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Posts posted by Undeeterred

  1. Worse was it was made aware Jack's grandfather I believe died last Sunday before the game, and this week they wore black armbands for that reason. MFC didn't tell the reason behind it because they didn't want to have Jack have to face the questions about whether his game was off because of it etc etc.

    Than to be boo'ed of by your own supporters on the night where you've tried to pay respects to your grandfather would really be a dagger in his heart.

    I thought the effort was insipid but you draw a line.. I actually think booing the collective isn't too bad, but when you boo a player coming to the bench or slap when they've been subbed off... How can you be angry when players leave our club.. i would too.

    We forget sometimes that the players are people too... When you're going to boo them, remember that a lot of them are 20odd year old kids having a crack. It is humiliating enough getting smashed every week, without being booed on national TV into the bargain.

    What on earth does that acheive except making them feel worse about it all?

  2. Sat next to him a cafe this morning and, because I've not seen him up close before, I was actually surprised at how slight he is. For someone that young and, really, that small, to be playing like that in a debut match puts most of the rest of the list to shame. In answer to the question, it is a positive that he is having a crack.

  3. Haven't got any funnier.

    Actually going to block at least you Biffen i think. You ruin this site IMO.

    See ya at the footy.

    And you're defining irony by other people's posts... I'd look closer to home mate.

  4. Wow

    Like the MFC tanking claim

    I wpould like to see a presumption of innocence and evidence supporting claims to be fully and transparently made to allow the innocence to be detailed.

    I would not want to discredit all players allthe club and all supporters with an unfounded unsupported claim.

    I would also like to see the claim and the response hanled in a quick time so that innocence or guilt can be pronounced and the club etc can get on with normal operations.

    Yeah, cos all of that is exactly what we got....


  5. As an American all this tanking stuff is just weird to me. This season, I saw the first punishment handed out in American sports that I can remember for tanking. The San Antonio Spurs in the NBA were fined for resting their starters in two games. The fine? $250,000. Then, the story was dropped. There have been multiple instances of teams tanking in American sports but nothing big is really made of it here. It just happens sometimes. About 10 years ago, once again in the NBA the Boston Celtics (very solid and good team) were playing the Charlotte Bobcats. (amazingly horrible team. Think Port Adelaide, but maybe worse.) Anyway, at the end of the third quarter the Celts had like a 15 point lead or something. They ended up losing by eight. It is probably the clearest example of tanking I can think of (and IMO kind of impressive that they could screw up that badly).

    It's just weird to me that the media in Australia is blowing this entire thing out of proportion.

    That fine was ridiculous - resting those players was pure list management. The Spurs are one of the oldest teams in the league, and they had 4 games in 5 days. The bigger problem was that they rested their stars against Miami, which would be kind of like Collingwood resting Thomas, Swan, Pendlebury and Cloke on Anzac Day. It destroyed the TV revenue stream for that game.

    I'm not sure that was really tanking in its pure form.

    • Like 1
  6. This might sound strange, but I really feel for the guy. He's the first player from his civilization, which is borderline ancient, to play AFL and he's tried to combine two alien worlds. He was lauded as a tribal leader on "men's business", but at the same time was beholden to his own tribal laws (moreso), which in part is why he's in the mess he's in, as laws such as payback for an initiated man mean much more than our "modern laws" and civil expectations. It's impossible to judge Jurrah from the cornerstone of the lives we lead.

    It's too complex for me, but I feel compelled not to judge a guy whose world has caved in around him. And as much as most will lay the blame at his feet, he's in unusual circumstances and much of it has been out of his control. I expect arguments on the last sentence and I'm usually the first to state that every man is the architect of his own destiny, but I readily accept that Jurrah's circumstances can't be understood by 99% of those reading this forum.

    Talking complete sense, as usual.

  7. Mate, this is crazy talk. What is happening in the papers at the moment has absolutely nothing to do with how smoothly or otherwise the club is currently running. It is the outcome of events which happened years ago.

    In fact, to counter your argument, I'd say the way this has been handled by the club shows that it is running incredibly smoothly, compared to previous times.

    Simple Simon could see the clubs not running smoothly, the question i pose to you is, are you Simon. FFS.

    What about whats happening now, you know the good news in the papers everyday, the glowing endorsements from the Age and Sun, you would have to be a twit to think this clubs running smoothly, were the laughing stock of Victoria, and the buck stops with the CEO who im tipping wont have a job in 3 months time.

    • Like 4
  8. I don't see that at all. This is an article by a supporter but it SHOULD be an article by a staff reporter to put up a contrary view rather than the 'conga line of suck holes'* we have ATM lining up to kick us.

    *Copyright to PJK

    Well, yes, but in some senses it doesn't matter where the article comes from. What matters is the editorial direction the paper is taking, and no matter who wrote this, if they weren't looking to push this view, they wouldn't publish it.

  9. yes, but it would have been better if it had been said by a non-demon fan

    but this at least got some of those issues out into the open

    Sure, but do you reckon they would have published it while Caroline Wilson was on the attack? Not in a million years.

    The fact that they have published shows a complete U-turn, regardless of the perspective from which it was written. In fact, I think it comes across as very balanced and reasonable, given it was written by a supporter.

  10. I am shocked to know there are Demon supporters on here who are prepared to ROLL OVER & accept an AFL Punishment considering the evidence they have thrown at us (Via the Media of course)

    If the MFC rolls over to these charges thus becoming the AFL Lap dog for the future, the MFC is really not worth supporting.

    Do we think strongly we the MFC can defeat these charges?.........Yep.

    We must fight this for as long as it takes...win respect of the population (potential members)

    Yes it may cost us $$$ to begin with but a bigger membership will pay for that.

    To Roll over to this garbage is to slowly die...

    FIGHT THE POWER....great song btw.

    You've been all for us 'copping our whack' for ages!

    • Like 1
  11. I reckon if you read through this thread you'd find there are more posts attacking other posters than there are discussing and defending the club and I fully expect to get attacked for posting this.

    The off season, it seems, is used to get all your paybacks in order.

    Who needs a whole off season when it is Jose attacking you. You generally only need to wait a couple of days.

  12. Skimmed over sections of the thread, but didn't notice anyone comment on this:


    The article on Bailey's defence mentions MFC's legal counsel

    Strangely no mention of the Fink.

    Probably such a laydown misere that we don't deem it necessary to retain his services...

    Two in one day, Jose.

    Finkelstein is a barrister. They are the ones in the wigs who go to Court.

    ABL are solicitors.

  13. I imagine there has been some collusion between the 2 legal parties in some way.

    Not being involved in the legal profession, I'm sure this sort of thing is probably against a code of ethics, but I'm sure it also happens in practice on the odd occasion.

    You probably shouldn't make statements like this if you are going to accuse other posters of making posts that are 'riddled with errors'.

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