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Everything posted by dpositive

  1. Maybe waiting for Richmond to relocate to Tassie so space opens up in the MCG precinct. Richmond (Tassie) tigers obvious rebrand to leverage off the new home in North Hobart (Richmond). Did I see they ate opening the season there????
  2. There should be a team aim for Ben Brown to kick the ton.
  3. Lets hope the coaches can get the team to make Brown our next phenomenal forward. If he can get 100 ( and his records of 70+ at northwould indicate he could) we would be well on the way to success. Other forwards will pick up goals around him if we make him our focus. Not BHAG but 100 for Brown should be our aim.
  4. Should have added I appreciate the insight and the conjecture. Helps informed comments so please keep it coming.
  5. There's some great research here and a lot of assumption and projection. Also plenty of passion displayed . Congratulations and thanks to all who have contributed. i still think it's a early to predict and want to see the whole list advance and be capable of playing in the best 22 Fillng a role and matching up to the opposition and beating them no matter what attributes they bring.
  6. You make a good point. Melbourne was rarely televised and we would see Robbie do things that other players were praised for every match. We often did not even have highlights from the match and when there wereselected images they involved the controversial or the final score shot. Robbie only ever got recognised in the state games where bigger numbers of spectators and viewers saw him play. Still can't understand why he didn't win a Brownlow, he was clearly equal to or better than a lot of winners. Perhaps he set the bar so high for himself that the umpires overlooked his ordinary brilliance and only gave him recognition when he was exceptionally brilliant.
  7. ThanksGotO Does diminish my comments on the credibility but don't step back from other comments. Still relevant I think.
  8. Ive seen some of your comments before L and usually find you quite rational and with good insight so I am really hoping you are wrong with this. Again you are right about our current ladder and we will be on our knees if still bottom four by round 6 so I hope that any mess can be better handled than our past has shown. Board disharmony is not necessarily a bad thing if it comprises healthy debate and full and open discussion of a range of alternatives . It is important to then agree on direction and unite so hopefully that can be achieved. I think all clubs, will post losses this year but again it is coming out of this that is important and their is plenty of govt support now being distributed. That is where I feel Port Melbourne options have great potential for govt support. The area has been identified by both parties and private sector as ready for development, with all the advantages that greenfield sites offer.However Casey obviously has existing population and community value so cannot be ignored. I think that with our current list and their obvious potential we must have a good season and then our supporter base will grow and the economic stimulus become more manageable. There is no doubt we need sustained success to really grow our club and become the power that Melbourne Football Club should be. The coach must get this right and get this group up and running and they can then win the next 4 flags GO DEES
  9. Wasn't icing up and icebaths meant to improve blood flow and ask bruising, help repair. Stretching definitely overworked but I recall Hawthorn at their peak and ntroduced passive stretching before during and after games. Nothing quick and brutal which they did on the field. i always liked to warm up for tennis and squash but find now that if I warm up to much that m buggered by the time the Mach starts. A few stretches to see what hurts and a bit of movement to avoid too much pain is now the go. Every one is different I guess.
  10. Could have added that those" in the know" may be subject to insider trading or conflict of interest regulation. So I assume none of that went on so ROI decisions would be applied.
  11. I think a govt process allows for compulsory acquisition, with values set by independent body. I think that also follows set negotiation processes. As DJ I think said there is still some commercial areas which might be conducive to alternative relocation exchange etc. Should have been a consideration in phase 1 of the process I'd imagine
  12. Thanks NC Had not seen that articulated. Was there any detail of the initial phase analysis of options? Was Port Melbourne included in that? 4 year process probably not too long for a substantial development, but it would be good to see the announcement and that the preferred site was in fact The site. Until then I restrain my excitement as it still doesn't look any more real.
  13. Perhaps with govt support some of the land bankers can be redefined.
  14. Not just as "good as any" better than most.
  15. It will be how we play each quarter, each game, and every final. The mental approach to training and the ntensity learned and applied. We should also use our full squad to match up opponents, and rest players to rejuvenate while sacrificing players if necessary to win. We should win the flag with this list and i will only accept being beaten by sides who just beat us in hard fought games where we are absolutely spent in competing. If we continue to have umpiring decisions affecting our game we must make representation to the appropriate body. Players must be protected and allowed to play with confidence iif playing the ball.
  16. The evasion and ability to break tackles and blind turns were what made him remain so strong in the memory, and the log runs around the wing and flanks. I had not even considered how many of his goals were long kicks, many on this selection from the centre square line. He often collected and gave to a teammate with a short kick or handpass an kept attacking, running forward to receive or assist. He was incredible and earned the most memorable line from a Doggies supporter that "the trouble with Robbie Flower is that he can't kick it to Robbie Flower".
  17. Our most important players is dependent on the opponent we are playing. We need to se the whole squad to win each week.
  18. If you have a look around there's plenty of existing green space and maybe a bit of redundant industrial space. im sure you could get it if you really want, as the song goes , if you try try try you'll succeed at last!
  19. Ross is the ideal place to locate a truly Tasmanian team. Historically Ross was the location of the troops who were placed there to attend to needs of nNorthern settlers and Sothern convicts. Two cultures that still exist to divide their internal leagues etc. and allow both Hawks And Roos to gain support. Get the Tassie industries to support this central location to provide access to their attractive tourism offerings a showroom built around a sports ground with attractions to get their locals to travel a small difference through their own communities and it could really fly. Theres plenty of room around Ross and I think it's in a bit of a rain shadow so has a mild climate.
  20. I felt the same logic when viewing the precinct. It's why I was surprised when I got lost in Port Melbourne , which coincided with a search for the Ron Barassi oval. That facility does exist and Port Melbourne which wears the red and blue colours is rich with the history of the game which the Melbourne Football Club represents. we could do worse than look closely at some of the sites in that now reclaimed area. A joint entertainment community facility would not be out of place in a rejuvenated area, the government may even be persuaded to support such an initiative more generously.
  21. Fritta always seemed to be in the wrong pocket when kicking for goal. Not sure if that was coaching placement or his tracking movement. I recall he was accurate initially and only noticed his positioning when the inaccuracy increased . Brown may have a highlight reel where he runs a little straighter and to the correct pocket for his natural kick.
  22. If it's work that needs doing it needs to be paid for.
  23. Take a similar relaxed walk around the Port Melbourne precincts. There's plenty of options there.Abike ride or drive around by car can widen the experience, it's a pretty large area
  24. I hope that Jones does earn his spot as you suggest. It is important that he reaches the 300 game milestone a significant record, and an indication to upcoming players that there are long term rewards for players who give their all every game. I would not be opposed to him being named and suffering a late injury and being replaced athe last minute by an emergency which I believe still counts as a game. That said there is no doubt Jones should be able to be included for 6 games against appropriate opposition. I am sure his teammates would welcome playing with the legend and adding more wins to his record. It would be unfortunate if Jones who has certainly put his body on the line when our team was uncompetitive was unable to enjoy the success that the current group are capable of. While he has had limited abilities compared to other giants of the game Jones has towered above many for his endurance and loyalty. His endeavour could never be questioned and he has a legacy of individual highlights that many will never match. Jones has been a very worthy member of the Melbourne football club.Lets celebrate with him
  25. I should say that the "valued at" is the cost foregone when the house is filled.. We often get couples from NSWmeeting someone from Melbourne While offered to 2 can probably negotiate for a family of demons.
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