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Everything posted by IRW

  1. I figured common sense realised I was talking contemporary times. I forgot where I was for a moment
  2. Yeah that's what I left unsaid. He's not getting the big job again and 2021 is already a distant memory for most footy fans
  3. Actually the Pies " invented " skills speed and dare"( do I get banned for saying that?) That game plan requires skills and speed from the players and a coach who has " dare" ( did our Daisy coin that? ) I assume we all know Goodwin isn't going anywhere until his contract is up( unfortunately imo) but the rest of the footy dept must be looking over their shoulder. Goodwin got a flag and took a job that no one else would take and that even his friends advised him against so, even though he's never impressed me at all, I guess giving him his contract is what the Club owes him. It's not as if he's coaching anywhere else when he finishes Let see what the Club can do with the situation
  4. Surely you arnt saying Goodwin was outclassed? Two weeks ago he was a genius
  5. I wish they could get him in a trade but it would probably turn out that they couldn't fit him in with the players already on the list and he'd move to Sydney after one season at Casey
  6. It was cold and I went to Deadpool Wolverine at the the Imax with 3d glasses. I thing footy tv coverage with 3d glasses would be a wise AFL innovation rather than " gather round " rubbish and facile attempts to construct genuine Club rivalries. Btw The tribunal would have had its hands full after Deadpool..
  7. That was when ..how did someone put it a few weeks back? "The Doggies are our bunnies" Hilarious This team has no "bunnies" I still think the Dogs in the finals are like Ivan Lendl at Wimbledon but suspect another team will get to be Pat Cash this year Possibly the Hawks, but let's pick " best " available this week ,while a slim chance remains of finals redemption
  8. Every Club has to balance the same issues. How they do it is part of their job , not an escape clause A good Club, with an attractive enviroment ( read clubhouse/ base) and a coach players want to work with and learn from can be confident of managing payments and contract length in a way that gives the recruiters flexibility . I'd wager that there arnt many duds in footy departments and drafting operations but some are well ahead of the mean.
  9. 100 games for just over 100 goals and one speccy. His pressure acts are at least 50% running after the full back kicking in which is predictable pressure. Memorable 1% ers are the block that allowed Tracs" Daicos" goal in the grandfinal ..that was elite 1% even if it was about the only thing he did on the day
  10. He's certainly got a lot of room to improve.
  11. Mat is a metre or two behind every week these days. If he wasn't so good he'd be finished. Old father time has brought a kit bag full of niggles
  12. That bodes well given his last one was called Milkshake
  13. "Coaches favourite " he'll be ok
  14. Typo " spud"
  15. Had to bring someone in to cover for that spider they got from the Pies
  16. I don't think he really cares
  17. I didn't mention the commentator's
  18. You don't think it's relevant? Let's wait until next week.
  19. If he was a Melbourne player the fans would be loving it and saying he was being targeted
  20. Surely everyone will put Kossi's The first in 20 attempts as Melksham said
  21. Probably he can walk the talk and don't argue with the critics. He may mature and get a lot better don't you think?
  22. Good points until you mentioned who they were up against
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