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Everything posted by olisik

  1. Just showed why he is with his token out on the foul when kicking down the line
  2. Won't be happy if Grimes comes in. Tells the world all you need to do if you want you want to play a game is talk about jumping ship
  3. He should be encouraging his brother to move to Melbourne
  4. Just got some shorts from Jacks side business. Great quality shorts and it even came with a signed picture of himself. Get on it guys! Skwosh!
  5. As grey as it gets. Community needs to focus on helping victims of domestic violence and not journo comments to each other. What was said I do not condone however publicly bullying Eddie about it I also don't condone. Mens health is as important as domestic violence.
  6. I have, hence why I don't see why all the heat is directed one way.
  7. Just to be clear It was Tony Shaw who said he would her head under water, not Eddie.
  8. I get that some people are jumping to conclusions somewhere on his intended meaning at that time in that place and that it may link to one thing which potentially could link to another however I feel that it is to grey to go hand in hand with the accusations and media coverage portrayed on this. Is it an important issue? I think so Is the scrutiny Eddie is getting fair? I don't think so. Mens health is also a big issue and the way people are getting stuck into Eddie I feel is its own form of bullying. Just read through this thread at what some posters have been calling him and tell me that it is no worse then what he said.
  9. Then report on direct incidents of that. Not when a journalist cries poor over being given a nickname.
  10. My generation sees black widow as an awesome Marvel superhero...so why are people coming to the conclusion that he meant the old meaning and not the new one? Sam Newman calls Billy Brownless 'Fat' on TV every Thursday night. Why isn't that front page news?
  11. The commotion is. People are dying in the world yet caro being called black widow makes front page news.
  12. Also an awesome super hero, just like the Hulk.... so calling her black widow is sexist but her calling Hogan the Hulk isn't? Double standards much? Its a nickname, many people have them. Hell even Watts even referred to Petracca as the Beast. Imagine he referred to Caroline as that.
  13. How is black widow a sexist term? How does it differ to calling Hogan the Hulk or Stringer the Package?
  14. I have heard people say much worse about Turnball and Shorten this election campaign. Heard a woman yesterday say that Shorten should go and jump off a cliff. No one was having a go at her about being sexist. Needs to be a two way street and I see in no way how what Eddie said was sexist.
  15. Your definition seems to imply that they forced her to do something. What did they force Caroline to do? and how does Eddie have superior strength?
  16. Bully - a person who uses strength or influence to harm or intimidate those who are weaker. Please tell me why Caroline Wilson is cosidered 'weaker'?
  17. Well whoever is the one who cried foul is the one who made it about sex. its damned if you do and damned if you don't. If the guys on the footy show didn't banter with Bec Madden they would also be called sexist for excluding her from it.
  18. I am too lazy to go through 10 pages on something which has blown out of proportion unnesarily however I agree with your stance on this. It was simple banter that had nothing to do with sex until Caro cried poor and made it about Sex.
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