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Young Blood

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Everything posted by Young Blood

  1. Yeah I couldn't tell if he meant playing or just in consideration for selection....
  2. We must have the most unanimated, least interesting coach when he talks to the media. I keep hearing he is more animated off camera but boy he really gives you nothing. Not that I'm complaining. I'd rather a coach who sticks to the script then one who whinges and gives constant excuses like some.
  3. I'll happily join you. You rest a player when he is looking tired or down on form. Max is neither of those. He is in cracking form and trained himself up perfectly at the start of the year for the very aim of getting through a whole season and playing effectively.
  4. Yeah why are we talking about De Goey? He's not an outside mid. He's more an inside mid/forward. We're currently developing one of those, his name is Christian Petracca and its taking a bit more time but he clearly has the tools to be a De Goey type. He is our X factor along with Viney. You outlined Gaff's strengths perfectly which I agree with and is exactly what we need! but I disagree that he hasn't performed well in finals. Wait he did have an average game against Carlton during his first season in 2011.....
  5. Well if you're after De Goey he just re-signed there so feel free to change into the black and white. I'll happily hold onto Brayshaw. He's not quick but he runs all day. He had an average game on the weekend. But he uses the ball well and generally makes the right decision. Kid is 22 and the game has already slowed down for him. He has time and space with ball in hand and doesn't panic when tackled. I think he is a future Pendlebury type.
  6. Fair enough we differ on opinion of his form at VFL level. I do think it was tough bringing in another 19 yr old KPD player. Like I said in another post its easier for someone like Spargo who can get involved in and around the contest with tackling and getting his hands on the ball to build confidence. Due to our lack of pressure poor Harry was left in really vulnerable positions one on one. Like Oscar if our midfield applies the pressure it makes it a lot easier for KPD's to impact the contest. I also agree that the combination of J.Smith/Omac and Petty are just too inexperienced when the game is of high pressure or going against us dramatically. As Vince noted after the game the justification was more that the team needed more height for this contest and Vince admitted he had been down on form. Not that I agreed with this justification but its where the FD justified a 200 plus gamer being dropped for a debutante.
  7. Is that because you watched his games at VFL or are you just assuming? Do you think he got the call up because he was tall? The three or four games I went to I thought we was terrific reader of the ball, getting himself in good positions to mark and performed consistently in one on one contests.
  8. You're right I don't think its our no.1 priority to have another KPD. Oscar has developed well and will continue to do so if our midfield apply the right amount of pressure. With Lever we had a really good balance in our backline. We have developing KPD in Petty and Keilty of which I think at least one will be serviceable in the next year or so.
  9. Jake lever isn't a KPD?? Gee if he's not then we're in trouble. Yes he plays predominately loose in the backline but he will also still lineup against the oppositions second tall and play one on one (which we know needs work). Much like Rance he will peel off and help out at the contest.
  10. Wow suggestions for Hogan to move back. I really don't think we're that desperate yet. I thought Hogan flew for the ball well on the weekend. Kicking to him was very average. Whats this Rusy Nails mentions about Hogan prefering to play behind like a defender? I thought the problem highlighted was that he was playing too much in front watching the ball go overhead and crumbing instead of flying for it...... So confused by some posts on here. Hogan worked his way into the game in the last half/quarter on the weekend. The opposition know to load extra players behind the ball and always have two flying against him when he goes for contested marks. This is why he needs to continue presenting up the ground and making oppositions defense switch or change there structures meaning he can drift back forward for clearer space to lead into. Jesse will be fine if we can get our forward structure right.
  11. And we wonder why our backline look so disorganized........
  12. I agree with you regarding over umpiring in game play, but I would have thought calling out cheap shots behind play or when play has stopped would benefit more as players will be less likely to continue the nastier ones like gut punches. I think the majority of players who niggle aren't too bothered knowing they're just going to cop a fine during the weeks if they give a cheap one to effect a players ability physically and psychologically as long as they don't give a free kick. I think its one of very few good reasons to add the extra umpires to stomp out the dirtier things that happen behind play and make players pay at the time of incident.
  13. I think a fine is what it deserved. Players are shoving chests every game and Steele went a bit low and caught Clarry by surprise. Low impact blah blah move on. I am more interested in the fact that it was the easiest free kick for the umpires to call all day. Hits before the bounce like that are called often. The umpire at the centre bounce had his back turned but there were at least two other field umpires watching what occured. I watched them sort of flinch and then relax as the umpire bounced the ball but it felt like more then enough time. I'd like cheap hits before the bounce in the centre to be something umpires look at. Maybe it can be rule of the week.
