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Posts posted by IRW

  1. So you think Viney is slow ?

    If you haven't seen him play why comment ? And if you have give up posting.

    . Fair enough I've only seen tv and thats my impression. OK take out my analysis as worthless and it leaves you with yawn how many times has a supporter chat group reckoned there s a saviour coming in the form of one player. Dont know about 'Land but the last one on Ology was Scullgrove and before that Watts. I've seen them play and seen the rebirth they've led. How many games the Clark win for MFC? Take a realism pill before you post again
  2. Ok this is the due diligence thread but......it arises again because of the state of play at MFC .Most everyone appears to have missed the relevant fact in the last few posts which was the statement that player managers wont even enter talks with MFC. I have no doubt this is correct and no doubt that it means Neeld will have an even more difficult job than last year in convincing anyone except a disgruntled player to cross over to MFC. I It's going to be a very long haul back to the 8 let along contention for a flag. . Rather than complaining about the past you should be worried that the Board wont have the knackers to stay the course they embarked on with,or without, due diligence because if Neeld doesnt get 3 years plus an extension(even if its not honoured)then I reckon the club is ' gonski'

  3. Not every player thrives from being smashed on the track.

    In the pre season the story was one of a tailored plan for each player (shock amazement...duh) ,but around here the stock explanation has been punishing pre season,new game plan...... time and time again.

    I'd suggest coaching requires a little more finesse and less generalisation than that.

    I hope Neeld agrees with me and wish the blanket generalistions from supporter could reflect that.

    Chips form (average) and attitude (read confidence) are almost my greatest concerns in this train wreck because...... we have a promising FF,an exciting forward/mid in Howe ,a promising back in Tom Mac(if his disposal improves) a mid in Jones who hasnt peaked yet,and in Chip a potential AA F Back.

    You could almost fill in the spaces around them and build a team

  4. Quite right Jimmy.Most of the obvious suspects are de lists because trades are haarder to acieve than everyone seems to think,especially when the quality is so low.

    I reckon Watts is on shakey ground unfortunately.Sylvia may have saved his job with Beamer seemingly being made the example

    Bail and the likes are at least triers...who do you think might be a 'name' that Bailey might sacrifice?

  5. True but lets see where he actually finishes first , on how many votes and against players who played as many games.

    I dont know about here, but on Ology last year he was voted a runaway winner in the Grinter and then finished well down the list on the real Bluey.

    Actually the thought that Watts and Grinter appear in the same sentence is kinda funny isnt it?

    • Like 1
  6. Personally I didnt notice Chips lack of fitness under the old regime. Actualy I didnt notice it with many of the players though they always looked a little small in comparison to the opposition..

    I did notice Chips uncertainty and lack of enthsiasm this year though,from the very first game, and would suggest that he hasnt taken kindly to the schoolteacher and his approach.

    He'll probably be looking elsewhere in 2014 I reckon....and there will be plenty of takers.

    The second pre season,the new fitness regime and understanding a new game plan arnt at the root of

    transforming the malaise that afflicts this club.

    And its not all Baileys fault either.

    • Like 1
  7. true, but how many of our previous hopes were carving up more disposals than most of our AFL listed players at VFL level at the age of 17?

    A cyncic would suggest that this only means our listed players are even worse, or more dispirited, than ever under the new regime
  8. Are you suggesting that the Bluey is not a prestigious award? Have a look at the list of past winners.

    The point is that it is a good indicator of relative performance.

    If it wasnt for Jones Howe and maybe Grimes,then Clark would win it on 10 games and Bluey from Ology would be runner up
  9. Next year your going to see how a true future star of the game comes in and has an almost instant impact - by round 10 next season Viney will have shown just how poorly some of our previous recruits have faired. mark my words!

    Yawn...how many times have I heard that prophecy on a MFC chat group site.?

    He certainly seems to have the right attitude though,I'll acknowledge that.

