'free' and under no real pressure just keeps his disposal efficiency up and perpetuates the myth that is Jack Watts

  5. Nup, but as listed in various posts above plenty of those already included must surely have got there through their clubs politicing.

    I suppose once you have a HoF you have to make sure its full,if only to make the ' Legends ' look really really special for those who didnt see them.

    POST WAR (2nd WW)

    RDB ..absolute legend

    Robbie Flower...legend

    Neita... Club legend

    Gary Lyon...legend in his own mind

    Jakovich, Jurrah...'Freak Gallery'

    Jimmy Stynes...Patron Saint

  6. I was pumping Chunky's tyres on Ology for several seasons when many over there wanted him out of the place.

    I imagine it was the same here,and tiresome it would have been to read the threads because it seemed pretty obvious that he had the right attitude and was the heart and soul of the team.

    Sometimes he tried to do too much and his game suffered because of it.

    Perhaps with a greater emphasis on players concentrating on their roles he's been able to stand out more, and clearly he's grown as a player as well.

    I'm still going to be on the outer with him though I reckon, because now I'm going to point out where he needs to improve.....I dont reckon he 'hurts' the opposition enough with his game.

    If he gets that together next year he's AFL elite

    I think he will.

    • Like 1
  7. I work with a few Kiwis in their early 20s. They played Aussie Rules in NZ. One has played Aussie Rules on the ground that is going to be used for the Saint's games. They are Hawthorn fans by the way due to the Hawks work in NZ, went to the Hawks v Pies last Friday. Know their AFL. One is winning the tipping at his previous workplace. Yep AFL is not going to challenge the dominance of Union. It does not have to be a success. We might get a few players out of it. Much like Queensland we might get a disproportinate number of 195cm plus talls who don't feel like packing down in a union scrum and are too tall for league. Or slight kids who get knocked about by much bigger kids in league and choose AFL and stay with it as they mature and fill out.

    Who knows..in 30 years time there might even be a NZ based team in the AFL.

    Smart move by AFL to include an ANZAC Match. They'll get more than 5000 for that as well as a sizable prime time audience back in OZ.

    . Fair enough,they will get more than 5000 in the first year....free tickets anyone? Of course the Kiwis dont do Anzac Day like Australia/AFL does...they seemed to have twigged that war isnt sport or vice versa...you dont think its strange that given the proximity of the two countries and other shared values that no Kiwi has bothered to play AFL....maybe if they're elite they just dont fancy the game. But seeing the AFL has its very own Iraq going in Western Sydney it may as well invade Afghanistan as well I suppose. Second in stupidity to the notion they will get a foothold in China really. They cant even get ashore in Darwin where there are blokes who actually play the game at the highest level.....maybe Anzac Day should be on Lameroo beach,their very own Gallipoli
  8. If they get 5,000 turning up it'll be a miracle, and most of them will be there to laugh at the softness of the game compared to Union.

    AFL and its fans...no friggin idea.

    New Zealand equals All Blacks and that is true in Outer Mongolia,Kathmandu,Instanbul and Paris ,and maybe even Tennesee where they think Paris is in Texas (and it is)

    As for the nonsense travelling argument,it almost proves the point about soft sport.No one in the Bledisloe Cup or the Three Nations or the various world wide Union competitions ever complains about travelling.

    I understand that the Rugby League players are too stupid and the game is too simple for it too matter but what is it about AFL that makes it so precious? They'd better send a few high marking tpes because if they go into one of those quasi rolling malls around the ball the Kiwis will just die laughing and they will go to sleep watching Lewis Jetta because they see better every week

  9. Why not start a thread call Fantasyland and merge this one with the Cloke and Goddard threads...all nonsence without any reality quotient....it could top 1000 posts on 50 pages.

    Ling doesnt want to be an assistant coach....gee, who would have thought?

    But didnt he give a talk to GWS? Surely that means he wants to live in the city and coach MFC.

    Anyway what does Neeld have to do with it?...'Land should start a petition

    • Like 1
  10. You missed the whole point, Moonshine

    Now about that Timbuktu thing. It seems to me that if one got to the coast, got on a boat, got to Christmas Island,then Nauru,got into training while one waited and then made an AFL list then there would be a story that left LJ's for dead.

    Anything is possible if you can get to the 'lucky country' where most of us cruise, while the determined ones have endless possibilities whether they're elite or not.

  11. Geez give it up will you.

    The Brighton thing was a stereotypical cliche and as such was not meant to be objectively 'true' (stereotypes never are), but I'd wager everyone knew what I was saying.

    Whether the inference was correct, or whether people agree is besides the point.

    For the record I'm aware that Robbie has worked very hard over his life to raise a family and move to Brighton.

    I know this because we fought endlessly over on Ology (mind you I wasnt the only one) and my last post was an attempt to let him know that those fights were on the General Board over there,not over football, they were in the past and that I have no wish to start again..

    OK ?

    But I'm happy to fight with you if you wish :)

    By the way the strange layouts are a result of my Blackberry Tablet having lousy lay out functions.

    I do my best with endless series of .......dots.... when I use it,but to no avail it seems.

    I apologise,

  12. Richmond and the other teams so far have cut rookies and spuds. We are dealing with former club leaders, champions and with Aaron a contracted player. It's not theway to go to chuck these guys out on their ears a-la Junior. If they are getting honest feedback as the finish for the year and it comes out in the press then why would we care? We should be glad they know what we've come to know during the year i.e. they're not up to it?

    IRW, of course Neeeld is in charge of the process, who else would be? Or are you inimtaing he doesn't know what he's doing? We'll see. NOt covinced he will be THE coach but I'm starting to believe in his contribution to the list management.

    Fair enough with your observation about the Richmond cull and I have no doubt that the coach is in charge of footy matters. I guess I was thinking the 'leaks' if thats what they are, and the innuendo suggest Neeld hasnt yet completly stamped his authority on tbe playing group and the slightly messy way things find their way into the press suggests the back room isnt completely bedded down yet either
  13. He likes to play that card, it makes him feel good to have others think he's a struggler from the burbs. He wouldn't know a football from a hookah pipe.

    . I was more a chillum man myself,I saw Brent Crosswell kick a footy at the G once....thought it was a flying saucer, but I digress...Robbie why dont we just give it away and turn over a new leaf? I enjoy your footy posts and you can just ignore me, I'm not looking for a fight.
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