  14. I'm going to be beat down on here but I thought while he had a extremely average first half I thought Dom showed poise with ball in hand and was one of very few who got us back in the game with his ball use, he didn't blaze away he moved with confidence and made good decisions. No idea if that means he gets another chance this week. Just saying...
  15. I don't think Pederson has had enough time down back to prove himself. I think he would go OK if he were to play on a lead up player who spends more time as a high forward. But he just didn't show much on the weekend for Casey. A work in Progress. Nice to have the luxury of trying him down back with us having a couple of developing forwards to choose from in Weids and T. Smith I liked Keilty's game on the weekend thought he was really steady and took marks playing with confidence overall. But I imagine Petty has been doing the same and unless our midfield put more pressure on the opposition then both are going to be very vulnerable when the ball enters the backline.
  16. AgreedI personally was worried about adding him but obviously the FD were confident in him so there you go.. I'm split on whether to play Harry again. I guess it will depend on matchups. I don't mind the idea of backing him in and putting last weeks game behind him but also happy to give Keilty a go who has been super solid. Anyone know where Josh Wagner is up to? I thought he was decent for the first few games of the year and seemed to be edged out due to midfielders and forwards coming in/shifting things around. He competes well in the air for his size and give you another good user of the ball in the back half when he plays with confidence.
  17. I think its incredibly difficult for a 19yr old to come in as a key backman lining up against oppositions key forwards. It's a lot easier for young midfielders or non key position players who can get their hand on the football or tackle more due to being around stoppages and more contests overall (ie.Spargo). It's hard to understand that he was filling Lever's role as he was pretty much in a one on one contest the whole game. Poor kid was in really venerable positions all afternoon due to St Kilda's run and carry through the corridor opening up the game.
  18. I think Keilty deserves a go if we need to go tall again. From reports he's been pretty good all year and he was super steady in the game on the weekend. He was marking with ease and played with real confidence knowing when to compete in the air. I think the Lever injury has greatly upset the balance of our backline overall and its showing not only in unconfident team selection and on field we look far less organised.
  19. I agree. Not sure if it was that he wasn't timing his runs properly or just poor forward entries (probably both) but if he is out of position I'd still like to see him trying to impact the contest. Whether bodying up someone or drifting across the marking contest as suggested by Cam Mooney.
  20. Gain confidence from playing weaker sides? Yes and also played well against quality sides like Tigers, North and to a lesser extent Crows. Never mentioned Petracca's confidence but I agree thats one thing he never lacks which is great. But Jesse not flying for marks and waiting for the crumb doesn't seem like a particularly confident player in those moments by his standards. Jesse is prone to beating himself up and putting unnecessary pressure on himself. I could be wrong.
  21. The FD won't even consider dropping him. He kicked 10 goals in two games then had a bad two weeks (happens to young key forwards often). It's clear where he needs to improve. Get some confidence up playing some weaker sides at AFL level to get himself ready for the last tough games.
  22. We have competed with the best. There is strong evidence. We performed really well in three quarters against Geelong, Richmond and Port putting ourselves in positions to win those games. I thought we were really unlucky against Port with a few things not going our way in the last quarter (injuries/bad calls in crucial moments). I definitely think this team has competed with the best and has put them selves in line to beat the better teams. The small sample this season is enough proof I think. This team is in no way polished or settled. There's still so much room to improve which is exciting as a supporter. The areas in which we need to improve are clear and in front of us.
  23. Pretty good analysis and suggestions to get himself more involved.
  24. I agree with others Billy Stretch hasn't performed well consistently at the higher level. Billy had a solid start to last season. His form since then hasn't been inconsistent in the seniors. He's 21 and only now starting to build a better frame for AFL. Clearly he drives standards in our young players in training and has a lot to offer there. I think we saw the FD persevere with playing him more the first few years due to Roos wanting to get AFL games into young players wherever possible while we were building. I think its now a deeper team and the opportunities aren't as easy for Billy. I truly believe he has the ability to be best 22 as he matures. I feel he's the type of player who could build into a really reliable player who doesn't star but you know what you get from him every week playing on a wing or HB/HF.
  25. I don't know if Lewis is god. But he is pretty great with the ball when he has time and space yes.
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