    Short,slow and hardly a booming kick

    I'll be waiting to see myself

    • Like 1
  10. I,m glad to see that Watts has stopped that" pathetic one arm out in despair before he falls over pretending to chase tackle",but his stats remain the same....zero tackles

    .At least Fitzy kicked 2 goals, but everyone else was able to lay at least one.

  11. He'd want to get it right, because the ruthless analysis may turn to him next year...

    Thats correct...so far all we that have seen is how bad this team is under its new coach and a manner that implies that he has a steely resolve (cliche intended) to change things.

    If he doesnt have the Board onside then he's 'toast' imo.

    Its taken him a year to find out what he could have been told on Demonology last season. and apparantly lost Moloney in the process.For better or worse, but its line ball .

    Despite what Landers seem to think he's not going to Trade out of trouble because the few,very few,trade optiions worth anything he'll want (have) to keep, and the obvious duds will get no takers.

    His Bate gamble looks ill advised now doesnt it? Probably only Watts is worth anything.

    And contrary to opinions around here its unlikely that a 'free agent' would see a future at MFC,let alone the plural free agents people here talk about.

    I'd suggest Mitch wouldnt be coming if this was the year of his move,even if Neeld is more attractive in negotiations than he appears in televised rev ups (irony intended) and 'pressers.

    About now Tom Scully is thinking....we all resigned,we got rid of Choco,I'm filthy rich. I doged a bullet...as long as Beamer doesnt come here, how good is this?

    I might have googles on but I still cant see what the coach is drinking

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  12. Watts ...just trade him and let him learn 2nd effort at his second club . He started up the ground,thats why he was on screen but I'll wager that it means his possesion count will be down because he wont get his cheap basketball intercept stats .Choco probably thought any gig at any club was better than having to work with Sheedy for another season

    .Sheeds probably thinks not having to work with Williams is pretty good as well.

  13. IRW, I was questioning the factual basis of one claim, not the basis of the entire weight of evidence. He's got great skills and it would be a pity to give him up: if he is not willing to go then he'll be a liabilty if we make a grandfinal.

    yea fair enough and it would be a pity to give up on him. I dont imagine they will this year either unless someone comes knocking(doubtful) or he can clinch an otherwise stalled super deal. But the clock is ticking to the next contract.....one would hope the alarm goes off soon because he's going to have to be very very very skilled to stay on playing like he does at present. It would be easier for him to contest 'ugly' occasionally and see if it works. I figured he was smart enough to get excited by the challenges Neeld would obviously throw at him and perhaps he is and it just hasnt shown yet. If nothing elze he'd be a better front man for the press than the other Jacks.His PR is as smooth as his skills and the club could use them.
  14. Didn't watts play his first game back last week?

    Didn't watts play his first game back last week?

    Sinclair roughed him up before the bounce against Collingwood.Viney had his jaw broken right beside him and went back in to give something back. Jack stood there and watched. While its admirable that he's not a thug you cant be a big bloke taking time to develop and a softy at the same time

    .He's 196 and 91 he should play like it. Johno Brown can wait but Jack should stop strutting Punt Road oval like he's Tarzan until he's ready to play like him on the MCG. The skills arnt the problem.....trade bait for mine

  15. Swap the most frustratingly soft player in the league for the most frustratingly injury prone?

    I thought that was Jared Rivers but he came good even before MFC got the sports science genius Guru Craig and Dave Misson....blah blah...they're all one mis step from serious injury.Even Jack managed to get injured
  16. Great coaches always go bad at their last club and Carlton always knife their coach....its a perfect fit for mine. In the meantime we can enjoy watching Eddie's blood pressure readings as Mick steals all his staff........as long as he he keeps his hands off Neeld's team

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  17. Well Gumbleton would be good for the Dees and Essendon would want more than MFC wanted for Bate wouldnt they?What does Watts actually do beyond look good.....his beautiful set ups never go anywhere because thats all they are ....'beautiful' rather than creative, he picks and chooses his commitment and under pressure he's ordinary. He may turn out to be excellent but its not more likely than Gumbleton being likewise imo... There's the smell of Josh Fraser about Jack,let Hird worry about it

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