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Everything posted by Blinkybill

  1. Speaks volumes about our culture. I’m certain attendance wasn’t compulsory, yet less than 24 hours after a bruising game they turned up on a cold wintery day.
  2. I hope Vince is under consideration for next week. I think he is still in our best 22.
  3. This is a joke, right?
  4. Really? I get the passion, but I hope most act with a touch of class.
  5. A bit of civility wouldn’t go astray. Kennett aside I have nothing against the Hawks. If we go out, this is the team I would hope to win. Purely hypothetically of course.
  6. Two things I’m sick of hearing: 1. The last game we played the Hawks. It was bloody 5 months ago. Countries reunite in a shorter time. 2. Clarkson. He’s not going to pull on the boots and I think Goody has him covered in the ciache’s box. Dees by 35.
  7. Not a dilemma, but the day after the GF I will be heading to Nepal. I will either be walking on clouds, or preparing to.
  8. How long before the highlights become available?
  9. Absolutely agreed. I thought with no AFL all VFL finals would be televised.
  10. Can this year get better???? Bloody oath it can Well done Max
  11. Hey, as a kid I never had a “proper” jumper. ? Even as an adult, when I was a Fitzroy supporter my wife knitted me a scarf with three different shades of blue (she refused to waste wool). I wore it with pride.
  12. To me it looked like one mum would make a kid when she couldn’t afford to buy a proper one.
  13. I really like Grimes. I saw him grow up as a junior footballer, and he has courage to burn. But he is a terrible kick and has his fair share of changers. Jetta would have been a better pick.
  14. The start won the game. That intensity against anyone will win.
  15. Umpires are insisting on being ridiculously wrong in such an inconsequential match.
  16. Now that was the worst passage of play this year.
  17. I don’t think lazy football is good preparation for what is ahead of us. I expect an increase in intensity (and accurate kicking) in the second half.
  18. I just hope Pert respects the hard working staff and doesn’t try to restructure and/or bring in a bunch of mates. PJ has done a great job developing his team.
  19. Probably a bit off topic, but the language of recruitment is obtuse. Anyone who can manage a computer generated resume can be a “candidate”. Even being on a “short list” is not necessarily a big deal. I once found myself on a short list and was asked to attend an interview for a very senior job I didn’t apply for and wouldn’t take as it was in a different city. There would no doubt have been internal candidates, and good ones at that. How close they got is anyone’s guess, and journos aren’t that good at guessing.
  20. Correct. And Richmond is the other hipster team of choice. We need to target this demographic aggressively or be left behind. Thankfully we have good marketing staff in the club.
  21. Dwelling on the past, as this post seems to do, is not going to win new members. The club needs to show a vision which appeals to the massive number of young inner urban dwellers with no or weak alliegences.
  22. No, not at all. I was a Fitzroy supporter back in the Roos and Pert days (and Osborne, Conlan etc etc, what a ride). I met him several times when he was playing and afterwards. A very impressive human being. He has the background and the skills. He upset some Collingwood staff? Show me a manager who hasn’t upset anyone, and I’ll show you a time serving slug. I wish him well, but one person, even the CEO, can’t run a club, and I hope he can keep supporters, sponsors, staff and other stakeholders united and following the dream.
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