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Wells 11

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Everything posted by Wells 11

  1. Unless his primary motive is to win a flag , and the opportunities that being a premiership player may bring him.
  2. Agreed. Outside of us with the red and blue hearts, articles saying Melbourne were brilliant again just isn’t an interesting story any more. It’s old news. Happy to win another flag with accolades going to teams getting within 6 goals of us.
  3. Good, thoughtful post. I suppose it was traumatic to be a dee in his period. I mean there were plenty of lows before him but that was the lowest era of all of them. But its also good to remember he was a human too. I’ve been considering more recently that he bought in taylor directly and then inadvertently Jackson and Roos. So in fact , without Neeld there’s no flag. So yes… time i put the sword down.
  4. SO glad we don’t do cairns anymore! Players looked knackered. Be intersting to see if both teams fall away next week.
  5. Is this yr opinion or something you know of? I was hoping this might happen to keep these two around.
  6. well, looking for some positives here if it’s a bigger outbreak. Dunstan will get a decent look at things and hopefully feel more at home , and Bedford can get off the pine at last . Other players who maybe thought they may not get a game this year could also be exposed. Good fr the longer term… but not great fr Saturday is it. Crap way fr the winning record to be broken if it is .
  7. In a way it’s not a bad thing for a few players coach etc to be going down through the season. Worst result would be an outbreak pre or during finals . That being said .. get well soon. Good luck to yze.
  8. A good story for me to hear. I was at the 88 GF and for ALL of the last qtr some big loud ugly hawk supporter next to me was spouting hate fr the dees and directing some of it at me. It’s an enduring memory as the game itself was fully crap enough. I thought at the time, and since, why waste the joy of winning a flag by being such a [censored] head? Good to know there are some decent hawks around. But i’ll still extra enjoy thrashing them if we do.
  9. Amazing to think last year when Tomlinson went down ( who was having an almost AA start to the year) we replaced him with Petty who made us better. Then when hunt went down, who was also having a great season, we bring in Bowey who made us virtually bullet proof. A golden era on all counts .
  10. ok.. it’s simple. you’re banned from attending :-)
  11. Tbh I thought they were pretty consistent across the 4 qtrs. Kick even half straight and the game would have felt v diffferent
  12. gonna have to win this ugly. can’t remember a game .. ever…where we’ve blown so many easy chances. start well and we can put it to bed.
  13. some of the misses have been beyond terrible. Nibbler, kozzie, spargo , gawn all super easy shots.
  14. well put. It’s so obvious now it’s genuinely embarrassing for the AFL … or it should be. That the dogs must train for it is clearly obvious now. while I hate it I can’t help but feel if it’s allowed then maybe we should too? they’ve literally hit another player on the ground when yr plus 14 or 15 kicks. But there’s more to it as well isnt there… as you pointed out. It doesn’t explain why so many frees are missed to opposition teams v the dogs. Its like the umps WANT to give the dogs free kicks. 2 blatant mark infringement 50’s against Weightman let go, 2 really iffy “ unrealistic attempts” given to them. It’s spoiling the game.
  15. “unrealistic attempt” … 2x horrible decisions. we should make that an umpiring award when they try to be impartial v the dogs !
  16. It’s really frikn hard to watch the consistently out of whack umpiring fr the dogs. wtaf is going on.
  17. That bit is okayish. Seems a long way behind schedule which is annoying and it’s better we have our ground to train on. More settled. But we’re winning so it doesn’t feel too bad. Im more hanging out for an announcement that we have a home base. Rightly or wrongly seems like if we can’t tick that box when our relevance is peaking it may never happen.
  18. yes… we still most def do :-)
  19. I’ve always seen Dunstan as inside. Think he’s as good as we’ve got to try and replace Viney.
  20. yep, but It’s such a nothing club … and he’s also a bit responsible fr that. In how they play and who they are.
  21. i’m with you on this. They’re going deep into sept imo.
  22. king kicked 1.6 they should have won by 6-7 goals. I reckon they’re ok the saints.
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